Ash -> RE: =DF= Guardian Discussion Thread (5/5/2015 9:33:38)
@Ash just a little question though, is Guardian Rage really 14 hits? Cause I keep counting it as 15 hits, although its nothing big really. That would be because I linked in the two hit attack and not the normal one hit animation I thought I linked. That'll get fixed. quote:
Also is the "Normal Attack" supposed to have a 120% modifier? All non-base classes have above 100% modifiers on the base attack. That's been the case since the revamps started. quote:
So Ash, will the art bugs that a few others and I have reported be fixed by the time the class is fully released? That really depends on if it's detrimental to the class. "My eyebrows aren't the right color" and "The guardian dragon is just a neck" aren't. "The game lags horribly with Heroes" will be. quote:
Although...............would it be too much to ask for the Armor of Awe's regen (Mighty is warrior, Deft is rogue, Insightful is mage) effect or having a 100% Attack with a chance of doing a double or triple attack ala the Guardian Plate? You're not getting everything related to AQ in one armor. I picked the most fitting for a reason. quote:
@ash, the ray of light is kinda useless. 1. the other 13 skills can loop without it by mixing offense and defence. 2. if an enemy has -20 to an element then attack is a better choice. 3. even if all the other Mega offensive skills are on cooldown you are better off using your multi attack against a single target. Aaaaaaand here we go again. Without numbers you all didn't even mention it. It was "oh all the skills look great and work great!" Once again when you get the numbers the nit picks start. Why didn't you notice that during testing when it should have been obvious it was doing less? As for your points. 1. And? It's a filler if you need it, like all the other "1 turn cooldown better damage than base damage" skills. It's used when necessary or if you need light damage. 2. That's the case for every elementally locked skill in the GAME when it comes to non-locked. Also, your math is a *tad* off. Base is 120%, Ray is 145%, that's a difference of 25 not 20 as far as the game's engine and damage calculations referring to elemental weakness are concerned. 3. Again, And? I think you're missing the point. Elemental locked skills aren't ALWAYS "better". In this case Light is one of the most common weaknesses in the game. That means it gets LESS of an elemental compensation akin to a non-standard element like Curse. I really don't care about your "2:1" remarks as they don't hold water to how the skills are balanced. It's NEVER a straight "2:1" or any such something. It's based on more factors than that. Ray is a combination of "How much compensation does the light element get", How many turns cooldown should this skill have to be spamable", and "How much mana should be a good spam skill limit." It's not MEANT to be amazing, it's meant to be a quick filler if you need it but because of how Chronix animated it I ended up have to use light, just like Pally and everyone back then complained about something similar. quote:
is it a CONFIRMED instant kill? quote:
14. Awethur's Fury 1% chance for "Insta Kill". (Fills in for PWD) else 150-250% damage. (Randomly chosen upon attack) Yes. quote:
I'm only concerned with the damage range of the skill. So you want the skill to have the ability to be a "any element nuke"? You lose 1% chance to PWD. It still can do a significant amount of damage and the MP cost is lower because of the fluctuating range. If I made it another nuke like GD you'd straight up lose the 1% death and get a flat damage nuke.