Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (Full Version)

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white out727 -> Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 0:54:34)

the problem was that it looked like a bug if i remember correctly; well how about this: have the dead battery core pic float above the person who died and then swoop over to the person that used dead battery and then give them the energy :P discuss, no flaming please. also sorry if i named the core wrong, but you all know what I'm talking about :p

CN2025 -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 1:23:59)

yeah maybe it can float out of the dead guy the circleing players and then in comes in the person who used it

Blitzex/Sr. Zeph -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 1:33:31)

Isnt this more something for the suggestion forum, since youre basically suggesting something..?

kosmo -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 5:11:58)

^A couple of weecks ago they wrote they would have introduced this new core.I was so exited, finally they where putting new cores and i could have jugged again...But then they didnt...

Ranloth -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 7:10:58)

The problem with it was not a bug but difficulties with coding it, which were going out of hand and impossible to add at the current time. If it's not possible then it isn't. Simple as.

white out727 -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 9:26:27)

Its not a suggestion. I was wanting you all to discuss ways to make the core not look like a bug. I guess I should have been a little clearer. Lol anyways i understand what your saying trans, coding is hard for me but i have done alil so i know what a pain it can be to get things made

RabbleFroth -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 10:53:46)

The major problem with Dead Battery wasn't showing *who* got the energy, though that is a cool visual idea!

The problem was this: between Dead Battery, Reroute, Static Charge, Reflex Boost, using a skill that cost energy, etc, it was incredibly difficult to guess exactly how much energy you would gain when you finished off the target. Technically it was working perfectly, but it *felt* extremely buggy since you wouldn't get back the amount of energy you expected in a large number of situations. If you looked deep into it, you could figure out why exactly you got back the amount that you did, but that initial confusion could be rather frustrating.

white out727 -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 10:58:46)

Make it a set amount then maybe? Say 10 and if they die within the two turns you get that ten energy? And thank you i thought it was neat too! ^-^ also may i ask why cores have lvls? Or they did idk if they still do. Cause lvling them up would be pretty cool :)

Smackie El Frog -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 12:38:04)

Wait that's why it was pulled??

It worked perfectly, but was confusing to the player??? That's the biggest cop out I've ever heard.

If I may be Frank here, if I used a core that would give me energy back when an opponent was finished off, why would I care about the exact amount of energy I got?

It's not like I could plan before hand to make my strategy work out with the perfect amount of energy return from dead battery. The amount of energy would be different nearly every time the player uses it.

So really I would just be happy that I got energy returned to me and then that would open up more attacks for me to choose from late in the fight...

ND Mallet -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 12:51:34)

@smackie Except the bug forums tell a whole different story. Any numbers wrong, even in the players favor(items selling for too much or getting extra damage) are reported. If they released Dead Battery then the forum would be swamped with bug threads, all of which would require testing from the mods and Devs in order to make sure it isn't broken. And if you used the core and expected 20 energy back for an extra Field Medic, I think you would care and notice if you only got 15 back from it and couldn't use the heal.

Smackie El Frog -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 13:12:18)


So you are saying that just because a player cannot tell exactly how much they would get back from dead battery, they will report it as a bug?

But that goes against what rabble said

If you looked deep into it, you could figure out why exactly you got back the amount that you did, but that initial confusion could be rather frustrating.

So those dev's/mods/testers don't have to test out each one of these bug threads because it is mostly due to the player not understanding the formula of the core?

I still don't see an issue with this. Lock the thread and move on because it's not a bug so no need to investigate?


And if you used the core and expected 20 energy back for an extra Field Medic, I think you would care and notice if you only got 15 back from it and couldn't use the heal.

I am not answering this just to be like ha ha you're soo wrong blah blah.

As a bh, if my enemy can steal my energy they WILL. My strategy at the moment utilizes the generator core and 90% of the time I use that core I am getting my energy drained for a 2nd time.

So having this extra energy from dead battery and it not being enough for a heal or possibly a smoke screen? Big whoop. I will find some other attack to use my energy. I am not one to get held up on such a minor inconvenience in battle.

Charfade -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 15:10:40)

Sorry if you felt like it was a cop out Smackie El Frog. But in all honestly, testing it really felt odd and wasn't clear even to us. We would go back and forth making sure the numbers worked as intended but would get hung up on really weird strange situations where energy wasn't being rewarded what we felt it should. Even with all the testing before the planned release... and then revisiting and testing it for 2 weeks we decided to pull it. We may revisit this core and revise it when we come up with a better plan in the future. But for now it is on the shelf. We wouldn't put something in the game that just felt this buggy. That's just not a road we would go down where we knowingly release something that was poorly designed. Its a nightmare for us to explain to customer service and not fair to players.

white out727 -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 15:18:42)

But if you make cores have lvls and allow us to lvl them up can't you just make the energy return a set number example
Lvl 1 =5energy
Lvl 2 =6 energy
All the way to lvl 5 for 10 energy or maybe like moves they can have 10 lvls where max return would be 15 energy
Something like that. And sence you already stated the moves were redone to be cores in a old dn putting a lvl to wouldnt be dificult :)

Smackie El Frog -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 16:21:10)

Well not much I can say about that haha. You all choose what to put into releases and what not. I was just giving my 2 cents on the matter of what rabble had said. But of course I can agree with not putting in bugged items[8D]

RabbleFroth -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 17:26:53)


It worked perfectly, but was confusing to the player??? That's the biggest cop out I've ever heard.

Clarity is very much a consideration to make when designing skills. When you are given roughly 15 seconds to make a decision, we don't want most of your mental energy going towards making overly convoluted calculations that are often wrong.

This confusion made the skill irritating to use, which is definitely not what we want in a skill.


...just make the energy return a set number

This was a consideration, but we have to account for any level of player on cores/bots. Giving 15 energy might be okay for a level 35 player, but is much more powerful for a level 1-5 player. This is a solvable issue, but again comes down to clarity.

white out727 -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 20:02:53)

Lol thats an easy solve rabble. Scale it :p a lvl 1-5 character would 1 energy at lvl 1 dead battery and as ur lvl increases so does the base energy return :D i is smarticals :3.... Cept you ninja'd me -_- lol

Stabilis -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 21:02:21)

I suppose you could base it on the player's max health, energy, or even their level.

Mother1 -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 21:28:53)

@ depressed

Would that depending on the way the core works make it weak for one set of players while overpowered for another?

Example If it was based off of the higher the energy the more you gain this would make this core worthless to builds will low energy while OP to high energy builds such as caster builds.

Stabilis -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/15/2013 23:49:05)


It varies, it should be most visible if the player actually designs their build for Dead Battery which is possible. It would coincidentally help casters, being a matter of synergy though.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/16/2013 0:08:08)

not exactly sure what the core was about. since i didn't pay much attention to the design notes while i had taken a break from ED.

could someone link me to a thread perhaps on how it worked?
then maybe i can comment on it.

RageSoul -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/16/2013 1:38:12)


Too lazy to show the source , but it was stated that it's supposed to give you EP equivalent to your target's current EP when killed .


Maybe the EP bonus is converted by % of his current EP instead ?

goldslayer1 -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/16/2013 1:47:15)

so this would only be good for 2 vs 2?

RageSoul -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/16/2013 1:52:19)



Striker44 -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/16/2013 6:15:42)

Use this core is mean a turn skip ? In this case make it worth it in case killed player left no energy or too less energy to use it. IMO a precalculated amount of energy is preferable in this case

zion -> RE: Dead battery core, ways to add it maybe? (4/16/2013 8:04:24)

What about an active weapon core that takes [some%] energy from an opponent if you kill them with it [100% basic strike]?

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