what is happening on this war? (overlord facility) (Full Version)

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dfo99 -> what is happening on this war? (overlord facility) (6/26/2014 14:13:57)

the exiles lb is very more better than legion and is uping very more faster but the legion total dmg keeps following the exile dmg without war rally (the current dmg is 661k legion and 664k exiles). the legion players under lb start play? the devs is helping the legion? or is a bug?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 14:17:10)

My guess is that because of the new war system and everyone who kills it can get 10K credits and 10 token the legion side is actually trying

dfo99 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 14:36:20)

the obvious is that have some powerful handicap running behind this, but consider this a hypothesis.

Rui. -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 14:46:27)

If you take a recording of all the bombs being exploded for like 1 hour you will see 7 exile bombs to 1 legion bomb.

I am not kidding try it .. something seriously is messed up here.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 14:48:19)

No the powerful handicap is the hate RNGesus is sending my way.

If the legion side is actually going for the 5K influence prize you will see a higher output from us than all of us running for the 150 influence prize and hoping for the best

suboto -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 16:00:29)

If u look at server numbers its like 768players now and i see tons of legion people i havent seen in over a year! we are fighting this time hard as possible because we have a reason to now and we want to end the exile tyranny.
on a added note we legion are attacking the correct thing this time!

Mother1 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 16:41:39)

Yeah that is it in a nutshell.

Since made it harder to get the the top prize, while making it so both sides can get the prizes there has been a moral boost with legion.

Not to mention as Suboto said before legion is finally attacking the right target where as before they weren't.

Add those things together and you would get more of a fight.

lionblades -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 16:55:17)


War Rally duration increased from 30 minutes to 60 minutes

Obviously, Devs are siding with Legion and giving them help.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 17:06:23)

@^ there hasn't been a war rally yet. I've been playing since the war started because of the influence grind

lionblades -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 17:09:07)

So did the Devs take away War rally?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 17:17:50)

Legion never fell far enough behind to trigger one or if we did we made up the difference before the game started a war rally. Giving a war rally for this small of a gap would be very very broken

lionblades -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 18:02:13)

Ok that's good. Since both are neck and neck, I am looking forward to fair battle(s) between Exile vs Legion. No War Rallies. No Dev Manipulation.

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 18:07:35)

Yeah, this will be fun.

On another note, anyone know if the War Commander Core affects the drops for this war? If it does, I may get it.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 18:13:11)

War commander gives you a drop every win so far it has only given me the weak drops but someone wiser might tell you it only gives weak drops

lionblades -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 18:14:56)

^Yeah, you get 100% drop rate if you win. It costs 2000 credits for only 10 battles so its up to you if you think its worth it or not.

lol ninja'd

Jacobfarrow1 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 19:50:29)

Alright, thanks. I decided to fully upgrade my Phys Aux instead, lol.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 20:14:06)

Remember how i said a war rally at this small a gap would be very broken? Exile now has a 60k lead because of the war rally

Daph Duck -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 21:42:39)

How is it that there is only 1 legion bomb fired for 10 exile ones yet legion and exile are still going neck to neck?

suboto -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/26/2014 22:04:23)

sometimes my war kits wont show on pop up screen because of war bug so u cant actually say i see this said amount of this cause not all show on pop up the war bug i see on he pop up is only a visual bug

Hiddenblade -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/27/2014 2:33:42)

whenever i use a bomb it doesnt show up, thats probably why it seems legion is using less bombs when its actually a graphics bug i think.

Variation -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/27/2014 8:43:38)

There probably is a powerful reinforcement system in play, but that's a good thing. At least the war is intense and very close meaning players will most likely give it all they got for the exclusive prize.

Mysterion. -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/27/2014 9:27:58)

There is definitely a reinforcementsystem for Legion in play, but as an Exile, I can say it's a good thing.

If it wasn't here, legion would be way behind, which would demotivate legion players immensly and leave Exile with way less players to battle.
It would also demotivate Exile players to do their best, since they are already ensured with the win.

So, the reinforcementsystem is not only good for the Legion players, but also, in another way, good for the Exile players.
So don't immediatly complain about that system, if you don't know the thoughts behind it. ;p

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/27/2014 9:38:23)

So I'd like to point something out that I feel is important.

Back in Infernal Infiltration Legion was crying developer intervention as the Exiles gained and eventually won the war only for the developers to come out and say we had nothing to do with this it was all on the Exiles for wanting the prize at the end.

Today we have the exiles going there must be developer intervention because the legion is gaining and at the time of this sentence winning.

Now I do agree the reinforcement system works perfectly fine because Exile has racked up two war rallies, one at 9PM last night and one this morning if the war thread is to believed

Dual Thrusters -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/27/2014 13:51:09)

Woa! Legion is ahead by 200 o.o

nowras -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/27/2014 14:30:58)

Devs are helping legion and all those who are saying legion is trying harder to get the 5k infl prize are legion players look at the lb's exiles lb has 3x more infl than the legion lb count it and see btw u can see like 7 war bombs are being fired by the exile forces while only 1 is fired by the legio forces.... Any dev please reply here cause we want to know the truth its clear that u guys are helping them we r not dumb to let this lie pass us u can help legion but not by cheating but it maybe a bug or some legion players are cheating like what happened in the War 1.0 please fix this if its a bug or if its cheating and please stop helping them if its not a bug think about it players like nemesis30 are paying alot of var to let the exiles win cause he wants the new weapons he want his inventory rairty score to increase thats why he is helping with tons of infl

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