RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (Full Version)

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tommy2468 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/17/2013 9:46:50)

Sorry guys but I won't be able to post any new chapters for about a week. I'm over helping my sister move, so I won't have any time for writing :(

darksaber22 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/18/2013 8:48:23)

@tommy well thats a shame i was looking forward to your next chapter but i can wait

tommy2468 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/18/2013 20:25:15)

@daeksaber don't wroy I will ahve a new chapter upo when ig et back! :P I';ll be working on it whiel i'm over in ENgland!!! But I won't be posting it until I can give the chatper a good propere nding :) Otjerwise it'll be kinda uselss. I don't want to put up anotherr chatoer that will be boringn or anyhirtng like that because I seem to have a relatively good erun up of chapeers (thoguh I've found a afew to be a little boring in terms of readding :L

kors -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/18/2013 20:44:12)

uh... tommy you ok? You're getting as bad as flashbang about your unintelligible. You have not started saying Yolo have you?

flashbang -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/18/2013 22:23:36)


You're getting as bad as flashbang about your unintelligible

*slaps kors*

Maybe I should also kill kors...

kors -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/18/2013 22:43:59)

hm... well then it is time to make my exit...*disappears in a flash of light to a timeline that Wrym will have no way of existing in*

flashbang -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/22/2013 10:39:10)

*Gets Staff to summon kors so Wyrm can kill him*

You cannot escape!

Faerdin -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/22/2013 15:09:30)

I have noticed that the discussion in this thread is beginning to deter from the topic at hand.
Please restrict commentary unrelated to this collaborative piece to Private Messages. Thank you!

flashbang -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/23/2013 9:50:09)

I have writer's block. Help me kors.

kors -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/23/2013 10:55:01)

Sorry flash but I am also still in the midst of my own block! Perhaps it is time to pull a reality breaking Truphma attack? Or something else equally random?

flashbang -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/23/2013 19:53:44)

Randomness is always the answer kors.

popinloopy! Help me!

popinloopy -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/24/2013 1:13:21)

Gladly! If I am having trouble thinking of how to start my story, maybe helping someone else with theirs will get my creativity flowing.

flashbang -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/24/2013 2:11:22)

@popin I'll send you a PM tomorrow.

My story had been updated. You'll love it.

tommy2468 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/25/2013 16:42:04)

Realizing now how long it has been since I've posted!!!! :O

It's been very difficult to write with so much going on the past few weeks :L But I will definitely have a new chapter some time this week. I think I will make it my final chapter as well, so it will be a very long chapter too.

Also looking forward to the rest of your guy's stories!

Seth Hydra -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/26/2013 11:18:25)

Wow, been a while since I posted..... Been a bit xaught up in RL. I still have to complete my last chapter.

Hopefully up before this weekend, for what its worth and IF anyone wants to read it...

tommy2468 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/26/2013 12:57:45)

Duh! Course we want to read it ss2195 :P

darksaber22 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/26/2013 14:30:10)

@ss now don't be silly we are dieing to see your next chapter :)

0Neo -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/26/2013 17:53:12)

I'm just like ss2195 and tommy2468.....A truly long time since my last post.

Sadly, I'm too busy IRL with social and study obligations to even log in. I'm afraid I won't truly write anymore until I either get enough free time or until a break (that would be in December)

If you guys can wait that long, I'll make sure to post the next three chapters of my story at once (Or at least I'll try to). Until then, I just hope I get time to do so soon.

@flashbang: I'll give it to you, the music is amazing and I can picture the battle......I can only hope it'll be a good one

kors -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/26/2013 19:47:06)

Yeah it really has been a long time... but real life has a way of keeping things from happening it seems. I promised myself to start the reboot of my fan-fic after I finished my story, but I lost all steam before I could even finish and have not picked up enough to get anything down. I also have not had enough time to read any of your stories due to school starting in 8 days and a trip up to North Dakota to see some family for this week. It has been very hectic last month.

flashbang -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/26/2013 20:41:04)

@Neo Ms. Vox gave me the music on the Paxia War thread. She is the one to be thanked for that music. So, I hear you leik Cleef Hangahs?

Don't worry. I had to get that out of my system.

tommy2468 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (8/31/2013 15:21:29)

Another delay in my writing :L I won't be able to write much for a while because I am heading off to uni in a few weeks and I have so much to do! I will write a few pages every time I get a chance, but don't expect the whole chapter anytime soon.

Edit: Written 5 pages. It's not the best start, but it's a start nonetheless. I'm not sure how long this final chapter is going to be, but it's definitely going to be the longest of all of my previous chapters. I'll continue to post/ edit updates on the progress of the final chapter... Still need a title :L

Disc Lorde -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (9/27/2013 1:42:58)

Finally got my story up. Feedback would be greatly appreciated.

tommy2468 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (9/29/2013 15:50:55)

@Disc Lorde Just finished your chapter and I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed the relationships you have between your characters. I will definitely have to read some of your earlier works so that I might get a better understanding of your characters :)

I will definitely have to keep a track of your future writings (if you decide to write more and if you decide to continue your story with the same characters) because I can imagine a great combination of storytelling and interpretation coming from your writings :P

Again, great to see some more activity here even though the war has been over for a while and most people have stopped writing. My own story is coming along slowly, but surely!

Seth Hydra -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (9/30/2013 12:05:39)

Hmm... Wow great read disc!

Ive stopped writing a while back, but The story is stil there... Might post it sometime next week

tommy2468 -> RE: =AQ= Xov's Assault stories and poetry Commentary (9/30/2013 16:26:58)

Yay! Everyone seems to have completely stopped with their writings and with myself at uni it's been disappointingly slow at the pace of my writings. I promise that I will have it finished before the end of the year at least (though that's not exactly a great promise seeing as it's such a long time away :L) Again I will try to keep everyone still reading here up to date on how the writing progresses

Edit: Wrote another 15 or so pages so the story is making good progress. This is going to be such a long chapter that I'm thinking I should split it into two chapters. But I'm writing it from Kors perspective and he is the character that I wish to finish the story on.

What do you guys think?

. Really long chapter,
. Split it into two chapters and break the trend by using Kor again as the narrator.

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