RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 20:39:00)

@The Mango: Still Iron Hides and Death Flows are nice! ;D

@Joel: the same happened to me but instead of a Corruption I got a Counter Attack xD

branden80 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 20:41:18)

i feel ignored ;_;

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 20:45:08)


Assassin01 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 20:53:32)

Anyone else having the problem where you keep telling yourself "Just one more fight" and you're unable to stop?

Axel459 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 21:00:19)

@Assassin I have the opposite I'm like "Alright lets do this three more lvls to 20" and then I do one fight go afk for like 20 mins and log out.

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 23:26:07)

I'll have to quit indefinitely until I can get access to Flash Player 11.2. My operating system's out of date, it's pretty frustrating that Flash isn't more flexible but my hands are tied. See yall when I see yall.

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 23:26:16)

aiming to get all the Dungeon Boss characters to 15 for funzies. Anyone know if Degore is a boss?

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 23:27:09)

Yeah, Degore's a boss in the Undead Dungeon.

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 23:44:45)

Earth to Wind ay Phoenix? The avatar has risen

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/29/2013 23:57:44)

@TFP and JoelJ
There is no Wind element in OS unfortunately. Man, I so wish there can be Wind element in OS so there will be a 10th element in OS. 10 is a very nice number and seeing 9 element in OS bring my attention of OS needing a 10th element to make a very nice number. Chaos character have yet to be release. The time Chaos character should be release must come next year. I am personally very random in doing stuff so me and Chaos characters are going to get along just fine. xD It might be my top main element in OS. :D

Andlu -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 14:45:19)

I renember Nulgath saying there would be wind some time later. But not sure.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 15:27:16)

Didn't he say he might consider adding more elements like Wind?

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 15:30:28)

Yes he might have, though no one seems to be able to find a quote of that. Also I don't think that's happening anymore, considering how no one recently on staff has mentioned that even being a possibility.

The Death Angel -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 15:36:02)

I'm definently looking forward to Chaos Elemental characters. Though the cards looked like a lot of RNG, it looked pretty unique, and is a high risk, high reward sorta thing.

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 16:52:34)

If the nature of Chaos element is to be random, I wonder how it would fare in competitive play.

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 17:00:17)

I think that instead of being random, Chaos should have a card that decreases charge regen by 1 for like 3 turns or something like that, I think that would be really fun to play as.

branden80 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 17:09:03)

andlu! beck! axel! tfp! jmagician!!! everyone is back!

daichi -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 17:19:17)

I Would love to see chaos be just rolly polly up in the air random effect filled.

and then they could add a leprechaun that's chaotic.[:D]

Jmagician -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 17:35:37)

Hey branden, long time. I'm eagerly awaiting the competitive releases ER, stats and multi-character dueling (most of all) which explains why I am not on as much.

@BJEBLE: For those annoying Ice types. They seem to have too much energy on their hands ._.

Vagaran -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 17:45:24)

Me too, a bit boring atm though it will hopefully get more interesting once all the main features are in place :P

daichi -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 17:49:43)

I just wish more people would RPVP. that's going to make ER a blast.[:D]

Although I worry about the neutral elements usage if there's only one or two chaos character around.[>:]

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 18:12:59)

So I was showing my friend OS, went on the map for a random battle, and guess what popped up. Poison Drake. On his second fight in the game. He beat it, didn't know how rare it was and basically thought: "Meh, not that big of a deal." and didn't use a SG to possess it.[:(][:@][:@]

Beck -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 19:07:42)

That is some terrible luck, for you xD Try to impress on this friend just how lucky he was.

Assassin01 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 19:12:58)

Tell your friend some random guy on the forums despises him for his luck lol

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 19:18:45)

@Beck I did tell him how lucky he was. He said that he just lost a fight against a green dragon, and then I told him that it was super rare and should have used SG to capture it. But he's liking the game so far so all is good now.
@Assassin Will do.[:D]

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