RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (Full Version)

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Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/4/2015 21:02:25)

Haha nice. I haven't in enough RP for that to happen to me yet, but maybe some day.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/4/2015 21:12:43)

I love using music to inspire my posts.

I've used...

Lilium, as well as the piano form. It's what I use to set the scene of Marcelline's reserved manner. The piano was the one I listened to while writing her introduction.

Rin'ne. By all technicalities, it's a remix of Lilum. It's got a reserved manner to it, yet it expresses severity in with it.

Les Toreadors March, the music box. I used this song while I was writing the Istarelle post. If any of you are familiar with a particularly popular game about a security guard and some nasty robots, I'm sure you'll recognize the chorus. I primarily used it though for it's middle section. I find it...mysterious and compelling. A perfect, discordant tune for an ashen wasteland.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/4/2015 21:37:53)

Oh Lilium, I haven't heard that song in a long time. Two years in fact, after finishing Elfen Lied. And ugh, FNaF's. Yet, it is a nice tune. Personally it doesn't say ashen world to me, but music has always inspired different things in the minds of others and thats one of it's strong points.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/4/2015 21:51:35)

I also agree it doesn't say ashen world.

To me, (besides the part Fnaf made famous), it says mystery. How can you not be intrigued to explore, upon hearing the faint ringing of bells and twinkling tones in a desolate wasteland? Weaving through trees, off the main path, in a bright world that's raining ashes...I chose it because I liked the essence of "what is that song, why is it playing here, and where is it coming from?". I enjoy the fact that an uncharacteristic song can easily make something more ominous.

At least, that's how my brain thinks of it.

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/5/2015 4:12:49)

I am generally wary of what music I listen to while I write up a post, most tunes modify the way I write.
Other than that, imagination. And a high amount of references to whatever videogame I'm currently playing.

Riprose123 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/5/2015 16:48:49)

TRying to post, got caught up in family and school work the last few days, sorry for the delay.

blankmaskara -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/6/2015 10:55:56)

Posted. Sorry for the wait, and apologies in advance to you TJ if you find what Franklin says particularly annoying or hurtful.

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/6/2015 10:56:39)

Franklin has my respects, blank. Talk some sense into that child [:D]

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/6/2015 11:54:42)

Ha, Kit probably would have done the same if she wasn't on her way to the meeting point.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/6/2015 14:28:42)

Ugh, I really want to reply to Toren and Lily. But I really feel as if I can't until Tdub posts a reply. Please hold off on reducing her to tears any further if you can, guys XD

Riprose123 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/6/2015 23:23:46)

Small post is small.

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/7/2015 17:07:47)

As for the Vanguard Academy, I'll be waiting for Legendium to post.

If I've been delaying the time-skip for too long, feel free to move on. I'm not really doing anything important.

Tdub -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/7/2015 18:55:17)

My post will be up tonight. Like I said, I have a hard time posting immediately after my last post.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/7/2015 23:08:24)

Sorry Tdub - didn't mean to rush you. Great post, by the way!

I'll have my post up sometime later this evening or tomorrow. I'm setting out on a trip early in the morning, so it'll depend. After that, I'll be all ready for the time skip!

Tdub -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/7/2015 23:42:11)

Thanks, it was actually difficult working out the order of events, but I found a suitable explaination for Lock's silence that fit with the continuity. One of the most fun, yet at the same time most boring, parts of this character, is that he doesn't react to things the way normal people would. He just sits there with the same expression on his face while his brain is trying to process everything. That saved me a lot of time in trying to write reactions for everything that occured at the table.

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/9/2015 13:38:14)

Marcelline is ready for the time skip.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/10/2015 2:04:40)

@TJByrum How big is this fight with the Nahza going to be? Deciding whether or not I want to use this spell.

On that note, for the spell's weakness, where would the town's highest point of natural magic be located at?

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/10/2015 17:03:02)

Tj's been offline for quite a while now. I hope he's alright.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/10/2015 22:31:28)

I'm sure that he is ok:) He can get quite busy and I if I'm not mistaken(but I might be) I do believe he said once that he works on the weekends as well.

For the time being how about another discussion? The voices that you imagene for the characters can be very important to the mood of the RP as you read it. From reading the bios I know that only a few of us have actually included voices to our characters though I sure we had them in or minds as we made their bios.

Master K said that Marcelline had a soft-spoken personality, so I always pictured her with a voice like the short anime girl in the back of the class that hardy speaks.

When I think of Sera, I always think of a green-eyed tan girl with a matter-of-fact, down-to-earth kind of voice coming out of her.

For Heinrich, I view him as having a German or some other Eastern European accent.

Kenet I see as being from the countryside or some kind of suburb in America, where they don't really have an accent anymore.

Sorlan, Brooklyn or having some other city-boy accent.

Lockwood's voice, though he doesn't speak much at all but when he would, I believe would sound coarse. Making it harder for people to understand him. Though I doubt he could probably pronounce most words correctly anyways.

Marietta and Maria I think of as being blond country girls with south accents.

Franklin is hear as an mid-old aged man due to his condition.

Symphony I think of as an 11-13 year old girl.

What about you guys? How do you hear your own character, how do you hear the others?

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/10/2015 23:16:53)

Spot on with Marcelline's voice. The whole anime girl is ironic, too, considering it's what inspired her appearance.

In fact, I agree with all of them except for Symphony's. I imagine Symphony's voice as being a young woman, but for some reason, having sort of a voice of the legion kind of deal going on, where it's voice is also layered with the spirit that inhabits the body.

As well, Symphony vastly confuses me in concept. It's the whole androgynous "them, they, their" pronouns that throw me off. Instead of being able to picture the girl, it gives more of the essence of two things sharing the same space. It...disconnects me from imagining Symphony, because it's not treated as just Symphony being a woman with a spirit, but instead as a woman and spirit coexisting simultaneously.

Off your topic, but I'll also go in to the inspiration for Marcelline. Occasionally I don't often simply come up with a character on the spot, but I "pluck" them from other ideas and re-purpose them.

Marcelline actually came from a Pokemon game idea I had. The original character in the idea was simply named "Marcy", kind of to fit her quirky nature. In the first game I imagined, Marcy was meant to be a rival of sorts. She would be a plucky, awkward girl who followed along the main characters. By the second game in the chronology, Marcy would've defected over to the enemy team. Her appearance would've been that like a schoolgirl nun, and her alias would've been "Sinner". The reason for her nun appearance was to compliment the superior she worked for, a silent nun who wore a stone mask, referred to as "Saint". Together, Marcy's bashfulness complimented and contrasted the stern silence of the other woman, forming the pair of the "Saint and Sinner".

The second alteration of Marcy went on to be taken from her concept, and thrown into Darkwald under the name "Marcelline", with edits to fit the different universe. This is why she looks so bizarre compared to everyone else. Perhaps latter in this story, after the Nazha and Istarelle, I can work the other masked "Saint" character into Marcelline's story.

Tdub -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/10/2015 23:48:59)

I'll step in here to say that I've described Lock's voice as coarse yet young, so you are correct in that. Remember, however, that the first seventeen (I think) years of his life were spent with his father, so he does know how to pronounce the majority of words. The ones he doesn't are the ones he doesn't know anyway.

Also, Lockwood is a surname that can be translated as "enclosed forest" or, more roughly, "fortress by/in the wood". I thought either one was appropriate.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/11/2015 0:04:02)

Intersting indeed. Kit was also inspired from a game. The name Kitsondra was give to my first character in a mmo called Aion. It it was one of the first places I started RPing in. Because of this I invision Kit have the soft but stern voice my character had, while being slightly asian( since it was a Korean game)

Riprose123 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/11/2015 1:52:31)

I'll be honest, I rarely read bios. I don't think they're the best representation of a character. I wait until the actual RP before I start trying to sort out voices. There's no better way to learn about a character than to give them a weapon, throw them into a setting, and force them to make moral desicions.

I think a big part of establishing a voice for me is how the writer, well, writes. If you are like me, you tend to notice a distinct style of how people write. Like, me, I use commas a lot. Like, too much. See, did it there. And there. Look at me go, with my crazy commas. I think the type of language, and grammer mechanics the author utilizes really change how characters sound to me, especially if it's an older book. I just recently started reading A Wrinkle in Time (Recommend it) and I read every voice with a high class english accent. Except the twins. They both got adorable cockney accents. Don't ask me why, it's just how my brain works.

(while I'm off on tangents, I found Maria's theme song: Linky Do any of you pick music that seems to suit your characters?)

I generally am terrible at describing voices, but Maria's is so prominent and perhaps the strongest I've heard from one of my characters in so long, I think it bears my horrendous attempts at putting it to words. Let me just start by saying that I am in no way any good at describing things at all and if you don't want to be horibly confused, because, trust me, it'll probably happen, stop reading here. If you kept on, great, come with me.

Maria's voice, to me, is something always changing. Quite recently, I've been exploring my own freedoms (Which I'm surprised I have a lot of) and have gone through, what I think, is prominant individualistic growth. (I don't think that's the right word. Basically, I'm trying to find myself) I'm changing a lot, and I've been showing this a lot more in my characters. Marya is probably the pinnacle, the epitome of this odd phase I'm going through; she's ever changing, mood is unpredictable. I've tried to convey this as best I can through my writing, and have even used it as quite a large part of her character i.e how her eyes seem to change at random. On one hand, she is a danger to anyone she gets close to, to such an extreme as shown in Heinrich's recent accident (I loved how you slid that in, Legendium, if that's what you were going for) but at the same time, Maria craves, even needs social interaction, and this leads her to be torn mentally and emotionally, many times acting in chaotic and unpredictable ways, even if her actions make perfect sense to her. This surfaces in her martial art style, which may seem unpredictable and somewhat insane, but is brutally efficient. I thing this applies to her voice as well; to me, her voice is inconsistant, and yet consistant in one aspect. It is always sure of itself, filled with mustered conviction. I don't think I properly convinced myself of Maria's voice until I wrote her intro post. I stated many times something along the lines of "All she did was perfect, every step where it was meant to be, only enough energy spent as was needed." To me, this conveyed that even when she was most confused by her direction, and why she was going there, she knew she was to, that not only was it the right thing to do, it was what she must do. In no way am I claiming to have a perfect character. I avoid Mary Sues like the plaque. To me, Marya is an ever changing voice. Her tone, pitch, and mood are different each time I write her. But I feel, that on some instinctual, spiritual level, she knows all that she must do, and is sure of it. She has something inside her telling her what each word should be, where each step should be placed, to the point that each action she takes is simply perfect, ordained or choosen, though I highly doubt that Maria will develop any type of religion.

This is quite the lengthy post by my standards, and I don't expect many to read it, if I'm being completely honest. But you asked. :P Sorry I didn't touch upon other's characters, but to be honest, I don't put much weight on how I imagine other people's voices, or character's voices. I'm a reader, I'm here to enjoy and spectate. I don't have the sort of intimate knowledge the creator of aforementioned characters does, so I just assume what I'm imagining they sound like is wrong, and get past it.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/11/2015 4:43:29)

Ha! I think you did a decent job there! Unfortunately, being British, I imagine everybody speaking in English accents. Exceptions for Heinrich, for obvious reasons, Franklin, who to me speaks like Sir Slicer from Adventure Time and Symphony, who for some reason I imagine with a sort of sing-song Texas drawl. Sera and Maria both have severe and subdued RP accents. Kitsondra I imagine with a pronounced upper-class accent, befitting royalty. Marceline I give a gentle, colloquial scullery-maid voice, very Jane Austen. Lock - Robin Hood.

You're right about Kenet being accentless, but from my perspective, not yours XD

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (1/11/2015 5:15:56)

I'll chime in to speak for Symphony.

I adopted the idea of using the pronouns "them, they, their" for my character because of their origin. While they have a human body, their very being is completely different. If you've read my bio you'll know: a spirit melded with a girl. I consider them to be very much different than a normal person, and so I began using these androgynous pronouns to differentiate them. Then again, appearance is what it is. I'd expect other characters to refer to them as "she or her" if they didn't know their background.
As for their voice, I hadn't really defined it. If I had to now, I'd think of it as high pitched, but with something off about it. Not quite layered as Master K suggested, but it wouldn't sound like a normal girl's voice. It would put people off.
Feel free to imagine my character's voice as you guys like, though. I probably won't pull that into play.
Also, I found this allegro to define Symphony's character quite well.

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