RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (Owned by Starstruck) (Full Version)

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Master K -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (Owned by Starstruck) (5/25/2014 0:03:37)

Sorry! So sorry I haven't been participating.

RL hit me like a truck. I've been struggling under school work, attending my best friends high school grad as her date, oncoming's been busy. I'm still lingering, but I'm just wore out.

TJByrum -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (Owned by Starstruck) (5/25/2014 12:36:05)

It's alright Master K, no need to rush on anything around here.

Ronin Of Dreams -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (Owned by Starstruck) (12/3/2014 12:19:37)

This is a cursory check for all Players involved:

Since this RP has been inactive for a span of six months, is there any interest to continue this RP or shall I go ahead and lock it to prevent any issues via Rule #7 of the RP Boards given the Players who were involved in this? I will either need Starstruck to contact me directly, or a majority from the players involved, to do so. Locking is not permanent, mind you, and it can be unlocked at a future date when interest and capability to run it return. The RP Thread itself was recently unpinned, NOT deleted, so if you are looking to reread it in hopes of sparking it back to life just change your Display settings to All Topics.

Honestly, this had been shaping up to be a rather fun one, to boot.


TJByrum -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (Owned by Starstruck) (12/3/2014 18:13:21)

If Starstruck wants to run this, he can. I've no interest in it though, especially since I have The Hallows Inn on my plate.

Kellehendros -> RE: Isle of Dracos - OOC (Owned by Starstruck) (12/3/2014 22:41:17)

I would love to continue, but in the absence of a DM, that is hard to do. My interest remains. Perhaps the story can be resurrected at some point in the future.

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