'14 Days of Hell' (Full Version)

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J.U.S.T.I.C.E. -> '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 11:45:34)

As most players know now, the tourney will be going on for 14days. The tiredness and aching should be worth the time, for the people who win, do you think its worth the effort?


Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 11:46:30)


button33 -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 11:47:50)

No. Not really. It truly isnt worth it.
I think it should be only 1 week, as 14 days is way too much stress on the human body. Everyone has a life and things needed to accomplish, and staying up late playing a game isnt really worthy our health.

Vagaran -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 11:50:46)

I agree, 2 weeks is simply not worth it for one item and an achievement. It should be approximately 1 week for a tourney...I really do hope they don't make future tourneys like this..2 weeks is ridiculous...

Lycan. -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 12:12:32)

This tourney should be 1 week, people are spending 12+ hours a day to stay on top.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 12:15:51)

not really, I made sure I was in 60th, only 700-ish points or less ahead of 100th place. After 8 hours of sleep I was stil 100-200 points ahead of 100th place. As far as I'm concerned, you only need 2+ hours a day to stay in atleast 90-100s.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 12:20:18)

change it to 1 week, best idea. ...

Exploding Penguin -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 12:21:14)

I agree, 2 weeks is just too long for many players, already half or so are having trouble staying ON the leaderboard with a couple hours of playing per day.

nico0las -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 12:24:50)

Think of everything you could achieve in two weeks.
Instead, you're sitting in front of a computer watching manikins beat each other senseless?

It is FAR too long. Already a week is pushing it, but two weeks? You could turn your life around in two weeks.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 12:34:08)

I think they should reward everyone with G.Y.T.T ... (last T is for ticket) This way everyone with ticket would be happy and satisfied ....

button33 -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 12:38:33)

Yea. 2 weeks is unhealthy for anyone, and time consuming too. Most of us have jobs or school and that cuts down into or playing time significantly. I think the tournament shouldnt last that long. At most server reset next sunday would be good.

Did you guys know that the devs planned for this tournament to be 30 days long? That would be hell.

Vagaran -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 12:40:30)

^ 2 weeks is ALSO hell. Do the Dev's think all the ED players are robots or got no-life? Srrsly G.Y.T should end either this Friday or Sunday...not everyone got 2 weeks to play in...And not everyone can HANDLE such a long tourney...

DunkThatOreo -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 12:48:34)

They only made it that long so they can use it as an excuse for not putting alot of content in on friday updates.
The team does work hard but they take alot of shortcuts as well.

Exploding Penguin -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 12:49:45)

imagine that they originally declared that the tourney last a month...

1 week is still amazingly long, I feel the tourney should be only half a week to a week long. It's the...3rd-ish day and I'm already having to work hard just to get into the 70's.

SouL Prisoner -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 12:49:47)

I know seriously ... 1st thought 2 weeks, no biggy ... now its turning into pain in my "whole" body... Imagine whole month O_o

Vagaran -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 13:07:58)

If it was a whole month I wouldn't have bothered joining as that is NOT a Tourney but rather Tortured by the DEVIL.

Practel -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 14:23:28)

I want to inform you all that participating in a tournament is 100% optional. Whether the tournament was one month, one week, or 3 weeks, you have the complete and absolute option to participate or not. The developers are NOT forcing you to play. They are simply hosting a competition in which you receive 1 golden yeti and an achievement. In any tournament there is, someone will ALWAYS work harder and try harder than everyone else. That person is #1. We can't stop that person from playing everyday 24/7, because it's their choice. Just like it's your choice to try and work and spend a lot of time trying to win, or do nothing and do something else.

To put it simply, whether you want to participate in the competition or not is up to you. However, it is not the developers fault if YOU spend a ton of time each day trying to win.

Mother1 -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 14:29:49)

It isn't all that hard. Work yourself to a good spot in the tournament, and then rest if you have to. The LB won't drop you as quickly as you think if you get a good spot.

button33 -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 14:38:08)

thats very true.
I was at 84th around 9pm last night with 1845 points. 100th had around 1750.
I wake up around 2 am and check the standings, I dropped only like 10 spots, and the lowest person had around 1800 points. It drops fairly slowly.

I found out that the board normally moves up around 100 points per hour, and even less at night. Thats not too hard.

Vagaran -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 14:43:20)

Uhh yeah, I was 28th yesterday went to sleep for around 11 hours and when I wake up I was only back on 50th place. Just need to get up on a decently high place then you should be able to rest a little.

The Astral Fury -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 14:55:48)

@Practel, but many people want to participate,"Your not forced" of course your not forced, but most people want to compete and can't cause they have other things to do other than ED and a 2 week span is very large considering some factors.

That's gotta be the worst arguement I've ever heard. "Your not forced" OF COURSE OF NOT jeez, but the players want to compete they want to win and two weeks is a long time.

ansh0 -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 14:58:52)

So just cause YOU aren't able to compete, the tourney should be shortened?

Not indending to flame anyone but Astral Fury, I've seen your posts earlier(like months back) and you always seem to be ranting about something and how it should be your way.

Chill dude, the world is NOT focused around you.

Mother1 -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 15:00:52)

@ ansh0

Those were my thoughts exactly.

@ astral

The real world doesn't work like this, and neither does the events of epic duel. The staff work in real time for the players and game life can't stop just because you can't compete.

Ranloth -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 15:01:18)

Then if they WANT to win then they can play two weeks. If they are THAT determined to win then time shouldn't be an issue.

"I'm gonna train a lot, maybe someday I'll be one of the participants in the Olympics" *trains for years and makes it there* "Well it's time for me to shine! ... Lol jk. Bye."

axell5 -> RE: '14 Days of Hell' (2/24/2013 15:15:50)

@The Astral Fury i see you wanna win, i see you wanna be the best. BUT you need to work HARD! What, another player is working harder? WORK 2 times faster than him! This is a competition. It lasts 2 weeks. Someone wants to win and has ALOT of time for computer playing. What, you wanna best him? WORK (atleast) 1.2 TIMES FASTER! If ur determined to win make a hole on the computer chair of pvp winning! This world is unfair. You if you wanna be the best or one of the bests win the oportunity to be it.

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