RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (Full Version)

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Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 18:36:45)

XD I was making a post and Zeph beat me to it. I'll edit in Kenet's part now.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 18:44:42)

Oh dear, sorry to mess things up! If you want, you can just retcon that she decided to slip out of the window instead, thus avoiding him. Everything else can stand then.

Not sure why she would, but it'd be a shame to have to modify what you've already written.

EDIT: Or.... you could do that! That's one way of going about it, I suppose! I'd hate for anyone else to stumble upon me while under the effects of a spell, though...

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 18:57:56)

No it's ok I had something else already planed for people that came to her door unannounced. Edited it in was no big problem. As for why, well a certain nose says that even if she's a information broker she should avoid this man at all costs for the sanity of your senses. I might be hard for Kenet to get with her without her running from him unless she waits for her to be in a spot were she can't run away (As in her working with a client).

Edit: No worries, you didn't touch the doorknob. SO the effect will last for about 4-5 minutes at most. Kenet is pretty headstrong right? If so he may be able to snap out if it in less time.

Zephyrial -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 19:05:41)

Gotcha. Well, we shall see how it goes.

I won't respond until we give some other people a chance to catch up. Things have moved pretty fast today.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 19:19:23)

14 replies already, eh? I'll look over the OOC first, read your guys' post, then read the IC here soon. If not soon then tomorrow at least, and then prepare a second post for myself.

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 19:25:19)

Edited the first post to do a better job of showing just how long Sera had been out in the rain, and hopefully clarify the confusion of "Y'all do know that it's morning, right?" that I'm pretty sure my post contributed to.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 19:30:26)

@BK: Sorlan Therin almost shares similarities with Herinrich (Legendium), being a monster hunter type of character and being from the north. Whatever the case, Sorlan fits in well with this RP and I accept him.

@Legendium: This RP is not related to the Black Forest in Germany in no way, shape, or form. I understand the similarity in name, but that was just two words I put together, just like Stone River and Blackwater. I am well-aware of the Black Forest, however, and I knew Wald stood for Forest in German (I work at a German-owned facility so I pick up on some stuff). I, however, will not lie: I am starting to look into more German-based history, mythology, and folklore.

@Everyone: The official time setting as far as my original post goes was morning. If there are any issues, we'll work them out here soon. This is partly my fault with not being able to post the actual IC I wanted to post. Time constraints didn't give me a lot to work with, I could never finish my rough drafts, and when I finally put together the IC it was not as I wanted. But we'll work things out. These is just the intro posts until we get everything in place I reckon.

Time to check out these IC's.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 20:11:14)

@Legendium & Draycos777: Your characters would probably sense an extremely powerful and dark magical force emanating from Toren. Just a heads-up.

I am currently reading these IC's and I am thoroughly impressed so far. You guys kept the idea of the Darkwald and Blackwater, and you guys are using the Hallows Inn as it is meant to be, and you're already interacting/mentioning each other. This is all well and good and I am very excited to get things rolling. Expect something soon.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 20:19:32)


Your characters would probably sense an extremely powerful and dark magical force emanating from Toren. Just a heads-up.

Alright got'ca, I'll add that in when Kitsondra actually gets around to talking to Toren, or at the least when she gets to paying closer attention to him.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 21:10:39)

Naga taern Toren everybody.

Those who can sense magic... you're about to be overwhelmed...

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 21:37:49)

Posted. Tried to speak with Kitsondra, interrupted by Toren, and now Marcelline has offered her hand.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 21:40:39)

You guys post way too fast. XD

On my third edit to the post to cope with matters progressing. I'm hoping to get the thing up tonight still.

TJ, I'll be sending you a snippet shortly dealing with what we talked about by PM previously.

Gingkage -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 21:44:50)

Posted, though I'm afraid I'm being a little difficult. You didn't expect a bounty hunter mercenary who does jobs based on "Does it pay?" and "Can I survive?" to volunteer without reason, did you? :P

Master K -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 21:44:50)

It's been a long time since I saw an RP move this fast, so I'm pretty excited.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 22:19:53)

Okay, PM'd TJ with the bit that needs his approval. Hopefully I'll get the post up soon, before it becomes a real monster.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 22:20:10)

I'll wait until everyone is caught up before continuing with Kitsondra's view on Toren's announcement.

Hint: it's slightly the same as Sera's, but more along the lines of what can she get you to do. Or what you can tell her.

Kellehendros -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 23:12:42)

Whew, got that one up. A couple bits of insight into Marietta's past. For now she'll watch and see what happens.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/20/2014 23:34:37)

Just a note guys, I would prefer you post just once for the time being to determine your position with Toren. This way we can keep everybody on the same page before moving on. I am glad you were all starting to interact, and I kind of feel like I snipped it away once I posted, but I promise once we deal with this first threat you guys can start collaborating on your own adventures.

EDIT: On the OOC you can find the names of all current player-characters and a link to their bio. Secondly, you can find the section labeled 'Assets'; Assets contains the established individuals/organizations/places that you, the players, have created. It is mainly for reference, but if you think I need to add/change something just tell me.

EDIT2: I have some interesting things for Toren to say to some of you depending on how the remaining posts end up.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/21/2014 3:56:01)

Expect my post up ASAP. If not today, then tomorrow by the latest.

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/21/2014 5:19:34)

Okay, edited my previous posts to be more in line with the time.

And seriously, I go to sleep for a few hours and everyone speeds ahead of me already. It's like we're all trying to counteract the inactivity of the last year within a week!

EDIT: Posted again. I'll be visiting family next week, so don't expect posts from me very often until later. If this continues to a point next week where I'm missing things, I give TJ permission to post on behalf of my character.

TJByrum -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/21/2014 9:00:17)

I know it moved fast earlier, but I'm hoping everyone sticks to one post in regards to Toren's request.

And I am going to really go in-depth with the skills your characters have and put them to use. For example, Heinrich and Kit are able to sense magic; therefore, they will play specific roles in some of the storylines. Beyond that, someone like Marietta or Lockwood could end up being the guides of the party. Kit is an information broker pretty much, and most of the characters may end up going to her with questions. I want to develop on that stuff to really connect the characters to the RP.

black knight 1234567 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/21/2014 11:41:36)

Alright, I think i'll post after Dracyos does so I can make one post rather than two.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/21/2014 11:48:44)

Legen, just a quick comment. Kit left out the front door and went around the side of the inn to the forest. Also, if you left for the inn after following kit and got back before her how did you go return in the middle of the speech when kit returned before it and Marcelline started talking to her then got interrupted by the speech?

Bastet -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/21/2014 14:51:12)

There won't ever be an rp I join late, but I garauntee my bio will be up in a few hours.

Legendium -> RE: The Hallows Inn - Accepting (12/21/2014 16:32:22)


Oops, I didn't read carefully enough. I'll see about editing that later. Maybe he just took a different route back which took longer. Like a lot longer. I'll see about adding that kind of stuff in when I get the time.

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