RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:04:42)

He just caculated the probability of drawing cards, like you learn in elementary school.

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:05:34)

@TFP and Bjeble: Oh yea, his name was Labyth, he was proud he could kill many people just with his rats O.O

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:06:54)

@Jop Yeah, it was either that or he knew because he had drawn so many of Card A, that it was guaranteed he would get Card B next hand.Also, for my CC on Lich(4 shields, 1 poison) I have a 7 out of 20 possibility of drawing a shield, or 35%.

Hiduke -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:07:42)

@Death and Jop so he used a rat I sort of fell happy now thought like I said I can use the dread hound and I can use some of the bat s to fight now if h could use rat to kill people.

@Axel we are in the same solace.

@Below is their anything regarding a Bigger Rat Big Ben?

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:08:51)

It was that, he called himself a genius just for saying things like "you have a 35% chance to draw poison on Cellar Rat" when it's basic math.

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:10:27)

@Jop Well that's kind of mean, but still pretty cool he thought of it.

Char -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:11:25)

@BJEBLE. TFP, Jop, and DeathGuard: Labyth made a formula on how to calculate which card he would have next and how to plan around it. (I think I have it somewhere) He proved that it was true by beating a Level 20 BD with his Level 15 Rat.

He even made his own research group. I think he was working on the probability of certain characters spawning when certain characters are equipped. It was all numbers and MATH though, I hate math.

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:11:36)

@Hiduke: He uses rats and bats to kill players, quite good since the decks aren't that strong.

Hiduke -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:12:34)

No comment but Really lvl 15> a lvl 20?

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:13:36)

@Hiduke Yup, 15 v 20. Should probably be training my Minotaur more than posting here, but it's fine.

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:14:29)

@Bjeble: It isn't that much hard, rather since there are no stats, hp is the only advantage, and with a good strategy, you can beat someone 5 lvls highers than yours.

Char -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:15:15)

@Hiduke: Yeah, it was his "Greatest Accomplishment, " although it was pretty impressive considering how UP the Rat *shudders* is.

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:16:34)


He even made his own research group. I think he was working on the probability of certain characters spawning when certain characters are equipped. It was all numbers and MATH though, I hate math.
I was drag to his group, but never really got into the formula stuff, was quite busy with training characters.

Hiduke -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:16:53)

Did he use CC cause I would understand if he did use CC to beat a Dark Dragon thing since stack pile to death with poison?

well lesson learn last time I make fun of rats in the cellar of the inn.

@Below was he really smart or something ?

Char -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:17:40)

@Hiduke: No, I believe it was before CC

@Death: Me too, I was just the forum keeper though.

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:17:50)

^There was no CC when he did such IIRC

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:18:20)

He was working on the probability of characters spawning when equipping certain characters? There's not really any evidence of that, is there? He just probably tested characters and put together probabilities.

Char -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:21:13)

@Jop: Yeah, it also had something to with the Clouds. I didn't understand anything though, like I said, MATH.

Also, Check this out. I Still haven't figured it out

Hiduke -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:24:40)

@Char I thought people couldn't charge chaos energy. But anyways I found AXEL(holder of the most negative energy record)

My new goal I am find that rat again She seen to have come after because of my negative comment against rat that the only reason why It came after me that I can think off unless he couldn't resist my Smexy Hex Void.

yeah I do feel like figuring out all the mysteries of the game would be kind of boring to even bother playing the game. I mean what left to look forward to if their nothing interesting left.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:25:38)

I really didn't like when he did that because it was just creating false rumors. I mean, if I fight three characters with Peasant and then go to a dungeon and fight a treasure chest, it doesn't prove that that happens every time. There's no evidence that the character you equip affects spawn rates.

Char -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:28:33)

@Jop: I agree, we should just play the game as it is released and not try to counter it.

Edit: I leveled my Skexis to ten and just realised he was evolvable at 4 ._.

Anyways, Char is Out! See you guys later.

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:29:00)

I should mention that your chances of drawing a Defend are only 35% when 7 of your 20 cards are Defends if you consider 1 out of 5 card slots, when you consider all five your odds of drawing a Defend would be 88.3970937%. This sort of thing can be calculated by multiplying the reverse of the desired outcome by itself five times over and then subtracting that from 1 and multiplying by 100.

So in this case you could punch in (13/20)^5 into Google, the result being 0.116029063, and then you subtract that from 1 to get 0.883970937 and multiply that by 100 to get your percent of 88.3970937%, or 88% unless you want to be ridiculously specific lol.

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:30:34)

@Char That was pretty easy, I manage to know what he did.
The initial was 5 water, so he charged once to get to 7 water
Now he had to do that with the other elements, but he had some trump card:
You start with 1, second time you have 3, then 6 charges in each element and that was when he stopped. He did that with the other elements until he had
Neutral 7 (He charged two times from 4 to 7)
Fire 6
Ice 6
Energy 6
Chaos 6
Earth 6
Water 7
Light 6
Shadow 6

Then he proceeded to charge the elements with 6 and the charge reset itself when changing elements, so the charges became 1 and added to the current 6 becoming 7. Labyrinth solved.

Hiduke -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:32:17)

My Brain just Overheated ,Exploded ,Froze, and Then my blood reached my head after I just read that I am back to my senses ....What did I just read?*re-reads it happened all over again*I will just stop reading that.

I can thank for my migraine @The phoenix and Death guard.

@above wait I really don't get this but his hand has ice cards and he did kill the enemy without taking any damage what up with that?
and also he has no shields and their is negative -70 on his opponent so he must have used his ice or must have used something what is the date or time of that picture and was Water series out yet?

I need to stop thinking migraine just lvled up.

*been waiting patiently for the following conversation after leaving axel in the sleepywolfinn no sign of any rats*

Was their any chance that people who were friend with him from the forum or other source know the solution to this puzzle ,and how he did all that?
cuss to mange that without dying you need to either kill a lot of turns and not die or do something like...he must have been really smart he need to do a lot of variable and math calculation to manage all that.

@below than is the puzzle solved or not, cause I am thinking to much and if feel confuse. I will just relax and forget this conversation ever happened.

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 135 - READ THE FIRST POST (11/16/2013 18:36:29)

@Finnish It's the weekend I don't want to do math.[&:][8D]
EDIT: @Hiduke No, Water series was not out yet.

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