DeepVoid (Full Version)

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Voodoo Master -> DeepVoid (12/7/2013 3:12:06)


Location: Pellow Village (Book 3) -> 3 Right -> Tomix -> Void Ship! -> Board the ship -> Deep Void
Level/Quest/Items required: Completion of Trithril
Release Date: December 6th, 2013

Objective: Aspar has been busy...
Objective completed: Aspar has reached the DeepVoid Core. What is his plan?

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(3) Decadere Guard
(2) Decadere Youngling
(3) Void Elemental
(4) Void Spawn
(1) Decadere Eldest - Boss


Eye of the Void (I-VI) (Sword)
Eye of the Void (I-VI) (Staff)
Eye of the Void (I-VI) (Dagger)

Access to Deep Void Drop Shop and Deep Void DC.

  • Equips Envy.

    *Envy (Aspar) is somewhere in the Void with a group of weird creatures, all humanised in one way or another, when the Stranger from the last quest appears in front of him and kneels; his name is White.*

    White: Master...
    Aspar: What took you so long? Did you take the trithril?
    White: I-I did, but...
    Aspar: But?
    White: They took it. Tomix and Aspar took it.
    Aspar: So you failed. Is that what you are trying to say?
    White: I'm... I'm...
    Aspar: ...
    White: I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! Please don't hurt me! You said you wouldn't hurt me if I'd fail, you said you wouldn't!
    Aspar: Shut up!

    *White sheds a tear.*

    White: You promised me you'd reverse me! I'm in pain, please, reverse me... I don't want to be a human anymore!
    Aspar: Well, I lied!!!
    Aspar: Look at you White, you're pathetic. Do you see others complaining? No, because they know their place!

    *Envy kneels by White and touches his face.*

    Aspar: I've created you, I've given you a name, and you dare to annoy me?!
    White: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll be good now, I won't disappoint you again!

    *Envy smiles.*

    Aspar: No, you won't.

    *And with that, White melts to nothing; Envy stands up.*

    Aspar: Now, you lot, we're almost there, don't stay far behind me.

    *You, as Envy, fight all the creatures in your way; Envy and his group arrive on a cliff; in front of them lies the Core of the Void.*

    Aspar: This is it. The Ynnungaap Core.
    Green: This place looks like it was once inhabited. By some ancient civilization perhaps.
    Aspar: Who cares, let's get started, we have plenty of work to do.
    Aspar: Green, secure the area, I don't want any of these void creatures around. Red and Blue, help me with the core.
    Aspar: Yellow, congratulations, you're promoted. Sooner or later Tomix and his entourage will get here, I want them slowed down. Take Evil Eyes with you.

  • Complete Quest
  • Loot Shop - opens Deep Void Drop Shop.
  • DC Shop - opens Deep Void DC shop.

    Other information
  • Guests are removed upon beginning this quest as of January 29th, 2021.

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