Bloodpact -> RE: =ED= June 13th, 2013 - Daring Design Notes (6/14/2013 18:26:50)
Why don't we just use influence for cheevo's after tokens are taken out? 1v1 fight yields 5 influence, 2v2 for 15, jugg for 15? Could convert cost of cheevo's from 1 token -> 5-10 influence since it's also only given to the winner. 1000 token cheevo would now be 5,000 -> 10,000 influence. Personal influence above rating only tho. When you go to cheevo's shop you would see a number like 3500/10,000 3,500 being influence left to spend 10,000 being max influence ever reached. _________________________________________________________________________ I believe this was once brought up before, but devs/people didn't want it ,because of it causing tokens to be less useful, this simply is not the case anymore. After tokens are gone, could leave the credit rate the same, and use personal influence for cheevo's now. The current problem with cheevo's costing more overall would be gone and a useless stat ( influence ) could be used to improve another useless stat ( Rating ) Both only for bragging rights. Keeps spending money for useful things away from useless things. _______________________________________________________________________________ Tho I fear this may have came much to late ;3. Also counter's Tran's worrying about variums value decreasing.