RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (Full Version)

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dethhollow -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/8/2015 20:16:27)

Just to be 100% sure, a bomb has gone off at this point, right?

Draycos777 -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/8/2015 20:48:12)

Ya, the first one. Fuse I believe is setting another one to open the vault up.

dethhollow -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/8/2015 21:34:10)

At first, it seemed like it might have been him just clicking his tongue as one of the others did something else or something. If there's an explosion, then I can definitely work with that.

Riprose123 -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/8/2015 22:32:55)

There has most definately been one bomb, as well as a number of gunshots. The shots, though, have been silenced, because, well, Silence has caused the sound waves in the main bank room to stop moving all together and lay still. So, no sound. But many, many cameras. ;)

dethhollow -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/8/2015 22:39:23)

Wait, so would people outside the building be able to hear the bomb or did the silence effect come before it went off?

Draycos777 -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/9/2015 0:20:11)

Hey Rip, would it be ok to let that hulk-like guy drop like a sack of rocks?

Riprose123 -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/9/2015 8:05:19)

@Deth The first bomb was completely hearable; it's the gunshots that aren't.

@Draycos I'm not sure I understand

Draycos777 -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/9/2015 8:10:19)

Basically, I wanted to have Blane take the hulk-like guy out with her cloud-o-death viruses, but didn't know if it was ok to bunny him or out.

Riprose123 -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/9/2015 18:11:26)

Sure. Villains are expendable. Just run plans by me first.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/9/2015 21:46:24)

just a heads up. My activity levels may drop a bit due to this being the final month of college.

Just in case it does, The reason why is that my IT class is 2 chapters behind most others and our instructor has given not only a chapter (per class) to work on but also 3 virtual labs to practice for the upcoming final exam. This is a fairly big deal because If I complete this exam I get a signed certificate from the instructor stating I've passed the PC Pro exam. Which would be awesome.

So if my levels suddenly decrease over the coming weeks, that's why.

Bastet -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/10/2015 8:02:27)

Riprose, would there still be room for me to join if one of my Rp slots freed itself up? I am very much interested in this RP, and I think I can come up with an interesting enough character.

Riprose123 -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/10/2015 22:38:30)

I would say so, Bastet. Just know, I don't want anyone spreading themselves too thin. Make sure you can keep up. :P

TJByrum -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/11/2015 10:49:43)

Ahhh! I'll finish my bio soon! Then hopefully I can post!

I know it's bad, it's very bad, but you have no idea how hard it is to write a background right now.�

Anyway, it should do, but I promise I'll update it with a better, more formal, and connected history. If you're okay with it, I may post later today or tomorrow.

dethhollow -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/11/2015 13:23:20)

I'd say it's alright, TJB. It's a step up from the last history, for sure. Definitely has more of a comic-book feel than the older history.

@ Rip

I want to ask while there's not much going on, are we allowed to make secondary characters for this RP? I'm not going to do anything yet, but I've got something planned for the eventual future that I'll work in whenever the opportunity comes up. It's probably not too hard to figure out what I'm talking about from The Dicer's history....

Riprose123 -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/11/2015 16:23:12)

@Deth I thought I had a character limit in the OOC post already, but I didn't, so it's been added. No more than two characters per RPer. So, in answer to your question, two is all I'm allowing per participant, so it would be quite acceptable for you to make a secondary character.

dethhollow -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/13/2015 21:28:25)

Oh wow, Master Beast is probably going to get slaughtered. He was acting smart at first, but just going in and trying to steal from THREE supervillains at the same time??? Even with a cop disguise, there's no way this is going to end well, lol.

Draycos777 -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/13/2015 21:34:26)

Not to mention he forgot the cameras that are placed inside safes...

dethhollow -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/13/2015 21:54:16)

And if the hero group goes into the room, how is he going to explain being behind the villains and the closest one to an open safe full of money? Regardless of what disguise you have, that looks pretty suspicious. Especially if you're disguised as an officer away from his post.

Bastet -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/14/2015 1:35:11)

I'll poke in just to say that the dialogue between Richard and the Dicer is hilarious, keep it up.
I can also confirm I'll be joining this RP once one of my slots is freed.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/14/2015 19:22:35)

He already knew there were super villains inside. He'd been listening to the cops chattering.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/14/2015 19:28:52)

Besides he isn't concerned with the whole camera thing. He just didn't want a lot of camera angles to be able to see him.

Also, He did them a big favor. 1. He opened up the safe without the need for a bomb, saves them time. 2. He just gave them some very valuable information about the super heroes outside.

3. He has left them a lot more cash in the safe. He's just taking a small load compared to what's left in the safe.

And 4. If the superheroes do enter the premises, they'll see him leap and grab at the third story window he entered from.

And if the super villain's choose to "not" go after the money, but instead go after him. That would be a waste of time. He's very strong. It doesn't take much to pull an electrical conduit out of the wall or toss a large file cabinet at them or such.

dethhollow -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/14/2015 20:13:54)

It's your call. I'm just saying you might be overestimating what your character can handle a bit. One of the golden rules of villainy is that you should never get involved with more than you can handle without a good backup plan. You have to make absolutely sure that you know exactly where you stand and what to do if stuff goes south because, if this does end in a worse-case scenario, you might have to take on 6 superhumans at once plus potentially the cops around the area. I mean, this is potentially a pretty bad situation to be in, honestly.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/16/2015 4:44:15)

I think you are underestimating the skills this character has. Ever see Carnage in action? Or Venom for that matter? It took the likes of Spiderman to tackle venom, but that was cause he knew the weakness.

Also, do remember my character already knows the layout of this bank due to the blueprints acquired from the mafia.

So he has quite a bit of knowledge of where things are structurally and otherwise.

And my character already knew the front and the rear exits are blocked off by cops.

If you ever watch the opening cutscene for Maximum carnage, it shows Carnage taking out 4 cops while he was shackled and in a straight jacket.

he broke the jacket/shackles. kills a cop right away, attacks two more. So I don't think the cops are going to really be an issue.

dethhollow -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/17/2015 11:47:28)

Who's going to post next? It's either going to be Rip, Dracos, or Coake, and something tells me they might be waiting on eachother or something. Or are we waiting on TJB?

Draycos777 -> RE: The Men in Tights Initiative OOC (4/17/2015 12:09:56)

Well, I was waiting for Coake to post so he doesn't get left behind. XD

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