RE: Pirate Trobble Game (Full Version)

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afterlifex -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (9/27/2015 23:07:45)

Not much to it, just read the text on the main page and any text in general. There shouldn't be anything to worry about or mess up at this point unless you obsess over time management.

ShadowMoon -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (9/28/2015 4:20:49)

so whats with the stars in the progress badges? going with the 1 star equals 1 level thing?

Niki -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (9/28/2015 5:24:49)

1 Star = you completed the given task range and moved to a higher range. Currently it does not affect other things.

At this stage the game is in experimental mode, testing to see if a given web and DB technology works. This whole project helps developing server side infrastructure in which the game serves as a way to simulate client side requests.
With time Captain could add more "beef" to it, as currently you just play against the RNG with no strategy, risk or actual choices.

Rename Ship feature was just added.

afterlifex -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (9/28/2015 9:28:54)

...well looks like my stay on Pleasure Island will be extended to a third time.

Noticed a change to the pub and repair pages.

edit: finally got off the island but went from a lvl 12 island to a lvl 6 one [&:] ...I feel I may return to Pleasure Island one day but for now I will Hangout with some Moglins.


Hmmm...which mission to choose?

1skull for 16[:)] @31minutes
1skull for 15[:)] @203minutes

Foolish Username -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (9/28/2015 16:05:21)

Have plenty of stars, that makes exploring rather difficult.
When is ship-building going to be added?

kors -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (9/30/2015 15:06:56)

Hmm... seems the game went down. Getting Runtime errors.

Carandor -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (9/30/2015 15:19:26)

Working fine on my end.

afterlifex -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (9/30/2015 16:09:05)

Yeah I had it that way for a few minutes as well earlier but was back up the next time I checked.

Foolish Username -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (9/30/2015 16:26:34)

Getting very close to the 9th island... Although I can't find any wealth missions.

kors -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (9/30/2015 17:11:19)

Yeah, it is working for me again so I guess everything's alright.

Foolish Username -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (9/30/2015 19:32:13)

Just when I need a missions that gives supplies, luck decides to give me not a single one. I only need two more supply points to move onto the next island...

Niki -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/1/2015 12:23:30)

"Double Trobble Trouble" twice *sigh*

Currently playing more gives you missions that require more resources to complete (which is the standard leveling scheme in games), but I see no increase in the amount of resources I can collect.

afterlifex -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/1/2015 12:38:12)


I know the feeling.

Double Trobble Trouble * 2
Pleasure Island * 3
Isle De Threeo *3

stuart -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/1/2015 13:34:53)

@ Afterlifex... well at least next time you get Isle de Threeo...It will be fouuro....Jokes aside I find the most variable thing is the repair time so I have started today to see if there is any pattern...Or if it is totally random.

Apart from that it seems that you are best just taking the least damaging/shortest time quest whatever the reward, and just waiting till you get enough of the quest items needed for current island completion. That is if you have easy computer access to be able to cash them in as they complete during the day. Then if you are lucky enough to get a different island you may just be able to complete it quickly as you have the different resources required already gathered.....But as I have been watching your progress I think you may have already got that angle worked out!

The only quest I am not bothered about the time is when I would be finishing for the day, then I may take a longer quest if it seems better.

I hope also when the captain introduces this resource trading system mentioned that he basis it of trading lke Patches, can be trade for anchors, can be traded for cannon, can be traded for spyglass, can be traded for chest...etc...maybe at a two for one ratio.

Foolish Username -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/1/2015 16:32:25)

I'm drowning in happiness missions, when what I really need is power and supply missions.
Yes please, a trading system would be greatly appreciated.

And gathering enough materials to finish up and island is the best idea; The 20% addition really helps a lot here.

afterlifex -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/1/2015 20:02:25)


From a lvl 20 Double Trobble Trouble to a lvl 8 Trobble Shipping Inc. . At the very least I filled "Ship Craft"(150) & "Power"(100) immediately, now to loot some "Supplies"(100).

edit: now off to Purple Pickle Pocoland(16)

Peachii -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/2/2015 0:32:44)

So far I've found these islands (I didn't list some of them as they're repetitive).


Level 0 - Happy Trobble Island (50 Happiness, 35 Ship Craft, 35 Supplies)
Level 2 - Balloon Isle (25 Happiness, 85 Power, 110 Wealth)
Level 4 - Sandy Town (90 Ship Craft, 85 Power, 75 Supplies)
Level 5 - Snowy Spot (110 Happiness, 65 Ship Craft, 100 Supplies)
Level 6 - Moglin Hangout (150 Happiness, 75 Supplies, 75 Wealth)
Level 7 - Isle De Threeo (165 Happiness, 75 Ship Craft, 100 Wealth)
Level 8 - Trobble Shipping Inc. (150 Ship Craft, 100 Power, 100 Supplies)
Level 10 - Strands of Time (100 Ship Craft, 200 Power, 100 Supplies)
Level 12 - Pleasure Island (185 Happiness, 85 Supplies, 185 Wealth)
Level 15 - The Octogon (160 Happiness, 215 Ship Craft, 160 Wealth)
Level 16 - Purple Pickle Pocoland (225 Happiness, 150 Power, 180 Supplies)

Share your island discoveries! :)

P.S. I'm always left with 1 more item to the next island - :X

afterlifex -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/2/2015 1:03:56)

To fill that list in some: 3 & 20
edit: #14

Level 3 - Dam That Isle (40 Happiness, 95 Ship Craft, 95 Supplies)
Level 14 - The Fourth Wall (125 Happiness, 130 Ship Craft, 140 Supplies, 115 Wealth)
Level 20- Double Trobble Trouble (200 Power, 210 Supplies, 260 Wealth)

edit: Looks like Snowy Spot went from lvl 4 to 5 which explains an earlier post of mine as well.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/2/2015 2:52:00)

There are a few new interesting islands added.

And I'm working hard on the 'contrib' system where you can all create your own islands and missions.

stuart -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/2/2015 15:38:17)

Seems like the game has exploded!

HTTP Error 404. The requested resource is not found.

Seems like 404 has been found again...alarm over.

afterlifex -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/2/2015 15:39:05)

working for me as of this post.

stuart -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/2/2015 16:47:28)

Just found a new isle lvl 24 four spice island....This may take me a while!

75 Happiness 130 power 250 supplies and 300 wealth.

Foolish Username -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/2/2015 16:49:07)

Had my second stay at Isle De Threeo at 11 islands.
And 3 islands before I got a Pleasure Island.

Just one 1 wealth point away from completing this island.

*Slash* -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/3/2015 10:06:06)

Are the repair times randomized every day or something ?
Yesterday, i managed to get a combination giving me 2 to 5 min repair time on average. And today, same combination gives me 30 min.


stuart -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/3/2015 10:51:18)

Yes...The repair times change "mix up" daily.

Read post number 13 in this thread from the Captain himself.

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