RE: '14 Days of Hell' (Full Version)

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zion -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/25/2013 17:34:19)

Did they say exactly when it ends?
At least there should be no surprises...

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/25/2013 17:50:07)

Yes, you can check on twitter ^^.

Blaze The Aion Ender -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/25/2013 19:00:15)

I think it should be organized
Next time, hopefully it won't be judged by who is the most active, but by who is the most skilled
Preferably after they balance the hell outta this game

The Astral Fury -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/25/2013 19:49:59)

It would be interesting if they implemented a feature where not only do you gain 5 points when you win but lose 5 points when your defeated.

Clutch -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/25/2013 19:53:57)

It's more like 6 days of hell for me :P. I'm travelling all next week so I'll be missing a week of the tournament. Hopefully I'll still be on when I return :D

Mother1 -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/25/2013 19:58:47)

@ astral

With the way massive bugs and lag no just no. I literally had a match where I lost 2 turns as well as everyone else playing. I would rather not lose points because the game is cheating me and my opponents out of our turns causing us people to lose or win unfairly.

Giras Wolfe -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/25/2013 21:43:14)

Practel is right. If you think the tournament is physical torture just give up. Its just a cheevo and pallate swap on a yeti. No big deal. Don't fail any of your classes for it or lose your job.

The Astral Fury -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/25/2013 22:08:34)

Mother1@ I understand just pointing out a feature that would be interesting to see Im not actually sugguesting or wanting it to be implemented just a thought that could be cool to have. [:D]

Exploding Penguin -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/25/2013 22:52:03)

Is the golden yeti is just a recolor of the baby yeti, or does it have its own special properties?

Anyways, I'm supposing the tournament is still ending in 2 weeks... I'd hardly call this a tournament, more like a short-term competition as it there is literally no measure of skill and only of play time.

Drianx -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 2:57:22)


Next time, hopefully it won't be judged by who is the most active, but by who is the most skilled
Preferably after they balance the hell outta this game

We both know when this will happen...


Is the golden yeti is just a recolor of the baby yeti, or does it have its own special properties?

If it will have unique skills, then I'm pretty sure this has been the last tournament people have ever paid for joining.


I'd hardly call this a tournament, more like a short-term competition as it there is literally no measure of skill and only of play time.

A real tournament ahould have had:
- groups of players
- qualifications
- playoffs
- deathmatches

comicalbike -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 4:00:42)

any one beat my record so far
28 missed turns and still counting
29 now

Vagaran -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 7:38:11)

Oh wow, some of those on the top of the G.Y.T LB are support needs to be nerfed, this is a slaughterfield with those abusers...

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 8:06:09)

^ Some?
Basically everyone in the top 20 -.-

comicalbike -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 8:16:40)

i cant post what i think about this game at the moment i just cannot under stand how the game got this bad, they alter the game ok then they test the game ok then we get this and still not any of it fixed

Mother1 -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 8:59:25)

Some? Try most. But then again this is human nature they want to win and right now they see support abuse as the key to getting what they want.

Vagaran -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 9:05:44)

I was doing fine as a BM but recently the support abusers has grown in group -_- So now I've succumbed to the dark side and is support abusing .-. It's just literally impossible to win when your opponent deals 60+ with Aux and Auxillary strike. Especially now with lesser HP than during Delta. IMO the Tournament should been held AFTER the balance was somewhat perfect.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 11:09:18)

Yea, out of the top 100 on the leaderboard, it's pretty much TM support, merc/TLM support, and TM caster.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 11:13:31)

^its not really players fault... Whatever build provides win, they all follow that, and Y.T needs high time wins ...

You cant expect everyone to use 5 focus build you know ...

Mother1 -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 11:18:44)

@ exploding

I can agree with this. Since support now just about grantee's you to go first it is being abused with little worry about defenses, and the caster builds I see are either counter builds for support Mercs (The dex casters) or are the quick kill builds.

I had to switch my hybrid focus build over to support having a slight lead just so I can compete.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 11:19:06)

I was really disappointed back in late delta when pretty much half of all level 35s were focus builds. It's a build concept GIVEN by the staff to the players, and thus lacks true creativity, particularly when you get newer players who solely copy the build. Most of the time I don't mind an extreme abundance in one build type, because everyone plays it with a different play style and it makes the fight interesting. The only ones I really dislike are strength because it's literally just double strike-zerker, maul-zerker, smoke/malf - strike - strike - massacre, and it totally lacks strategy.

Mondez -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 11:28:24)

Well focus builds now are essential with the situation with support players now though it depends on the strategy and gear, I loved focus builds, but instead of just plain attacking I focus on healing aspects so I can last the match to win though I've been called a healing "noob".

Less creativity to build everything up to one type of stat build just to win is something I look down upon plus it is unfair to players that want to be unique with their own build.

This tournament destroyed the concept of fair play and while it is optional to participate as it comes to my understanding, the balance right now is way off and as others stated, some of the players in the top 100 are probably abusing support as a means to win at whatever the cost. (Though it relates to real life -_-)

Good points, originality in a sense is still thrown out the window. Hopefully the devs can learn from this tournament and also fix the lag stability issues going on with ED. The day to day playing to stay at the top doesn't surprise me since I've played social games and this is how majority of the tournaments are played though they had placed limits on players to ensure fairness meaning in Guardian Cross by Square had coliseum passes and the limit was 5, but you could obtain the passes from winning them from monsters.

Some had restrictions like fighting for xxx amount of matches a day so the persons rank would be determined by the amounts of wins on that day.

The Incredible Hulk -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 11:47:11)


Even though you thing the tournament got destroyed.
Its hasn't (IMO).

The reason is firstly because, people are playing day to day just to get this Yeti and some people that are complaining are people that don't have time to play to get the Yeti.

The second reason is there will always be an OP (Or Copying builds). I've seen it way too many times. Most people will go to the OP build and get wins. So there is no reason to cancel the tournament.

However the lag is really bad. 2v2 especially, people normally leave due to connection losts.

ansh0 -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 12:13:51)

Put a restriction on class changes to 1 per month.

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 12:14:33)

^ Hell no

Mondez -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/26/2013 12:16:18)

You okay buddy for that was the worst suggestion I've seen up to date, no offense.

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