RE: what is happening on this war? (Full Version)

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One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 11:20:09)

Nowras I'm going to be blunt with you. You are an idiot.
If there was developer interference with this war it would have been done by tickering with the reinforcement system not allowing one side to fall behind. The fact that this lead has happened shows that the reinforcement system was not rigged to keep this war close.

Now onto tactics yes the fact that the health objective fell is a major flaw in the legion strategy. I saw more attacks being launched from the health objective than the standard objective which shows a lack of understanding on both sides and if we had left the health objective that lack of understanding might have stalled the exile momentum. The finisher objective should have been started when its max damage hit 25 and it should have been a split effort of the legion to take both down. The downfall in these wars is there is no communication to the masses

zion -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 11:21:34)

The war rewards make no sense:

Only legion players can get top level because they can use bombs during war rallies.... but they have no chance of winning the war at this point.

Exile players can't get to 5k because we only get 30 influence each drop... so what is winning going to do for us?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 11:24:36)

Zion I got to the top teir in the first day of the way without any war rallies or buying varium bombs. Meaning using just 30 damage bombs. If you want the top teir block off say five hours of play and start buying up the war commander core. It's a slow grind but that's the point of the new system

Mysterion. -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 11:32:58)


If there was developer interference with this war it would have been done by tickering with the reinforcement system not allowing one side to fall behind. The fact that this lead has happened shows that the reinforcement system was not rigged to keep this war close.

Then how do you explain the continous neck-on-neck race, and the appropiate comebacks from Legion.
And then all off the sudden, a 1mill gap?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 11:38:04)

Same way i chalk up players saying they are seeing people who haven't been online in the longest time coming back. Lionhart alliance brought up some interest in this game and the war was placed at the same time. This war was a perfect storm of interest and then three short days later no one cares anymore so the war has slipped back into its normal setting

Mother1 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 11:49:24)


I would believe that somewhat if it weren't for the fact that even without the war rallies in less than an hour the opposite side that was losing just closed the gap that quickly. Plus as Silver sky Magician pointed out there has been no communication from the staff to disperse such thoughts.

This is one of those cases where the staff coming in to calm the player base would have been helpful.

Heck I even remember you saying something was off about it at one point.

Ranloth -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 11:50:08)

It seems like the Exiles are sore losers, based on Legions making a comeback and how it was oh-so-unfair, because they had a chance to lose - but when they kept on winning, everything was perfectly fine because why would you complain about winning, yeah? Not mentioning Exiles had few War Rallies too, because they were losing - so it's not all just for Legionnaires, but the losing side. With Exiles pretty much outnumbering Legion, it's pretty obvious something HAD to be done to make it more fair - namely, War Rallies and Reinforcement system.

Yeah. Top 20 players on the War LB is really representing all the players. Can we stop using this as the data? I fight with my alts, but don't make it on the LB. Does that mean my efforts aren't counted, or am I just not fighting enough? Exiles have a lot more Influence on the Top 20 LB - compared to Legion - but that doesn't mean Legion cannot be ahead because of lower numbers on the LB. Many players may be fighting (Legion) and not make it onto the LB. Put it this way: Exiles may have a dozen or two very active players and rest are mostly casuals. On the other hand, Legion may have a lot more casual players being active (hence lower numbers on the Top 20 LB), which added up, will beat Exiles.

Last time I've heard, the War Rallies are completely random, but for the losing side (at the time of database update, which will show the correct figure - before it updates in-game). We don't know how little the difference has to be, for a War Rally to activate, nor the cap. They may activate a lot more as the disadvantage gets bigger.

The reason why Legion fought back is the revamped Reward System which is genuinely a good change, so their efforts aren't really wasted. If you know you're at a disadvantage, and have no chance to win (thus no rewards, on the old system), why bother? This time, you can still get the rewards - based on your Influence - but not the War Chest, if you lose that is.
As of to the 1M gap. If Legionnaires are mostly casual players (as I've explained earlier), then they will likely go outside - basically, have a social life. It's weekend. The difference between hardcore and casual, is the time you spend on a game during the week and weekends alike. Casual player will play for a bit and leave, whilst hardcore will go out at all times. This is one explanation for it. Another explanation is, broken War Rally - if it truly activates at random (regardless of the disadvantage) then it should have higher chance to occur as the disadvantage grows. This means Devs can be to blame for not thinking of this, or if it is coded that way and doesn't work, then for not spotting it earlier.

And Devs manipulating the war. Come on. Yeah, what I would love to do at the weekends is manipulate a war in my game, instead of actually relaxing after working 5 days a week. (which is really exhausting actually, especially 9-5 routine <.<) For what? Players spending even more Varium so they can get more money off it? Not like it'd matter for them, considering the money goes to AE and ED gets shares of it (since ED is owned by AE now, so...).

If you're losing, just accuse others of cheating or Devs of manipulating the war. Infernal, Frysteland, and now Dread War. Both sides did it. In the end, people are just sore losers and will use various excuses to delude themselves into believing there was a third party manipulating the war, thus causing them to lose. But as long as they are winning, there aren't any issues. Way to go with the bias and being considerate of others, eh?

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 11:52:07)

The super gap is sketchy as anything but outside of that we had other parts of AE advertising our war and lionhart has been a huge spike of interest

ScarletReaper -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 11:53:58)

Exactly trans. That's how it goes for everyone. I'm losing? Must be someone cheating. Couldn't possibly be do to the other side putting forth an effort. That wouldn't make any sense!

lionblades -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 12:18:45)

Actually, no one knows for sure. Everyone can make assumptions like what Trans said:

As of to the 1M gap. If Legionnaires are mostly casual players (as I've explained earlier), then they will likely go outside - basically, have a social life.

But none of that is fact.

Until the Devs come out on this (and how hard can that be lol a single forum post on if they manipulate the numbers or not), it is all educated guesses.

Stonehawk -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 13:07:38)



the reason why legion was neck to neck with exile was because we took down the health thing 1st. that reduced exiles damage to us. now i see legions going for 2 things at once which neither reduce in damage to us unless destoryed. I now think the reason we lost is due to us killing health objective 1st. i think the health one is to allow us to catch up and the finisher one is a way for exile to catch up or gain a lead. next war i think finisher down 1st. will provent exile from gaining a super lead later on. then kill health objective which would allow us to slow exile down and catch up or take the lead. then kill the standard objective.
I think this is the right way to go next time. health objective works as a way to slow exile down so ya

You guys were right when started on health objective. The only problem was destroying it. The right strategy is to weaken it until it makes lower damage than the standard, then you go for the finisher. The ones using the health objective to hit legion would deal less damage than the ones using the right objective (standard or finisher near the end)

Ranloth -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 13:26:42)


Until the Devs come out on this (and how hard can that be lol a single forum post on if they manipulate the numbers or not), it is all educated guesses.


But convincing others that someone is deliberately manipulating the war, without hard proof, is also wrong. Also, would a tweet or two (from the Devs) be enough - compared to Forum posts? If yes, I'll see what I can do about it. ^^

Mother1 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 13:49:44)

@ trans

That was all many of us were asking for. Every war when someone had accused the other side of cheating the devs came in and cleared up the mess for peace. However hasn't happened here.

Lastly for most isn't about being sore losers. It is about knowing you lost fairly cause losing because the other side had outside help (Not saying that is what is going on here) Is just a demoralizing as it was for the losing side to get nothing for their efforts.

Ranloth -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 13:55:05)

Yeah. I've already poked some people so it's a waiting game until then.

In regards to the sore losers part, if there was no outside help, people are still sore losers even after they know there was no help but they refuse to accept the fact, and will go on about how unfair it was for this and that. :p

lionblades -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 13:55:24)

Yes, everyone would like the Devs to do a Tweet on this topic. It would be much appreciated to ALL the ED players, especially the ones who are really trying hard.

Mysterion. -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 14:31:42)


And Devs manipulating the war. Come on. Yeah, what I would love to do at the weekends is manipulate a war in my game, instead of actually relaxing after working 5 days a week. (which is really exhausting actually, especially 9-5 routine <.<) For what? Players spending even more Varium so they can get more money off it? Not like it'd matter for them, considering the money goes to AE and ED gets shares of it (since ED is owned by AE now, so...).

For the sake of the player base, specially for the Legion players maybe?
If Legion continously lose with big differences, the casual players will eventually stop playing, not to mention the hardcore players that will turn casual, or move to the Exile side.

So a neck-to-neck race is in so many ways great for the game, and the devs would be smart to manipulate the numbers to save the game in long terms.
Doesn't mean the Exile side can't complain tho, as it still is a bit unfair.

Mother1 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 14:42:43)

@ Mysterion.

If that is the cause and I am saying if Then it would be best if they just scrapped the war or put it on a long cooldown until the base can support such a thing. Why because as pointed out before making a war like this one when one side clearly outnumbers the other with active players is very asinine IMO and to have to do something like that just to make it so one side can keep up with the other is demoralizing to the winning side seeing as they are being cheated.

War 1.0 while it may have been boring to some actually was fair since both sides did have their days where they one fairly without the staff, and if anything they should have just added prizes to that for daily winners on a smaller scale. This way you can build the player base people get rewarded for their hard work and best of all there is no cheating for one side.

Mysterion. -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 15:03:16)

Yeah, that's true.
But if you scrap the war, Exile players will complain due to lack of releases etc, so that could be negative aswell. ;p

Anyway, after this war i'll be joining the Legion side, I like to be on the underdogside, and do not care if I cant get the war reward.
More people should do this aswell, to make the game more fun.[:-]

DanniiBoiixD -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 15:14:18)


Mother1 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 15:19:12)


That will only happen if a person has the varium to switch sides which as we both know a lot of people don't have. So even if many wanted to do this unless they are varium players they can't do it.

Mysterion. -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 15:37:20)



I rather am a traitor on a game that continues to live, then a winner on a game that needs to shut down.
I won't make much of a difference, but im making a small step and hoping others follow to keep this game alive.

Mother1 -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 15:51:30)

@ mysterion

you are a little late since others suggested this a while back.

Mysterion. -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 16:09:41)

Suggesting has no point unless someone sets the example.

lionblades -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 16:30:30)

Lol. Why are you acting like switching to Legion is so noble and stuff. If you want to switch go ahead.

Exile fight for Freedom against Baelius. I join for the plot not because Exile is topdog.

Mysterion. -> RE: what is happening on this war? (6/29/2014 16:38:12)

You are amazed by how many people shift to Exile just for the rewards.

Changing to legion just to help out etc, is noble, if you don't see how you're just ignorant and naive.

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