Seth Hydra -> RE: Dreadknight, Blood Warlock and other SSy suggestions! (4/14/2014 15:39:54)
Hmm, thanks for the log idea... I'll do it when I've got the spare time! quote:
And gentlemen, please keep your posts/comments to be more constructive instead of just short commentary like, "Hey, nice art!"; "I like the idea, hope it gets added someday"; etc. Do try to help the creator of the thread by posting more information about your thoughts that can contribute or help them in their suggestions - how can it be improved, what is good about it, WHY do you like it (or not), etc. This is to prevent the thread from becoming full of spam or unnecessary reading; given that it is already 4-pages long. Though, isnt that almost all they can do, if not give a constructive suggestion? I mean, not many actually have knowledge about how the numbers are done, whats not OPd etc (I dont know balancing myself).. besides its a nice confidence boost, that people actually like my ideas.. I can use them to make the staff get the items in game MUAHAHAHAHHA!! *cough* *cough* Also just a heads up, the items that dont have their art concepts uploaded will remain so, until I finish my tests, so bear with me! Also, I've added the thing I want most to get in game, the Armor concept for Death Dealer... Need to make a challenge battle in the void if possible, to get it! So monster idea too!