RE: Pirate Trobble Game (Full Version)

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ShadowMoon -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/8/2015 3:45:31)

@above i take it you got wind of this game before the rest of us

*Slash* -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/8/2015 10:33:37)

Dunno if it's a bug or something. I just accepted a mission with "weird" stats. I don't recall the name, but it was about grabbing some shipcraft out of a shipyard or something.
1x danger and 15 shipcraft for only 26 minutes.
Now if I try to recreate it, I need 227 minutes to get those stats.
Thoughts ? Are they part of the initial missions and thus not bound to our "create mission" rules ?

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/8/2015 12:34:01)

The style layout that I'm using (Boostrap) works best with Portrait in mobile mode, and horizontal in desktop mode.
Most device sizes *should* work ok, but it's hard to test everything.

You got a great deal!
There is a randomizer that adjusts the rewards and duration of Missions each time, when the mission choices are created for you.
That sounds like a Mission with a base Reward of 3 that was randomly boosted with an extra +12 rewards.
And the duration was not increased.

stuart -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/8/2015 12:41:06)

So...Just out of interest I have gone into this "rename" ships thing and I am following the Captains rule.

"Rename Ship
While using a desktop browser, you may rename a ship by double-clicking on the ship name. Ship names are currently private, but please use common sense when naming ships. "

So I now have two ships...common sense....And common sense1.

This may be a bit to restrictive!

And just a bit of additional info...Before neither of my ships were called private!

*Slash* -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/8/2015 12:52:58)

@Captain Do our created missions get a randomized part also ? The few I've recognized that were player made seemed to be identical to the way they had been proposed. No random part.

Foolish Username -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/8/2015 16:23:01)


I see what you did there...

afterlifex -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/8/2015 17:05:53)


Do our created missions get a randomized part also ?

Just saw fortress assault with:

7 skulls for 22 power @ 2:3X hours

as well as

7 skulls for 20 power @ 5+ hours

the original was:

7 skulls for 18 power @ 5+ hours

so there is going to be some variety mission to mission.

(note: was with different ships)

Peachii -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/8/2015 22:35:31)

I had encountered several times lately like afterlifex listed, that all 3 loot missions during the selection require more than 2+ hours to complete per ship. It could possibly be the result of the votes on new missions, though there are times which I'm lucky to get 5-10+ resources in 9-15 mins. I think it would be great to have at least one mission during the selection set at 9-45 mins, if possible.


stuart -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/9/2015 7:02:30)

I dont know if it is possible, but it would be nice if when you comple an island, if that island would be removed from the "pool" of possible next islands for 1 turn. Getting the same island 3 or 4 consequitive times is a bit of a pain.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/10/2015 19:05:47)

Custom Island creation is now available!
It would be helpful to start with new level 10 through level 30 islands.

Eventually I will add a system to allow you all to upload Island background artwork to fully customize.
For now, you have to select from about a dozen backgrounds.

Foolish Username -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/10/2015 20:06:01)

What criteria do suggested missions and islands need to complete before officially joining the mix?

afterlifex -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/10/2015 20:23:59)

We're whalers on the moon,
We carry a harpoon.
But there ain't no whales
So we tell tall tales
And sing our whaling tune.

*cough* That out of the way *cough*

....ninjats in space ...yes much better.
Floyd is going to have some explaining to do when Capt. finds out he took the ship into space.

Niki -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/11/2015 2:49:26)

For some reason after saving my island it got messed up (initial design before save it was shown correctly). Also it allows me to vote for my own island submission. Island ID 44.

I think the score table need to be changed. Currently the amount of completed islands determines your place on the Top 13 list; it does not take into account the levels of the island done.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/11/2015 3:05:07)

It's probably best to avoid creating Islands that have all five need bars.
They don't render very well on the screen, especially if the island description is long.
Although, I'm not sure why the display was messed up that bad...
I agree about the high-score chart thing.
I am working on adjusting the chart.

After the voting score gets 12+ votes, I have been setting those to Ready status.
I fix simple typos too.

Niki -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/11/2015 3:53:46)

Items seem to be on the same "line", so the bar sizes determine if there will be a line wrap or not. Line join appears when the bar levels are too much different, so some bars are much smaller than the others. Happens when the number of the bars is three or more.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/11/2015 4:36:23)

What web browser and operating system are you using?

And a tip for everyone:
- If you want to have more than 3 bars, use fewer lines of description text.
- And we really should try to use 2, 4, or 5 bars sparingly, so those islands are special.

Niki -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/11/2015 4:44:44)

I'm having the problem when using IE11 on Win7 64bit and Server 2012R2 machines.
The same island is Ok when using Chrome 45 on Win7 64bit, IE11 or Edge on a Win10 machine.

Foolish Username -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/12/2015 1:30:57)

Well, got my first player created island.

The Deadwoods, Designed by Peachii

ShadowMoon -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/12/2015 4:21:15)

would you look at that, i got the island of my own creation
i also seem to be getting the missions i created quite a bit, is there any reason for this? i thought this type of thing was random.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/12/2015 5:54:41)

Missions are totally random.

Islands are less random. You will get ones that are close to your level.
We need more new Islands around level 5, level 20, and level 30.

We don't need islands level 40+ yet, since it would be painful for anyone to get those right now.

Peachii -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/14/2015 2:19:17)

We definitely need more higher level islands with Ship Craft requirements! I had hundreds of ship craft loot awaiting to be donated.

Foolish Username - That's fantastic! Happy journey ahead. :)

ShadowMoon -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/14/2015 4:03:18)

@peachii i agree, i got a ton of ship craft as well

stuart -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/14/2015 14:41:24)

So..dont know if the changes have been picked up on by all you pirates out there...But I see that there has been an addition on the Hideout page to show "Island contributions" and also in the map the islands do not show the 250/250 thing etc. This may be the Captain making changes to the "top" list as previously stated.

And just seen a mission contributions on the hideout page as well....Could have sworn that was not there when I did the above post!

@Captain...It may help us all with both mission and Island design if there was a way to see the existing missions and islands so we are not just repeating something that already exists...Especially for missions?

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/14/2015 20:59:54)

One of my islands was approved!! Booya!

ShadowMoon -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (10/15/2015 0:00:57)

@above well this one shall become soon as well thx to my vote

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