RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 3:14:40)

ay gj Allen

Grixus Faldor -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 3:48:48)

Hmmm... now's a good a time as ever to get some character evolutions out of the way...

DidYouKnowThat -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 4:04:55)


A wild James Lu appeared! Quick, lets capture it. [:D] Since he's an Archknight and all. . . get it. . . Legendary.. . . . haha. . . ha. .. . . ..


Anyways, that XP boost helps a lot, surprisingly. If that's only 10%. . . . . wow, people who have 200% have it easy. [;)]

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 5:39:22)

Yes, its great some features were fixed to enhanced OS's game system!

allenwalker888 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 8:27:14)

I think there's a bug where the infinite loading screen of doom takes over when u try to check ur cards while on the map >.>...

I was using Young Lycan lol, dunno if the same goes for u guys? Is it a bug or just my prob?

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 8:57:00)

I haven't log in to OS since I am currently playing AQW. If there is something wrong, do report it.

allenwalker888 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 9:22:19)

OK, I'll try again later lol..

The Death Angel -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 11:09:13)

Has anyone fought Legend Reborn? I see him topping the ranks in terms of PvP wins for today and even overall by a huge margin, but I've never seen or fought against him yet. How does he even get 50 PvP matches with how few players these days :p?
Top 100

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 11:14:04)

I had never seen him anywhere at Solace or Sleepy Wolf Inn. I don't think I had even met him often even when his had attained tons of victories. Not a single player/forumite even mentioned about fighting Legend Reborn and won the battle or not.

Edit: If my speculation is to be correct, there is very high chance the long awaited Gentleman Time character Megakyle wished for will finally be release during the next release.

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 15:52:21)

On the topic of PvP, has everyone added their In-game name = Forum name info to the "PvP ID" thread yet? xD

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 15:56:59)

Well my In game name is bjeble and my forum name is BJEBLE, so would I really have to?It's kind of obvious.[8|]

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 16:01:06)

I would, and I did xD I mean, new people wouldn't know what your names were the same. It's nice to have that recorded.

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 16:01:55)

@Beck ah I see. Going to do that now.

bokterier -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 16:04:18)

I did it right now. The only problem is... My highest level'ed character is lvl 5... xD

By the way, I'm new here. Name is Bokterier, but just call me Bok or Bokky. :)

EliteWarlockz -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 16:07:25)

You must be new... Anyway train XMas Elf because she's the strongest char so far and she's only 0 Gold.
Edit: So you're new. Welcome to the Oversoul family ;)

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 16:24:47)

Weee hi!

Dw you will get your characters up in lv sooner or later...took some time for me to start leveling characters aswell xD You should just take it slow with the leveling atm though, not really worth rushing getting any characters up to 20 unless you want a legendary char =)

branden80 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 16:25:54)

im back people! iv waited n entire year and its finally here! revontheus master! its so incredible my eyes melt whenever i look at it, and this ice angle is amazing! it is a good thing i waited so long, and does anyone else think the xmas elf seems a little… exciting?

bokterier -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 16:51:27)

Tried the tutorial. Isn't it a little outdated? Or is it just because they're still in Beta?

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 17:02:14)

The tutorial is outdated since it was made before we got our whole "beta revolution" update, the wiki has a Beginner's Guide if you want it.

bokterier -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 17:08:23)

Thank you, kind soul! :)

Question: I have the lycan in level 7, should I evolve it into a dark, golden or frost werewolf? What is the best?

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 17:19:42)

@bokterier Gold lycan is one of the best non-SG light characters, so I would say him. Frost lycan is a pretty balanced Ice character, but it doesn't have Freeze.And Dark Lycan cost 4 SG, and since I didn't want him I don't know what he's like.

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 19:55:35)

Well, since I was afraid Neutral Series would leave, I bought one with SGs and got lucky
Corruptions, Death Flows and Iron Hide!

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 19:58:16)

Welcome to Oversoul bokterier enjoy your stay~ cause you're NOT leaving....
@DeathGuard that draw :O

The Mango -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 20:08:30)

Just bought a neutral card pack, and got 2 Death flows and 2 Iron Hides but no corruptions

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 20:28:25)

I got a Corruption and normal attack cards XD

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