Omit Losses + Incentives for Competitive Players (Full Version)

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edwardvulture -> Omit Losses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/26/2013 22:27:29)

This suggestion has been brought up before, and now it will be brought up again.
This is a discussion thread for this idea.
Although the discussion of this idea was not even close to unanimous agreement, it is the most logical idea to retain what is left of the epicduel player base, to return players that have quit, and for this game to get new players that stay.
How this would work is that only the number of wins is visible. Loses and the number of battles would be gone. When a player loses the "Defeated!" screen will still show no record of the lose will be kept.
The rationale behind this by me and fellow forum members is:
-Quote from Drianx

I think one of the main reasons why people quit is because they can't stand losing and amassing losses.

With NPC wins removal developers actually forced people to either embrace the 'no wins without losses' concept, or simply move on.

Therefore yes, I guess removing losses not only will keep people around, but make people keep their favorite class and build regardless the win ratios.

-Quote from MrBones

Every single player wants to win at least 85 % of their fights. This is impossible and no balance changes will ever make it so.
Now in a 'perfect' balance scenario, between two skilled players, how would the winner be determine ? Luck ? Who wants to have 'coin toss' battles ?

Ah! here's my insight and response to that. it would be alright to have "coin toss" battles if loses didn't go on your record because for that moment luck was just not in your favor and since it isn't recorded, you can just move on.
-and mine

I hope they remove loses because I honestly am not playing my blood mage or cyber hunter because I have a stellar record on them considering that I only played them in Delta where I barely enhanced them. I know for sure some people are not playing this game because of the fear to losing and tainting their records due to the balance problems we constantly see.
Losing wouldn't be a big deal if it was "oh, ok. that's alright... at least I got exp and credits just for playing. Alright, next fight!'" instead of (relating to current times)j, "That bs bh build with the nearly unblock-able high dex and too much striking damage . It just kept chopping my HP down. I'm getting off this game until they fix the horrid balance"
The fact is someone somewhere playing this game will ALWAYS complain about balance even if this game goes on after testing phases(which I hope will happen because this is like one of my favorite computer games). BUT if loses are removed, there are sure to be less build copiers, happier players, and more fun for everyone.
I know that loses being counted was and are still an incentive for players to buy varium. After all it is nearly impossible for the average player to put new cores on every new weapon unless you want your credit/varium count to plummet. Tbh paying players and non-playing players are at almost an even playing field except for the fact paying players can get promos 1 year earlier.

Anyways, what I forsee because of the legends release is that the grinding zone will be extended to level 30-38 and when most players have reached level 40 and are all legends, casual or new players like me who has not been in the level cap for almost half a year now will likely quit because the perks that these "legends' get will make fighting with a level disadvantage an even bigger deal. The most logical way for the developers to keep their dwindling player base and add to it is to remove loses and add new ideas to satisfy the competetive players(many of which are scattered over this["Would we have more players if we omit loses?"] thread).

There are a lot of incentives for competitive players to stay, but new ones could involve achievements that tracks win%'s over either a time period and/or amount of wins.
But most of all, the incentives for competitive/addicted players to stay is obviously legend perks which have not been fully developed yet.

An argument that came up is that the game will be filled with quick kill builds, what we could do to combat this is to scale credits and experience received based on the duration of a battle.

Also, to supplement the needs of players who feel like that they want to keep track of how they are doing(competetive/self-conscious players). A "Personal Battle Record" can be created. It will either be an extension of the leader-boards or an extension of the Achievements page. Like the current house privacy setting, you can adjust how many people see it, It could be just you, or it could be public. I'm debating to myself whether this should be available to view in battle. Just like how influence is kept tracked of, a "Personal Battle Record" will keep track of all your wins and loses and statistics that involve them. It could also be erased for a price if the devs hope to capitalize on this feature, or you can just reset it whenever. This could effectively engage the players to set goals for themselves. Here are a list of features that could be included if a "Personal Battle Record" is put in.
-A Graph of your daily percentages over a time period of whenever
-Win-lose ratios
-The average length of your battles
-Achievements that involve win ratios and #'s of wins to lose over time
-Your activity, how much you log on or don't log on each day
-Whatever else anyone could think of because this is not the main point of this suggestion.

In concluion, taking out loses from our permanent battle records would make for a bigger and happier player base. If there are more players and they are happier, that will make them more likely to contribute to this game by purchasing varium. In its core, it is a win-win situation and therefore, it must be done as soon as possible.

Jekyll -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/26/2013 23:09:52)

There are people who insist that removing losses will reduce the competitive aspect of the game. My answer to that is that right now, casual players need incentives more than anything else. The first step into rebuilding this game is to prevent players from leaving.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/26/2013 23:25:32)

The simple fact is that the majority of players want it. You persist on it often and a few agree with you, but the majority of players like actually seeing their stats. And its not the fact that the flavor of the week builds killing them going on their record angers them, its just that it happens so often.

Jekyll -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 0:14:00)

Of course, that's why they should remove the losses and put in an option to show them. Casual players who don't like their losses can hide it, while those with a good ratio can show it. It's a win-win situation. Balance is terrible with the major advantage BH has, and this inadvertently causes more losses than normal. Players who are affected by this can therefore continue playing without worrying about their ratio being affected. This also limits the need for class-hopping.

Mother1 -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 0:37:52)

I remember Rabble coming into the forums a few months ago asking would the players like to have the option of hiding their loses. But I also remember other staff members saying no to flat out removing loses for the soul purpose that this is a competitive game and having a lose record adds to that.

GearzHeadz -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 0:46:58)

An option would be good.

Jekyll -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 0:50:10)

So, in summary, a player will be able to see every of his own stats, but might not see someone else's, based on set preferences.

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 1:04:26)

I really want loses to leave. It would get rid of a lot of stress that battling has.

But what will happen to the Battles section where it says how much battles you've done? Would that go away too? Because it actually is a little useless since just being in battles doesn't do anything for us.

edwardvulture -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 1:57:53)

I think the developers have made it very clear that winning is the only thing that does good to us. It gives us influence, experience, and credits. So only winning would be tracked. In real life, losing is failure. Why would anyone want to be reminded of failure in a computer game?

Chosen 0ne -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 1:58:57)

I think rabble should make a new poll with this.

Mother1 -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 2:15:33)


In real life without failure you can't learn from your mistakes. Even if losing feels awful you can use your defeat to reflex upon your mistakes and learn from them. Something that can't be done if you don't have some sort of reminder.

Also even if all the players wanted something that doesn't mean they will get it. Many players want free varium so does that mean the staff will give it out to everyone because the masses want it? I don't think so. A lot of people want the new actives gone and for passives to return but it was also already said it wasn't happening.

DarkDevil -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 4:14:44)

althought i would like it but , it will discourage players for winning since there is nothing to lose , which could increase trollers or be a source of abuse.

but since challenges no longer count i think i am fine with this.

edwardvulture -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 4:28:08)

@mother1: Would free varium benefit the developers? No! Would more players benefit the developers? Yes! In real life, we learn from our failures. To be constantly reminded of them leads to regression. If a player wants to stop losing, they could change builds, change classes, do anything. But if they wanted to keep their fun build that doesn't necessarily have a good win rate, then let them. It's a computer game, you should be able to be what you want. I'm sure many of the players are miserable being forced to conform to the newest OP build with every balance update in order not to accumulate loses. Many have quit of this.

@Gearz: Where is the evidence that says most players want to keep loses in their records?....if they had a choice

GearzHeadz -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 11:35:17)

The evidence? The fact whenever you brought the forum up lots of players said they wanted to keep the records?

lionblades -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 11:43:57)

or bring NPC wins back for 15 wins a day

Good for casual players for daily logins, and hardcore players for a bonus 15 wins

Plus it will not significantly affect Leaderboards since 15 wins is not abusable.

This makes win-ratio people happy and gives boost for bad ratio players.

edwardvulture -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 15:44:09)

@Gearz find some quotes that actually support this. Did they have a choice.?

How about this:
Move your battles and loses to something called Personal Battle Record. It keeps track of all your battle stats, only you and your buddies can view it. It is an extension of the Achievements page.
However, what everyone else can view is only your wins. This way players can keep their records while not being ridiculed for using builds they want and not really winning all the time. And you can choose to reset it whenever you like but wins will stay like they do on your char page now.

Mother1 -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 16:06:44)

@ Edwardvulture

I could only support that last part only if you add your wins getting reset as well. Like it or not loses are part of your battle record, and to be able to freely erase one part of your battle record while keeping another part doesn't make sense.

edwardvulture -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/27/2013 16:12:03)

^yes, but the wins are permanent for everyone else just like your char page. Everything in your "personal battle record" would reset to 0.

Scyze -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/28/2013 15:25:43)


In real life, losing is failure.
This made me laugh, it really did! Mother1 clearly told you why losing isn't always a bad thing. If you constantly win, you know you've got something that is good. If you lose, you can be someone who's smart and completely make use of the lose to get better. You can think why you lost and in the end, you can make yourself better.

People make builds by themselves and it become fun - that doesn't mean the win ratio will be high. If your win ratio is below 50% for the day, that doesn't mean your win ratio has always been 50%. At certain points my win ratio was over 95% and did that mean that my win ratio kept at 95%+? Nope, it never did. I lost a few battles, I could learn from it, and next time I could use the experience to beat them. That's what I did.

Some have left the game forever, some have quit battles altogether. That doesn't mean everyone is going to start to just battle regardless of how many times they're losing. Some players don't want losses to be hidden, some want it to be and some don't even care. I notice that whenever something has been brought back, it's cool for a while but then it becomes bad again. How can I, and many others, be sure that those players will come back and have fun?

When someone doesn't want to battle in fear of ruining their battle records, that's just pathetic. One of the worst things I've read on the internet. I am not battling because I can't be bothered to constantly battle Strength BHs, your suggestion isn't going to make me change my mind. I don't care how many times I lose, I want to have fun. If your suggestion does go in-game, that's great! Some players can now battle all day without anyone knowing their win ratio. It's good for them, but like I said, after a while, the joy is gone; this time, it's not because of your suggestion, it's because the players are losing a lot. The lower the win ratio the more times you have lost.

If this suggestion does have an option to hide your losses, I'd be happy with it. I might one day decide to hide my win ratio so people don't see how good my win ratio is! [;)] That means people won't find out if my build is OP or not until they try it.

edwardvulture -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/28/2013 15:48:56)


You can think why you lost and in the end, you can make yourself better.

Do you think I want to make myself a better person by playing a computer game?

Once again, the part with "Personal Battle Record"

I would not say this as "my suggestion" because like I said, its been brought up by many people.

Scyze -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/28/2013 15:50:53)

Then what's the point of removing the loss count? The way you've put it there, if it's just a game, why should anyone care about the loss count? Hmmm?

edwardvulture -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/28/2013 15:54:23)

When I play a computer game, especially one like ED. I want to feel like a winner all the time(lol, so not me in real life). Removing loses is the only way to do that. If I'm not winning a fight, at least I'm getting exp and credits with no downfall.

Scyze -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/28/2013 15:57:47)

Don't you gain Experience from losing too? I think you gain 7 every time - or has it been changed?
If you get rid of the loss count, you don't get rid of losses. I can have 10 losses not shown but does that mean I never lost? No, it still means I lost 10 times. If people want to feel like a winner, they want wins all the time. Hiding the losses isn't going to make them win is it?

You constantly go on about removing losses... Isn't giving free wins going to make win ratios higher? The removal of the loss count isn't going to make people win.

DeathGuard -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/28/2013 16:20:54)

I don't really see a point in removing losses, people still will complain they are losing, what needs to be fix is balance itself. Losses should remain to remind you of the battles you have lost and the effort you have done to obtain the counterpart of the loses, which are your wins. The feeling of not seeing losses would only be visual, it won't fix nothing. As some of the forumers have also stated, the competitiveness in this game is what may bring it back to its golden era.

edwardvulture -> RE: Omit Loses + Incentives for Competitive Players (12/28/2013 16:23:21)

^esactly, the illusion is enough for them to keep playing isn't it? Also, I wrote up the "Personal Battle Record"

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