Caitiff (All Versions) (Full Version)

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Slayer Zach -> Caitiff (All Versions) (5/26/2016 23:06:17)

Caitiff (1)

Location: Chasm, Doomed

Level: As player
Damage: Scaled
Damage Type: Melee
Element: Evil

HP: Scaled
MP: Scaled

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

STR: 0
DEX: 0
INT: 0
CHA: 0
LUK: 0
END: 0
WIS: 0

Boost: 0%
Bonus: 5
Crit: 5

Damage Multipliers
Non-Crit: 100%
Dex: 100%
DoT: 100%
Crit: 175%

Melee: 3
Pierce: 3
Magic: 3
Block: 0
Parry: 1
Dodge: 2

Damage Reduction
Non-Crit: 0%
DoT: 0%
Crit: 0%

Immobility: 70
All: 60

Attack Types
Attack Type 1 - Caitiff calls upon the elemental orbs to target for 8 hits of 100% Ice/Nature/Fire/Wind/Light/Energy/Water/Darkness damage, amounting to 800% damage.
Attack Type 2 - Caitiff blasts its target with a beam of energy for 3 hits of ~133.3% damage, amounting to 400% damage.
Attack Type 3 - Caitiff summons a Pro Pain to target for 3 hits of ~133.3% Evil damage, amounting to 400% damage.
Attack Type 4 - Caitiff strikes target with tentacles for 7 hits of 100% Evil damage, amounting to 700% damage; recovers itself equal to 100% of its max weapon damage.

Other information
  • Caitiff previously had 25 Light and Darkness Resists.
  • In Chasm, Caitiff will randomly target you or Valtrith.


  • Jorath -> RE: Caitiff (All Versions) (2/3/2017 20:43:40)

    Caitiff (2)

    Location: Calamity

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee
    Element: Evil

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: Level/16
    DEX: 0
    INT: Level/16
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: Level/4
    WIS: 0

    Boost: 0%
    Bonus: 5 + Level/5
    Crit: 5

    Damage Multipliers
    Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
    Dex: 100%
    DoT: 100%
    Crit: 175%

    Melee: 3 * Level/90
    Pierce: 3 * Level/90
    Magic: 3 * Level/90
    Block: 0
    Parry: Level/90
    Dodge: 2 * Level/90

    Damage Reduction
    Non-Crit: 0%
    DoT: 0%
    Crit: 0%

    Immobility: 70
    All: 25

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Caitiff fires a beam of energy to target for 3 hits of ~66.6% Evil damage, amounting to 200% damage.
    Attack Type 2 - Caitiff summons Pro Pain to shoot flames for 3 hits of 50% Fire damage, amounting to 150% damage; applies 'Burning', a 100% Magic Fire DoT effect, to target(s) for 4 turns.
    Attack Type 3 - Caitiff strikes with tentacles for 7 hits of ~28.5% Evil damage, amounting to 200% damage; recovers itself equal to 100% of its max weapon damage.
    Attack Type 4 - Caitiff summons the eight elemental orbs and throws them to target for 8 hits of 50% Ice/Nature/Fire/Wind/Light/Energy/Water/Darkness damage, amounting to 400% damage.

    Other information
  • Caitiff (2)'s target selection is random upon using Attack Types 1 - 3; either one, two, or three foes will be targeted during a single attack.
  • During the battle, the player's Guests are swapped every 5 turns.
    • Player starts with Nythera and Artix as Guest A and B respectively; after 5 turns, they are replaced by Ash and Symone as Guest A and B; after another 5 turns, they are replaced by Galanoth and Aegis during the fight before replacing them with Nythera and Artix and repeating it all over again.
    • Any guests recover 9,999,999 HP and MP upon switching them.
  • Pop-up headlines upon switching Guests:

  • Symone: 'This is it- we'll drive this evil off forever!
  • Ash: 'We're here for you! We just need to push back the darkness a little more!
  • Aegis: 'I'm here for you! And your dragon! And everyone else!'
  • Galanoth: 'That's no dragon, but it needs to be stopped for the sake of Lore.'
  • Artix: 'Time to light up the night! Battle on!'
  • Nythera: '...I trained to stop things like this. I'm ready.'
  • After being used for the first time, Attack Type 3 has a 5 turn cooldown before being used again.


  • Jorath -> RE: Caitiff (All Versions) (2/3/2017 22:06:28)

    Caitiff (3)

    Location: Calamity

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Melee
    Element: Evil

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: Level/16
    DEX: 0
    INT: Level/16
    CHA: 0
    LUK: 0
    END: Level/4
    WIS: 0

    Boost: 0%
    Bonus: 5 + Level/5
    Crit: 5

    Damage Multipliers
    Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
    Dex: 100%
    DoT: 100%
    Crit: [175+INT/10]%

    Melee: 3 * Level/90
    Pierce: 3 * Level/90
    Magic: 3 * Level/90
    Block: 0
    Parry: Level/90
    Dodge: 2 * Level/90

    Damage Reduction
    Non-Crit: 0%
    DoT: 0%
    Crit: 0%

    Immobility: 200
    All: -50

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Breathes ice to target for 10 hits of 50% Ice damage, amounting to 500% damage; applies 'Frozen' to target(s), stunning it for 1 turn.
    Attack Type 2 - Summons a geyser of lava that emerges under target for 5 hits of 50% Melee Fire damage, amounting to 250% damage; applies 'Infernal Burn', a 100% Magic Fire DoT effect, for 5 turns.
    Attack Type 3 - Summons an undead cultist to fire darkness bolts for 2 hits of 90% Darkness damage, amounting to 180% damage; applies 'Sap' (-50% Boost) to target for 2 turns.
    Attack Type 4 - Blasts its target with dark energy for 2 hits of 80% Darkness damage, amounting to 160% damage; applies 'Sepulchure's Fury' to itself for 1 turn; while affected by 'Sepulchure's Fury', Caitiff will use Attack Type 5 on the next turn once 'Sepulchure's Fury' is in effect. (Pop-up: Caitiff draws on the powers of Doom… this could be bad!)
    Attack Type 5 - Fires several beams upward to target for 7 hits of 175% Evil damage, amounting to 1,225% damage.
    Attack Type 6 - Lunges and headbutts target for 1 hit of 200% Evil damage, with +200 Bonus.
    Attack Type 7 - Fres a beam of energy to target(s) for 4 hits of 100% Evil damage, amounting to 400% damage.

    Other information
  • On Caitiff's first turn and every 3 turns after break, Caitiff will apply 'Shadow Shield' (+150 All Resist) to itself for 99 turns. This can be removed after Caitiff is attacked 5 times by the player or <Dragon>. [Pop-ups: The shadows coalesce. / The shadows shudder. <1-4> hit(s) left! / The shadows are fading!]
  • Caitiff (3) does not follow a traditional rotation;
    • Attack Type 1 will always be used in the first turn and has a cooldown of 5 turns.
    • Attack Type 2 is used randomly and has a cooldown of 5 turns.
    • Attack Type 3 is used randomly and has a cooldown of 5 turns.
    • Attack Type 4 is used randomly and has a cooldown of 10 turns; after this attack, Caitiff uses Attack Type 5 next turn.
    • Attack Types 6 and 7 are used randomly.
  • Caitiff (3)'s target selection is random on attacks that have more than 1 hit; either one or two foes will be targeted for its attacks.


  • BluuHorseOfficial -> RE: Caitiff (All Versions) (11/7/2018 2:50:51)

    Caitiff (4)

    Location: Caitiff (Arena at the Edge of Time), Failed Doom, Caitiff Appears!

    Level: As player
    Damage: Scaled
    Damage Type: Magic
    Element: Evil

    HP: Scaled
    MP: Scaled

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    STR: Level*5/8
    DEX: Level*5/8
    INT: Level*5/2
    CHA: 0
    LUK: Level*5/4
    END: Level*5/8
    WIS: 0

    Boost: 0%
    Bonus: 5 + Level/5
    Crit: 10 + LUK/10

    Damage Multipliers
    Non-Crit: [100+STR*3/20]%
    Dex: [100+DEX/40]%
    DoT: [100+DEX/4]%
    Crit: [175+INT/10]%

    Melee: 30 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Pierce: 30 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Magic: 30 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Block: 50 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Parry: 50 * Level/90 + LUK/20
    Dodge: 50 * Level/90 + LUK/20

    Damage Reduction
    Non-Crit: 0%
    DoT: 0%
    Crit: 0%

    All: 25
    Shrink: 200
    Immobility: 100

    Attack Types
    Attack Type 1 - Caitiff calls upon the elemental orbs for 8 hits of 12.5% Ice/Nature/Fire/Wind/Light/Energy/Water/Darkness damage, amounting to 100% damage; applies one of the following effects at random;
    • ???: Applies 'Magic of the Unknown' (+10 All Resist, -10 Health Resist) to itself for 10 turns; Attack Type 2 will deal ??? damage. (Pop-up: Where am I?)
    • Evil: Applies 'Evil Entropy' (-10 All Resist, +10 Health Resist) to target for 5 turns inclusive; Attack Type 2 will deal Evil damage. (Pop-up: Fascinating.)
    • Ice: Automatically applies 'Freezing' (-50 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to target for 5 turns; Attack Type 2 will deal Ice damage.
    • Nature: Applies 'The Power of Nature' (+25% Boost) to itself for 5 turns inclusive; Attack Type 2 will deal Nature damage. (Pop-up: Does this hurt?)
    • Fire: Applies 'Fueled by Fire' (+75 Bonus) to itself for 5 turns inclusive; enables use of Attack Type 3. (Pop-up: How will you be destroyed?)
    • Wind: Applies 'Wind Shield' (+100 Melee/Pierce/Magic Avoidance) to itself for 2 turns; Attack Type 2 will deal Wind damage. (Pop-up: How do you react to this?)
    • Light: Recovers itself for 10% of its max HP; Attack Type 2 will deal Light damage. (Pop-up: Teach me.)
    • Energy: Applies 'Shattered' to target, stunning it for 1 turn; Attack Type 2 will deal Energy damage; either the Energy, Water, or Darkness element hits must be landed to apply this effect. (Pop-up: What comes next?)
    • Water: Applies 'Waterlogged' (-5% Boost) to target for 4 turns; enables use of Attack Type 4; either the Water or Darkness element hits must be landed to apply this effect. (Pop-up: What thoughts crawl through your mind?)
    • Darkness: Automatically applies 'Blinded by Darkness' (-25 Bonus) to target for 5 turns; Attack Type 2 will deal Darkness damage. (Pop-up: Who are you?)
    Attack Type 2 - Caitiff blasts its target with a beam of energy for 3 hits of 200% damage, amounting to 600% damage, with +33 Bonus; attack's element is determined by the most recently activated effect of Attack Type 1.
    Attack Type 3 - Caitiff summons a Pro Pain and engulfs its target in ghostly flames for 3 hits of 200% Fire damage, amounting to 600% damage; applies 'Blue Flames', a 30% Magic Fire DoT effect, to target for 5 turns. (Pop-up: Let's try some fire.)
    Attack Type 4 - Caitiff strikes its target with tentacles for 7 hits of 100% Water damage, amounting to 700% damage; purges all status effects (excluding 'Stuffed', Caitiff's debuffs, and permanent effects) from target. (Pop-up: I will tear the knowledge from you!)

    Other information
  • Caitiff follows the skill rotation; Attack Type 1 -> Attack Type 2 OR Attack Type 3 OR Attack Type 4 -> Repeat, with Attack Types 3 and 4 replacing Attack Type 2 if Caitiff picked Fire or Water upon using Attack Type 1 respectively.


  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Caitiff (All Versions) (12/27/2023 21:52:10)

    Thanks to
  • DemonicDarkwraith for entry reformats, images, attack type images, and corrections. (1-3)
  • Azan for Attack Type 4 damage correction. (2)
  • Baron Dante for stun duration correction. (3)
  • TFS for original entry. (4)

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