Greyor_42 -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (1/9/2018 9:18:52)
BladeofAwesomeSauce There are a few... issues with your suggestions. First off, buffs/status effects are supposed to reset after a battle ends. Pretty much any instance(aside from seed) where it doesn't is purely from a glitch. Second, that would make dragons's patience FAR too powerful(it's offesnive capability would surpass Doomknight's at that point, while also keeping the highest defense rating that is inherent in dragonlord), and dragon's rage would be far too useless(for one, the cap requires you to be at 0% health to use, in which case, you can't use it since you're at 0% health, AKA dead), instead of the balance of both actually being quite useful in different situations(patience for long quests and rage for bosses, and interchanging them for long quests with bosses). Removing the shield in any way is also much much harder to do than you think, as they would have to make completely new assets of the entire character from scratch just for one change. And on the theme of dragonlord having a shield, remember, it's a defensive class, a shield makes sense. Especially when the stun is quite literally named "shield bash". As for the hand switching, Guardian does that too, you know? As does every class that's asymmetrical. Finally, re-skins aren't that easy to do, and take a LOT of time(Necro paragon, for example, took 2 years to finish. And it was worked on by Dage, who I'm pretty sure is nowhere near as overworked as Dove, who is on a class design backlog-constantly having to push previously announced classes like chaosweaver and fleshweaver back so that he can do the calendar classes AND main story in time, is). And for placing it in the inn, that would kind of be unfair to free players since they can't use it(the only reward so far from the inn that hasn't been accessible to free players is the destiny weapon upgrades). Besides, there wouldn't really be an appropriate place to make it a reward since each page has a reward/challenge theme made of three challenges. However, don't let my ramblings deter you from expressing your opinions/constructive criticisms on the game, especially when they ARE in the appropriate place to be expressed, like you took the time to do, as the staff do appreciate it and try to address what they can to make the game better/ more enjoyable for us. And I will admit, aside from those flaws I mentioned, your ideas do sound pretty dang cool. Post edited. See your inbox. ~Gingkage