RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Ilovesquab -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 0:10:54)

what has frenzy have to do with static. Yes somee change is needed for static. If tact mark want things at par then add club usage for poison grenade cause cyber and bounty need claws for poison. Tact merc only class that has 1 skill that needs club ie. Atom smash. All other classes have at least 2 or 3 skills that need a weapon requirement. Eg. Hunter class cheap shot, poison, massacare. Why is everyone wanting all classes same? Why have 6 class then. Make 1 class with 20 skills to choose from. Cyber weak and static makes it weak. Shadow arts totally useless. No one uses it, make it free to use and no one will use it cause support useless for cyber. Really broken class i make big mistake waste 100k on class change + attempt to kill seeva + claw investment. All new joiners pls never change to cyber. Read this before you change ok NEVER GO CYBER !

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 0:44:15)

Cyber is a pretty solid class. I can at least beat Rank 20s with me using my 5 Focus base HP/EP build. I bet it would be a real monster if I got to Legend...

Ilovesquab -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 0:52:34)

Wow really, you beat rank 20 in 1 vs 1 ? Can you help me with your build please. I tried 5 focus. I have emp. I start with emp I use 190 energy to drain 500 energy. Next turn they drain my energy and I am really screwed. I got nothing just aux and bot. 1 bludgeon takes half health consider I have 750. I cannot heal. I am svrewed. How do you plau pls help. Atm I am very high strength I malf.static gun and if alive I meteor. Else I am dead by now. I want to add. I have 380 to 400 defences. If I dont emp.merc does blood commander and then 550 damage on zerk. Blood mage just totally destroys me, I dont even have .01% chance to win. I can win against tact mercs sometimes and win against some cybers but now so hard to find another cyber. I am lost. Pls help with some videos of fights as 5 focus very much appreciate thx

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 1:20:56)

I pretty much just stall the battle until I have rage, then use Plasma Grenade and Infernal Android back to back. I guess it's easier for me since I have Platinum's Pride..

Noobatron x3000 -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 3:45:26)

IMHO poison would have to lose its low mana cost and or low cool down before I could consider suggesting buffing ch - the strength poison builds are difficult to beat in 1v1 unless your exploiting another broken build, I don't want to make them more powerful.

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 8:23:43)

Squab this class is amazing, and I don't understand why people say its underpowered. You can poison, static, gun w/ Lucky shot core, claw/sword attack core, aux and massacre...6 unblockables in a row really...dont even get me started on f5 tank tech builds. This class is blatantly amazing. Sure it sucks for npc but it absolutely owns in pvp and once I get var I am going Ch again or merc.

I don't know about you guys but this class does not need a nerf. Its pretty solid

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 8:29:03)


Sure it sucks for npc

Well specifically just Lionhart :P

Ilovesquab -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 8:31:35)

are you really serious or just messing with me? You can do 6 unblockables too. Plasma cannon , parasite, gun plasma cannon, aux, gun weapon special ok thats 7 so the point being ??

Max poison is countered with lvl 1 heal and needs a claw to use so pointless.

Static gives back 40 energy on focus build hence forcing ch to go strength.

Shadow arts does jack for the support requirement

plasma grenade useless beyond level 1

cheap shot useless cause claw is useless

no burst damage like bunk or plasma cannon or bludgeon

no means of regaining health except heal which sks beyond lvl 4

useless malf thats not only countered but screwed with any sheild.

High reliablity on energy and useless skill set overall.

Massacare having no second speciality.. Damage at par with supercharge..

There.. Cyber is a garbage class

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 8:41:01)

You use Venom Strike after they heal so they can't counter it.

I use malf when the opponent is about to heal or is out of energy so they won't shield right away.

Plasma Grenade is a great skill to blow energy on if you don't want to be drained

Static Charge should be used ASAP to get the most out of it.

EMP saps a large amount of energy with decent tech

Plus, Cyber has 2 strong shields.

And finally, there's a reason you can buy cores.

Ilovesquab -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 8:51:46)

if your smart they are smarter .. They drain your energy before they heal so you cant poison them. Plus what gives if i use 280 energy on bunk i do 400 damage and 280 energy on poison is 130 + 100 odd damage.

If your opponent is out of energy as a cyber then ur opponent is a noob.. Cause with a useless static skill your out of energy the moment you use any shill thats level 4 +

so i need a grenade just to use my energy now is it knowing its gonna do absolute garbage damage since focus is useless and strength is my viable option ?

Cybers sheilds are uselss.. If your forced to rely on strength for static your matrix does jack with base support. Moreover plasms sheild works if i have tech invested.. Why will a strentgh based class invest tech if they needs strength and dex ?

Most useless synergy on this garbage class. I cant say thing more.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 8:57:03)

There's no way an opponent can drain enough of your energy to stop poison unless they are another Cyber.

Ilovesquab -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 10:23:53)

let me give you example. 5 focus ch who gets back 40 to 70 energy back on static.

I am focus user against merc. I start first use bot merc uses commander i aux he zerks i heal he drains i am screwed.

Against bounty.. I bot he marks me i aux he smokes me i matris he emps me i am screwed

against mage stun rain i heal i get assim i screwed.. Against str he malfs i sheild.. Plasms armour takes a lot of energy.. He assims i am screwed.

Against tlm. They dont really care .. They poison i poison he gets more energy than me he laugh his arse and heals .

Against a blood mage.. No comment i am owned by them.

Against a cyber yes i can win cause we both garbage class.

Poison is good for mass build only at lvl 6 or so cause the moment you poison they heal.

I am cyber from level 25 i know every possible bruild and my limitations.. Right now this a useless class

The berserker killer -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 10:29:09)

Your unblockables scale with Strength except for your aux.....thetes a huge difference. And thrusters is right, you guys murder NPCs faster than any class with a max massacre that will hit 1k damage...

Ilovesquab -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 10:34:52)

not really venom is 85% damage and static is a bane of our existance.. I rather have parasire over poison this posion sks with claw limitation. Mass does not do 1k damage on a lvl 35+ npc maybe ir does to a lvl 15 npc, how does npc even matter in a pvp game ? Whats ur logic here ? Supercharge does the same if u malf ur opponent and use it.. Moreover it gives back health too. I dont see your point zerk

Bagofbricks -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 10:46:52)

i was a cyber hunter for a decent amount of time, and it is probably the best 1v1 class. I had a lvl 10 poison and lvl 10 static charge combo that worked well. Sure static charge can be awful vs high def, but if you maintain energy well, you can poison atlesat twice per fight

Ilovesquab -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 11:09:03)

so why did you change from a cyber if it was the best class? Got bored winning a lot?

Bagofbricks -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 11:22:10)

I've always preferred 2v2 and i got bored of being the same class for so long. Not very relevant to the balance however. It is great for 1v1, average for 2v2, and good for killing all npc's other than saeva

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 13:57:49)

So EP return cannot be buffed because of Poison builds? Right. And what about all the other ones? They DO exist, just aren't as common.

Perhaps Poison needs to be tweaked - such as 3 turn cooldown, so you won't end up with 2 turn of Poison after curing it once? Or making it work off weapon's damage (weapon alone), such as 70% weapon damage at L10, spread over 3 turns? This would allow ANY build to take advantage of it equally, Poison wise, and nerf it at lower level. Or maybe add more counters (which still wouldn't fix the SC + Poison "issue")?

Arguments revolving around "we can't buff X because Y is already broken" are just unnecessary, because you buff X and fix Y instead, not just leave them as they are.

Bagofbricks -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 14:07:52)

why tweak poison at all? it has easy counters, such as healing and taking the energy, especially with cyber and BH's poor energy regains. and the most the poison itself can do is 390 damage, and that is over 3 turns which is a long time considering most classes have a handful of skills that can do that damage or more in a single hit

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 14:11:55)

It's also unblockable and can be looped easily, especially after Heal. Number of counters doesn't always translate to skill being balanced. A skill should be balanced without any counters in the first place. (counters are used to nullify the effect only, not render skills completely useless)

Bagofbricks -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 14:16:23)

Either way its as balanced. Unblockable but does less damage, and theres no guarantee that spending the 280 energy will do more than drain 170 of the opponents energy, so it can be a strong skill, but only if it gets the chance to run through all three turns. This adds the 'risk' to using it i guess you could say, resulting in balance

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 14:27:28)

You haven't said though why it's balanced. If other players claim it isn't, and include some data, few facts on what the skill does =/= balanced. Fireball is also balanced, but players still want it to get buffed since it's lacking behind - even though Str builds are still a thing and it scales off Strength.

Also, no one asks you to max out every skill either. That's why you make decisions and manage your EP wisely, not make it easy to deplete and disable all your skills, only because they cost high amount of EP.

Bagofbricks -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 15:08:40)

So people make complain because poison builds beat them, and call it unbalanced. I comment that theres easy counters to it and it isn't more powerful than skills other classes have, especially considering its possible to cut the damage to 1/3 of its potential, and therefore i think its balanced and I'm in the wrong eh. That logic is solid.

Ranloth -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 15:17:26)

I did cover the topic of counters too. A skill shouldn't rely on secondary counters (apart from Heal, in case of Poison) to be balanced. Until the first Heal, Poison isn't that strong, but as the battle draws out - and not including the EP management - the Heal cooldown and Poison cooldown will screw you up, especially when you Heal once and then get poisoned the next turn, thus ending up being unable to cleanse it at all. That's the reason why I've suggested 3 turn cooldown.

I'm more talking about changing the cooldown, instead of nerfing the damage it deals.

Dual Thrusters -> RE: =ED= Official Cyber Hunter Balance Discussion Thread (7/25/2014 18:09:57)


You don't have to shield only if someone malfs/smokes you. Example, use Plasma Right away if your opponent is a dex mage. And Plasma Armor is better used before you get malfed.

Poison has such a low cost, you'd have to be burning tons EP on other skills as well in order to run out of energy. If you can't handle it, invest in some EP.

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