RE: Pirate Trobble Game (Full Version)

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SonicTbear -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (11/23/2015 16:57:17)

@Galanoth: Um... shouldn't you be working instead of playing? >_>

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (11/23/2015 17:59:51)

Doesn't take too much time though! [:)]

I may have time over the Thanksgiving break to add new features to the game.
I'm about 50% done with coding for a quest system.

Brasca123 -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (11/23/2015 18:00:59)

@sonic. life isn't made only of work you know that? it's nice to play a bit on your free time!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (11/23/2015 18:02:23)

I am just surprised that his ship is able to stay afloat with heavy armor he wears.

Oh, I am so close to making it onto the top 13 list!

Rezilia -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (11/23/2015 21:33:29)


I'm about 50% done with coding for a quest system.

Rhubarb, are you planning on using this experience to make better forums? :3

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (11/24/2015 18:10:22)

Just made the top 13! Checking in at number 12!

Galanoth -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (11/24/2015 18:21:08)

@Heroes & SonicT: LOL!

There are few things that I look forward to more than Captain Rhubarb's "little" secret side projects.

Foolish Username -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (11/24/2015 18:57:42)


Rhubarb, are you planning on using this experience to make better forums? :3

I like these forums, my toaster computer takes a while to access those more fancily designed ones, especially with splash art on the background.
If you do intend to update them, at least let players toggle the old design.

Rezilia -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (11/24/2015 21:46:13)

That's a good idea, Foolish. :)

Since HTML5 is designed to be great for browsers, I was thinking an HTML5 site would have the now-common mobile version.

Instead of it specifically being a mobile version, though, it should look good on mobile and browsers, being a compressed version.

When you first loaded the forums, the front page should have a link to advanced or simple version. Being able to save which version you prefer on your browser would make that page skippable. :)

ShadowMoon -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (12/2/2015 0:52:23)

its about time i got by-passed, it only took me losing internet access for a day & half.

stuart -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (12/7/2015 14:50:56)

So I was looking at the overall stats in the top 13 and realised I had the worst missions to rewards ratio of anyone. I think I will stop just running ahead to address this issue for a while. Still find the battles going on intriguing

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (12/26/2015 20:04:01)

OOC, what do the skulls next to someone's name mean in the Pub?

Niki -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (12/27/2015 1:22:01)

Probably just part of their names.

afterlifex -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (12/27/2015 1:33:57)

Something like: ☠

I am just not sure what they are using [&:]

edit: they are copying and pasting the skull directly(since it is considered text) not using the code.

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/7/2016 0:02:13)

We need more quests for things that go boom.

ShadowMoon -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/7/2016 4:57:11)

hmmmm maybe i should by-pass niki and claim the third spot again...
nah, gonna horde resources for a while. not like i'll be dropping down further anytime soon.

stuart -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/7/2016 14:10:25)

@ HotS
The answer may be better to try to make some Islands close to your level that dont need BOOM. Either way at times there always seem to be an excess of what you dont need against what you do need. But this is not a major problem as you can then " stock up" for future possibilities.

I so far seem to have a good run at this game, but with the start of the new year I have also started a new project which is going to slow my run down a lot. This may be good news for a certain player who iS A THORN in my side!

Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/8/2016 20:54:43)

Looks like the Pub is bugged.

ShadowMoon -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/9/2016 1:29:47)

well, that's almost annoying.
wonder what happened to make it crash.

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/9/2016 3:45:32)


Heroes of the Scape -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/10/2016 22:08:52)

Uh oh, we have stumped the Captain. Oh well, I guess I will take this time to increase my stores.

ShadowMoon -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/13/2016 6:19:28)

so Captain, any word on the pub issues?

Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/14/2016 17:52:43)

I'm up to my neck deep in working on AQ3D and AQ stuff right now.
I'll try to fix the pub thing this weekend.

Brasca123 -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/15/2016 9:01:58)

@above. did you just say AQ stuff???


jokes, take your time to fix things cap'n

Niki -> RE: Pirate Trobble Game (1/26/2016 15:11:07)

Pub page is back online, Yay Captain

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