RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (Full Version)

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Teserve -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 20:29:35)

I am basically not playing until Chaos is released. Did Nulgath say anything about Chaos chars? The only info I know about Chaos is those two pre-revolution cards.

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 20:50:06)

@Teserve Nulgath has not released any information about Chaos characters, so you know as much as any of us. Except Sage and Asuka, but there probably would have been a DN about it.

allenwalker888 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 22:07:10)

Whee, finally got the monk :D!!

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 22:41:58)


I am hoping to hear news about the release of Chaos characters next year. Chaos play by random which make the game more enjoyable and fun!

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 23:39:37)

AW sold my Degore for the 1 SG :( trying to get him back now the proper way.

Blackshock -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/30/2013 23:51:27)

Did someone say chaos cards? My interest is piqued.

On a side note, finally did one last update to my gallery and fixed all the broken links. Will be able to resume my work once I get my tablet back. XD

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 5:09:02)

Does Nature's Gift have a timer on how long it lasts? If not, it should. Imagine being in a PvP and forgetting how many turns until its down
just realised how awesome Daddeh Time's scythe is *droooool* Getting Father Minute to Father Hour and then to Daddeh Time now. Good thing this wont be...a waste of...TIME! ahahah im so lame

dragon wrath -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 5:48:22)

Natures gift now does not have a timer it just heal the amount of defence you have

JoelJ1998 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 6:00:19)

It says "Increase your Max Life by 1000 for 4 Turns"

dragon wrath -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 6:06:45)

Sorry that was tree of life...
But yea you have 4 turns after which they take away 1000 health of yours

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 6:40:20)

I am looking forward to more of your awesome design once your Tablet return! As I said before, Nulgath need a new OS artist assistance and you are one of them qualify to be. :D

What Dragon Wrath said, you don't have to worry about Nature Gift for it have its own con as well as pro. ;)

EliteWarlockz -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 8:29:37)

Would 2x 515,1 x Iron hide, 1 x Counter Attack , 1 x Corruption be good on monk?

Megadragonknight -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 9:34:36)

I suggest you replace 1 515 attack card with 1 Counter Attack consider Monk don't have enough Counter Attack to increase his defence. Overall, still a good choice especially suggesting on equipping Corruption as it will deal deadly DoT attack to the opponent.

Happy New Year to everyone! This is my last post in 2013. :D Looking forward to new exciting OS releases in the future in 2014!

Skurge -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 12:53:23)

I use only IronHides and Corruptions. [8D]

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 13:04:37)

Added some new characters to my gallery including a Steampunk Dragon so be sure to take a look again at my gallery ^-^

Anyways I got 4 master evos of Trainee now xD

Assassin01 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 13:16:33)

I've always wanted a dragon and I think that's the one we need to see in-game early 2014 =D

DeathGuard -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 13:20:39)

@Assassin: Thanks! I really spend a lot of time in making that character :D

friend18 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 16:28:45)


Would 2x 515,1 x Iron hide, 1 x Counter Attack , 1 x Corruption be good on monk?

I use 4 Corruptions and 1 Iron Hide for my leveling build. For PvP, I swap out a Corruption for a 515 shield.

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 16:32:53)

Are 4 corruptions really necessary? What do you do when you get 4 in one turn and the cap is 20 energy?

BJEBLE -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 16:38:58)

@Jop I know, I always put 6 Corruptions for my CC, as it is the best Neutral card, so I almost always have at least one of them. Of course for Arcane Ranger I only put 1 Corruption, but that's a different story.

friend18 -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 17:41:55)


Are 4 corruptions really necessary? What do you do when you get 4 in one turn and the cap is 20 energy?

There's always Neutralize to help.

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 18:15:03)


Are 4 corruptions really necessary? What do you do when you get 4 in one turn and the cap is 20 energy?

Personally I recommend CCing 6 Corruptions so you can get them as fast as possible.


@Jop I know, I always put 6 Corruptions for my CC, as it is the best Neutral card

Good man!


Does Nature's Gift have a timer on how long it lasts? If not, it should. Imagine being in a PvP and forgetting how many turns until its down

This is true, you just have to keep track internally, although I prefer to save energy for Stone Walls since those are permanent for an extra couple energy.

The Death Angel -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 18:16:21)

Happy new years, fellas! Let's cross fingers for that Gentleman!

The Finnish Phoenix -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 18:18:15)

Happy new years to you too Death Angel. :) I'm sure he'll arrive!

The Jop -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 137 - READ THE FIRST POST (12/31/2013 18:20:10)

CCing 6 Corruptions? But you can only add 5 cards.

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