Elite Tuga -> RE: =OS= Beta Release Thread 155 - Read the first post! (7/22/2015 23:29:56)
Hi ladies and gents, Just wanted to keep this thread more positive by saying that I know this current game lack of content situation is nothing but frustrating to experience.. unfortunately we have no other option, but to TRY stay till the end, (by good-will) no matter what the problem, and hope that at least the minimum we should expect to get to keep this game 'half-alive' is 1 or 2 new characters every month (excluding Summers, as maybe Nulgath likes to not work so hard and rather spend more time in vacation).. and also new Tournaments every year hosted by Kiyone and maybe Axel could continue/happen in the nearby future to re-bring up the good PvP spirit/competition. Thus, I still believe we have a couple things to always look forward to in OS, so please don't give up easily and check back every other week, to see if there is anything new. "It's up to us (most loyal players, true fans of Nulgath) to maintain some life around here on OS forums/game, if we wish to see minimum content at the very least for our game!" [:)] Good-luck w/e your decisions and take-care all. <3 EDIT: P.S - #TeamElite [;)]