H O L L O W -> Surgical Strike OR Infernal Android Nerf (4/25/2013 1:57:15)
This post is regarding Tactical Mercs and their OP Surgical + Android build. I am a bounty hunter, using a focus build with high def and res, yet I lose almost every time a fight a TLM using Max surgical and Infernal Android. First thing is, no matter what i do, i can never stop them from using surgical. If i emp, they use generator and get the energy back. If they still need a little more, they simply get it from conversion. So taking away surgical is basically impossible, but the problem is, even if u are one hit away from killing them, surgical turns the whole game around. It gives then HP back, does massive damage, and takes away your rage. Then you have to heal because your smoke has worn off and you cant kill them. You also know that they now have rage with Android special which is basically a guaranteed +50 damage on rage. So no matter what you do, your basically screwed. You have no rage, no energy, and they can still kill you the next turn. This is why one of these things needs to be nerfed. Surgical + Android special is simply too OP when you're dealing with a tac who has high defense, meaning they can last very long, get energy back using conversion+ generator rendering your emp's useless, and then do massive damage to finish you off. Now im aware that there are certain bounties who say they can beat them easily using azreal weps but not everybody has those so please consider the rest of us who didnt buy the promotional package. (PS: Omega Yeti costs 45,000 creds while android only cost 12,000. You also have to waste so much time to upgrade yeti into Omega, yet regardless of all this, the android still gets a WAY better special that more then makes up for the 3 extra damage the yeti has. 130% normal damage is ALOT when your normal damage would be around 45. I am aware of how many times the android has been nerfed, but it obviously wasn't enough.)