RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Neliux -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (3/18/2015 3:14:16)

PLase, don't do the same thing you did with SW with DL, making the ''evolved'' version of the armor have better stats or something like that, I absolutely hate big bulky armors with shoulder pads the size of your head, leaner armors like the normal DL is where is at for me, making EDL better like Master SW would make me a sad panda.

Sflamin -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (3/18/2015 20:53:15)

As DF iconic class, I think DL should be the most powerful-non DC armor in both Defense and Offense. Also, it would be nice if the class update is released on the upcoming DF birthday (even better if sooner :P).

Ash -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (3/18/2015 20:57:50)

You only get one.

Defensive with some Offensive options.

Offensive with some Defensive options.

Hybrid that's ok at both but not amazing at either.

Dragonlord is already a Defensive class, I'm not going to change that during the tweaks I do. I'm also not going to make it way stronger offensively so that you then get to tank out fights AND mow them down. DeathKnight is about a "Hybridy" as it can get and it paid for that in terms of overall offensive power that it got. DragonLord is going to remain a Defensive powerhouse that is made better in that regard.

Flaris of Flame -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (3/19/2015 21:25:56)

Speaking of birthdays I did not get a birthday quest for me for years on end what happened to that?
I am level 80 and I need more quests to do. I can wait because I know you all have bigger upgrades to
to do in this game. This was my first game I ever played on the computer and I love it. Thank you people
who made this game. It really rocks my world.

Dracojan -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 6:55:39)

so, whats new?

dragon_monster -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 7:00:25)

^you pretty much never or rarely get hit and with the heal you are invincible you are even stronger then Doomknight as if you do not get hit all that power is nothing.

Alm Nullamors -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 7:06:49)

-50 Immo Resist on the Ice skill. That's just too brilliant.

Brasca123 -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 10:05:52)

i asked that in another thread, my answer was this


Dragonlord now has a blind skill. Bite is a guaranteed 2-hit it seems. The +50 resist was changed to a skill that simply reduces damage taken for 4 turns. I think the heal's been altered as well as the mana regen skill. Ice now lowers enemy damage dealt and ImmoRes.

seems nice, strange it retained the 3 DOTs thing, still, seems like it's even stronger, so that's nice

dragon_monster -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 10:14:04)

Its invincible really you can not be hit if you play your hands right.

ArchNero -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 10:44:11)

You can still get hit providing whatever your facing doesn't have decently high BTH like Aisha and Dr When.
But for everything else you rarely will get hit and even if you do get hit they won't do that much damage thanks to ice/earth dragon to reduce the damage.

I even put it through it's paces and managed to beat impossible crawler on hard mode with the updated DL without high dark resistant and no "Not so tiny bubbles".
Wasn't a clean easy fight though because managed to miss a few important skills when I needed it.

crabpeople -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 10:49:20)

I might be the only one who dislikes the changes (I have to test stuff so the rant will come later): changes:


-attack: 100 to 120%
-Bite does 140% wep damage (2 turn cd) and rush 180%.
-Dragonheart needs a spirit skill instead of a dot to unlock (but cd from 4 to 15 turns!)
-Mult damage from 100% to 155%. Mana cost from 32 to 20.
-Light: 3 turn -55 hit. cd from 5 to 7. Does a bit more damage (around 120%) and dot removed. Mana from 30 to 25.
-Frost:3 turn -55 boost, cd from 5 to 8. Does 120% but dot removed.
-Fire:cd from 5 to 6 turns. about 130% wep damage and 5 turn 25-30% fire dot. Mana from 30 to 25.
-Shield:140m/p/m for 3 turns and 8cd/30 mana. Old shield had 140m/p for 2-4 turns, 15 mana and 6 cd.
-Earth: old was +50 all resist for 3 turns, 30 mana 5 cd. New one is like the ninja skill. It reduces hp lost around 50-75% I think. Mana cost is 30 and 12 cd. Duration is 4 turns
-Heal: New heal gives 15% hp when you use it, and then 10% and 10% (35% total). Mana cost is 35 and 12 turns cd. Old heal was 30% heal (10+10+10) but with 9 turns cd.
-Bash: It costs 25 mana instead of 20 but does 120% wep damage instead of 100.
-Regen: heals 30% mana and 10 turns cd instead of 25% mana 9 turn cd.
-Eye: Same damage but cd of 15 instead of 9. Mana from 40 to 35.
-Soul: Requires below 20% hp instead of 30%. Same cd/mana cost.

To me it lost in the offensive aspect (cooldown increase, removed dots) but it won more defensive options. The thing is that While it's true it has more defensive options I liked more the "simplistic" old version (shield,all resist and heal).

rseyo -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 10:51:40)

I hope we get an Ascended Dragonlord version next time... [;)]

Ash -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 11:11:38)

Lemme fix those for you.


-attack: 120%
-Bite does 140% wep damage (2 turn cd) and rush 180%.
-Dragonheart needs a spirit skill instead of a dot to unlock but still deals 400% damage. (ON A DEFENSE CLASS! That's more than DeathKnight's final. )
-Mult 155% damage.
-Light: 3 turn -55 hit, 130% damage.
-Frost:3 turn -55 boost and -50 immobility, 125% damage.
-Fire: 130% wep damage and 5 turn 32% DoT.
-Shield: 140m/p/m for 3 turns
-Earth: -80% damage for 2 turns, -50% damage for 2 additional turns.
-Heal: New heal gives 15% hp when you use it, and then 10% and 10% (35% total).
-Bash: 120% wep damage and stuns for 3 turns.
-Regen: heals 30% mana
-Eye: 150% damage, +100%crit, 300% total damage and +100BtH.
-Soul: Requires below 20% hp instead of 30% for 245% Damage.

This is a defensive class. It's not a hybrid, it's not a offensive class. It's a Tank, meant to soak up damage and outlast the enemy. Now it does that better than anything else in the game but it KEPT some of the offensive skills and I BUFFED a few others. It's now better overall at outlasting anything in the game. Why were you ever expecting it to keep all the offensive options, even when it kept some, on either the low cooldowns or the small mana costs? Go do some testing or even use your bugged bone fire test that you always use, even though I don't like it, and then complain about the changes. Don't just look at something at first glance and be upset. Go test it out, like I've said for every single revamp, and THEN come complaining.

DoomTaco -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 12:07:15)

Welp, I'm having a very hard time fighting any extreme boss that heals (I'm using frozen claymore (obviously w/ the special for 100% more damage for 50 turn, and the pet dragon, fully trained in fighting and assistance). Otherwise, I'm unkillable, but so is any extreme boss that has any method of regenerating.

Chaosweaver Amon -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 12:10:18)

Hey Ash, I'm not sure if this is a bug, but I was fighting Meltface Merged Akriloth with Dragonlord, using Dragonblaser, and Dragonheart doesn't do any damage. Is there a reason for this or should I report it as a bug?

Verlyrus -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 12:23:07)

never mind.

Necro'd threads are confusing. :c

Ash -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 12:31:38)


Hey Ash, I'm not sure if this is a bug, but I was fighting Meltface Merged Akriloth with Dragonlord, using Dragonblaser, and Dragonheart doesn't do any damage. Is there a reason for this or should I report it as a bug?

Wasn't intentional. It was also affecting most damage boosting specials on weapons. It should be fixed if you cache clear/browser restart.


Welp, I'm having a very hard time fighting any extreme boss that heals (I'm using frozen claymore (obviously w/ the special for 100% more damage for 50 turn, and the pet dragon, fully trained in fighting and assistance). Otherwise, I'm unkillable, but so is any extreme boss that has any method of regenerating.

That's part of the trade off and also why we don't balance around extreme mode. :P Extreme is meant to be a challenge and some classes may or may not be able to survive for whatever reason. While DL won't die in it most likely, you may also not be able to push out enough damage due to being unkillable at that high of a difficulty level.

Sflamin -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 12:35:44)

I'm very amazed at how excellent DL defense are now. But as Doom Taco said, the armor does have a difficult time against bosses that have strong HP regen skills and they will often out heal the damage DL inflicts on them (Razen, Baron Valtrith, Zealot, and Akriloth are some examples). Dragon Heart has always been DL primary offensive attack and with the big nerf on the cd, it will lack a decent damage output throughout the battle. This is only my thought so feel free to correct me if I'm wrong Ash.

DoomTaco -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 12:36:11)

Yeah, I just figured that DL being T3 and all (esp. with the help of the claymore and baby dragon) could maybe power through extereme bosses, but hey, at least extreme bosses can't power through you either (Honestly, nothing can power through dragonlord at this point, those defenses are extreme).

Being unkillable while using DL: Priceless; for everything else, there is AoT.

Ash -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 12:48:25)

It's true that it takes a chunk of damage away from it in the space of a normal skill rotation but it also was a HUGE amount of damage to begin with. 400% damage every 4 turns meant that you were basically able to mow down everything while being stable defensive wise. That combined with the DoT's meant that it wasn't a defensive class at that point and was more Hybrid. If it had been locked like it currently is it may not have been that much of an issue, but when any DoT or HoT effect unlocked it you basically could just spam damage every 4 turns. That in and of itself meant that it did 2 jobs when it was only supposed to do 1.

The problem with that is it meant it did above what a defensive class at that tier with the current level of defense should be doing. DL is now what I would call a "Trololololol" defensive class. Not only can you shrug off most damage with Earth, but you can also mitigate most of any that happen after through Ice and Light anyway. Combine that with a 3 turn overall shield and the ability to lock yourself pretty much to a certain HP amount means that you can, and I did in testing, loop yourself at 16-19% HP and spam Dragon Soul. With Artix and Ash in the guest slots you're able to maintain a heal loop, add your dragon with Prot/Assit/Mischief and you can pretty much take down most things. You can swap Ash out with Rolith for straight damage, Niki for the Crit buff, Mritha for the guaranteed stun, Symone for the +health which will lower healing, or your dragon for better overall buff/nerf/healing control. Even with just your damage you can pretty much take something down, it'll just take a bit longer. I can come up with a trinket that could help in terms of mitigating healing on the enemy but the fact that you can live through almost anything now has to be paid for somehow, and that's the class' damage. That can be made up for in other ways though.

Alm Nullamors -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 13:59:53)

Very well said from Ash, and I would love a trinket to hinder their healing.
Or maybe take a trick from Wargoth and have the Fire skill do that, since Heart isn't requiring DoT anymore.

David the Wanderer -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 14:26:17)

I found a minor bug: After equipping the armor to test it, I noticed Dragon Heart was unlocked from the very start, without requiring me to use Light, Ice or Fire Dragon Spirit.

GreenGuy23 -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 14:29:04)

Loving the new DL. With Bite and Rush I can take down most normal enemies in 2 turns, FOR NO MANA, have the Destiny Dragon for damage, pretty easy sweeping i you ask me. I can clear the Drowned Fortress without any problems now, as well. One thing I would like to ask though is if it would be possible to get a free save for DL option from Elysia. Guardian has it, and I think it would just make sense for DL to have it as well. Up to you though Ash/DF Team.

EDIT: Just got the same bug David just got.

Alm Nullamors -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 14:32:26)

You mean there's no free save for it? I've been too used to the Armor Closet and Orb of Saving.

David the Wanderer -> RE: =DF= DragonLord Discussion Thread (6/13/2015 14:34:27)

@GreenGuy23: I think the reason Guardian got a free save is because it's a class you already paid for in another game, and the free save is a bonus so that you don't have to pay again for saving it. Dragonlord has no real need to have a free save since you already have access to other means to saving your class.

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