Spells - Read the first post! (Full Version)

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Carandor -> Spells - Read the first post! (2/25/2017 7:49:15)

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Ianthe -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (3/14/2017 0:55:55)


From the Necragon Incursion war: Fleshreaver Strike. Kam says:

CHA skill, calls the minion used in the Necragon Guise to swoop in mega fast and attack. Uses CHA in place of INT, and has +4.25 BtH as MC.

Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

MPLvl	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
SPCost	57	100	151	208	271	342	419	490

Base	15	30	48	69	93	120	150	179
Rand	28	58	94	136	184	238	298	358
Stat	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BtH	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38

MCPrice	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
MCSell	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
Added. Scakk

Ianthe -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (4/15/2017 1:44:31)


Trivial: The Summon Bun-Summoner spells have been renamed Summon Bun-Bewitcher.

The Bun-Summoner monster has been renamed Bun-Bewitcher too.

(The guest doesn't have an internal name, but I guess that you might as well rename it.)

Got this. ~Carandor

.*. .*. .*. -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (4/24/2017 4:51:47)

Picture of the Fleshreaver Strike spell from the Necragon Incursion War:


Additional info is that it does 2 hits of darkness magic.

Ianthe -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (4/28/2017 1:55:34)


Now in the Shadow War shop in the Seekrat Saga: Luminous Blast. Kam says:

Does 3 hits each of Light and Dark, does *1.2 damage due to this. If facing a Shadow monster, it will instead ele seek and do +10% damage.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

MPLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
MPCost	50	76	134	201	277	362	456	559	653

Base	8	15	30	48	69	93	120	150	179
Rand	17	28	58	94	136	184	238	298	358
Stat	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BtH	1	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38

MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583

Got this, thanks! ~Carandor

Relinfearous -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (5/20/2017 7:47:14)

Call Chupacabra

The Chupacabras recognise you as their new alpha, so you can now call one to your side in battle! It will strike with Darkness or Water, whichever will hurt your foe the most!

greenlegend -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (5/30/2017 13:36:10)


Candy Cane Cataclysm needs a rare tag.

Added, thanks! ~Carandor

Ianthe -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (6/15/2017 15:57:28)

Now in Warlics: Nocturnal Knight Raiders. Kam says:

Darkness spell. Has the same +4.25 BtH MC that the weapons do.

[9 hits]
Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

MPLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
MPCost	50	76	134	201	277	362	456	559	653

Base	8	15	30	48	69	93	120	150	179
Rand	17	28	58	94	136	184	238	298	358
Stat	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BtH	1	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38

MCSOP	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
MCSOS	8	11	44	306	2420	19464	156878	1264751	6051291

MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583

Uskius -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (6/21/2017 3:12:38)

Nocturnal Night Raiders description: "Holy Bat Assault! This spell calls forth a cloud of bats to strike your foe! These bats are able to use sonar to strike their target with greater accuracy!"

Also, having used the spell a handful of times, it's pretty clearly more than four hits- between six and eight. Is that intended?
Whoops, I was looking at an old revision. It's 9 hits. ~IMR

afterlifex -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (6/30/2017 15:33:32)


Just quoting IMR's GD posts:


Overcharged healing spells: Discounted, so un-discounted and moved to Valencia's. New price:

MCPrice	308	583	1001	1573	2321	3289	4477	5940
MCSell	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z

Conjure Shadow/Arm-Ageddon: Not discounted, so rare.
Summon Undead Army/Moonwalker's Grace: Discounted, so un-discounted and moved to Adder's.
Sisters of Mercy: Moved to the Guardian Account shop


Got these. ~Carandor

Ianthe -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (7/28/2017 0:16:18)

Sea Titan Slam/Wave

Melee SPell and Magic Spell. First costs SP and is powered by STR, second costs MP and is powered by INT. Both items funnel their MC effect and some damage into a Daze effect. Gives up a 5% damage MC (or 10% Melee) as well as a further 49.5% Melee (so does 24.75% less damage) to do a 25% stun rate Daze that lasts for Hits*2 (max 2 hits) turns. Stun rate is modified by mob's Water resist.

[Inflict with [STR|INT]/LUK, resist with STR/LUK.]
Level	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	B	B	B	B	B	B
PowLvl	59	78	98	118	138	153

MPLvl	58	77	97	117	137	152
MPCost	212	285	371	466	569	653
SPCost	127	171	222	279	342	392

Base	51	72	96	124	154	179
Rand	104	144	194	247	309	358
Stat	489.4	614.8	746.8	878.8	1010.8	1109.8
BtH	14	19	24	29	34	38

HalfMCP	613	4841	38929	313757	2529504	12102583
HalfMCS	306	2420	19464	156878	1264752	6051291

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (8/4/2017 10:10:10)

IMR, the Call Zombie Director has been removed from LTS while we still don't have its info sub.

I think, the Call Zombie Director needs to be put back for a while to give us a chance to decide if it's worth to buy or not.

afterlifex -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (8/4/2017 15:07:44)

^ it's in zorbak's shop (which is hidden in warlic's)

ruleandrew -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (8/13/2017 4:40:33)

Missile barrage spell description
Summon an onslaught of fiery explosives to annihilate your foe!. This spell requires more mana than most, but it has greatly boasted damage to compensate!

Missile barrage spell element

Missile barrage spell level
5, 15, 35, 55, 75, 95, 115, 135, 150

Missile barrage spell mana cost
~1.3333*(standard mana cost)

Missile barrage spell damage
~1.2083*(standard magic spell damage)

Ianthe -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (8/23/2017 1:50:42)

From the 4th Underworld quest: Missile Barrage. Kam says:

Fire spell. Has a +10 BtH lean and a 0.1 base lean (You're firing rockets point blank, you're going to hit and it's gonna hit hard). This is a "powerful" spell (will take suggestions for an alternate name scheme), This is an "overcharged" spell, the opposite of an efficient one. While efficient spells cost 3/5 normal MP cost and deal 75% normal spell damage (AKA 150% Melee damage), this one has 4/3 MP cost and deals +29/24 (or 120.833...%) spell damage (or 241.66...% Melee damage). It also has a further +5% damage for an MC effect.

[EDIT: Changed it to be a multiplicative boost instead of an additive one. Also, LSs now do *24/29 damage. ~IMR]
Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

MPLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
MPCost	67	101	178	268	369	482	608	745	871

Base	15	26	53	86	123	167	215	269	322
Rand	3	6	12	18	28	36	48	60	72
Stat	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BtH	1	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38

MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583

Ianthe -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (9/8/2017 17:53:31)


Back in the LTS shop: Coloured Pencils

Neutral spell. 8 hits, one of each element. Does *132/109 damage because of this.

+5 BTH lean.

(50% off!)
Old	10	10Z	39G	40Z	70Z	100Z	-	130Z	-
Level	10	15	42	45	75	105	120	135	143
Type	-	Z	G	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
PowLvl	10	47	47	63	86	115	130	145	153

MPLvl	10	39	45	58	83	112	127	142	150
MPCost	63	146	166	212	310	441	516	597	642

Base	15	53	53	74	108	159	189	221	239
Rand	15	54	54	74	109	160	189	221	238
Stat	166	410.2	410.2	515.8	667.6	859	958	1057	1109.8
BtH	2	11	11	15	21	28	32	36	38

Price	36	420	307	950	1810	3080	3900	4840	5400
Sell	18	Z	153	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z

Also in the LTS: Surge

MC Energy spell. 4 hits, +7 BTH lean.

MC: Has a 1/7*[monster Energy resist] chance of granting Celerity. The monster can resist with a save (inflict with INT/LUK, resist with INT/LUK). Hits connected doesn't matter.
Level	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	143
Type	G	Z	Z	Z	G	Z	Z	Z
PowLvl	23	57	70	86	98	125	145	153

MPLvl	21	51	66	83	97	122	142	150
MPCost	92	187	241	310	371	491	597	642

Base	20	49	63	81	96	134	166	179
Rand	41	100	126	163	194	269	331	358
Stat	251.8	476.2	562	667.6	746.8	925	1057	1109.8
BtH	5	14	17	21	24	31	36	38

MCPrice	47	814	1320	1991	77859	3971	5324	5940
MCSell	23	Z	Z	Z	38929	Z	Z	Z

Also in the LTS: Ebil Pencil

MC Earth spell. Two hits.

The spell takes -10% damage, and the monster takes -6*[hits connected]/[hits attempted] MRM. The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with INT/LUK, resist with END/LUK). This save is treated as being a save against the Defence Loss status.

Level	5	10	35	60	85	110	135	143
Type	-	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
PowLvl	5	44	57	73	95	120	145	153

MPLvl	5	35	51	69	92	117	142	150
MPCost	50	134	187	253	348	466	597	642

Base	14	63	84	113	157	215	282	304
Rand	5	23	30	39	56	77	99	108
Stat	133	390.4	476.2	581.8	727	892	1057	1109.8
BtH	1	11	14	18	23	30	36	38

MCPrice	35	396	814	1474	2409	3674	5324	5940
MCSell	17	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z	Z
Got these, thanks! ~Carandor

Ianthe -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (9/14/2017 10:43:26)

August GGB: Tome of Knowledge. Kam says:

Light spell, neutral damage/BtH lean. Attempts to inflict Daze, so is a clone of Sea Titan Slam/Wave. Gives up 5% MC and 24.75% spell damage to do a 25% stun rate Daze that lasts for Hits*2 (max 2 hits) turns. Inflict with INT/LUK and resist with INT/LUK (You're overloading them with knowledge, basically). Stun rate is modified by mob's Light resist.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

MPLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
MPCost	50	76	134	201	277	362	456	559	653

Base	8	15	30	48	69	93	120	150	179
Rand	17	28	58	94	136	184	238	298	358
Stat	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BtH	1	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38

HalfMCP	18	24	89	613	4841	38929	313757	2529504	12102583
HalfMCS	9	12	44	306	2420	19464	156878	1264752	6051291
This scholarly tome contains a radiantly overwhelming bounty of knowledge! It can easily overwhelm your foe, leaving them dazed as they attempt to process all that information!

**The overload of information has left your foe dazed!
**Your foe barely manages to process the tome's bounty of knowledge.

August GGB: Spectral Ninjas. Kam says:

Ranged Wind SPell, pretty simple, has +4.25 BtH as the MC, and a 1/3 base lean since the ninjas are good at aiming for vitals and such.

Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

MPLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
SPCost	30	45	80	120	166	217	273	335	392

Base	11	19	39	63	91	123	159	199	239
Rand	11	20	40	64	92	124	160	200	238
Stat	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BtH	1	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38

HalfMCP	18	24	89	613	4841	38929	313757	2529504	12102583
HalfMCS	9	12	44	306	2420	19464	156878	1264752	6051291
Call forth the ghosts of a platoon of ninja ghosts to strike your enemy with swift and accurate strikes! The ghosts draw on your skill and agility, and will gain power proportional to your DEX!


Carandor -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (9/21/2017 21:35:28)

Call Pyre Rat
Call a special seafaring BURP mercenary to your side to slash and 'splode your foes! He will only fight if the price is right, but the sight of gold makes him fight harder than most.

Has a 1 hit Melee attack and a 2 hit Ranged attack that can inflict a Water-element Burn.

Ianthe -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (10/17/2017 2:35:37)


New GGB item: Demomorphosis

One hit, Darkness. +10 BTH lean. It takes -44% damage. If it connects, the monster becomes a demon. The monster gets two saves to resist this. Both saves are at a -20 penalty. First inflicts with INT/LUK and resists with END/LUK; the second inflicts with INT/LUK and resists with CHA/LUK.
Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

MPLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
MPCost	50	76	134	201	277	362	456	559	653

Base	11	19	39	63	91	123	159	199	239
Rand	11	20	40	64	92	124	160	200	238
Stat	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BtH	1	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38

MCSOP	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
MCSOS	8	11	44	306	2420	19464	156878	1264751	6051291
Added. Scakk

In the LTS (will be moved... somewhere in the anniversary quest section): Blood Ruby Rain

MC Energy spell. 4 hits.

The spell takes -40.77% damage. There is a [hits connected]/4 chance of Rubifying the foe (renamed, recoloured Hypersalinate) (1 turn). The monster can resist with a save at a +0 bonus (inflict with INT/LUK; resist with END/LUK).
Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
Type	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	-	G
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

MPLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152
MPCost	50	76	134	201	277	362	456	559	653

Base	8	15	30	48	69	93	120	150	179
Rand	17	28	58	94	136	184	238	298	358
Stat	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BtH	1	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38

MCPrice	35	47	178	1226	9682	77859	627513	5059007	24205166
MCSell	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583

MCSOP	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
MCSOS	8	11	44	306	2420	19464	156878	1264751	6051291

alchim -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (10/19/2017 0:49:13)

(Move this if it is the wrong place to ask, i just think a pm is more intrusive)

In regards to demomorphosis; Does the monster need to fail BOTH saves to convert? Or as long as he fails one of the two he gets converted. (Either the END or CHA one)

It needs to fail both. ~IMR

ZumaChaosReborn -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (10/27/2017 17:36:26)

What happens if you cast the spell when the monster is already a demon? Does it get no penalty and 10% extra damage like Sepulchure?

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (10/28/2017 12:43:48)



«Mastercraft accurate Darkness spell that can tag a monster as demon.»

Location: Golden Giftboxes - Rare Shop
Element: Darkness
Type									G
Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
PowLvl	5 MC	15 MC	35 MC	55 MC	75 MC	95 MC	115 MC	135 MC	153 MC
MPLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	152

Price	17	23	89	613	4841	38929	313756	2529503	12102583
Sell	8	11	44	306	2420	19464	156878	1264751	6051291

MPCost	50	76	134	201	277	362	456	559	653
Hits: 1
Type: Magic
Element: Darkness
Damage	4-13	8-22	15-44	24-71	35-103	47-139	60-179	75-224	90-269
Stat%	66.6	99.7	165.8	232	298.1	364.3	430.4	496.5	556.1
BTH	11	13	18	23	28	33	38	43	48
If spell hit connects and deals >0 damage, then your opponent makes two saves at a -20 penalty:
    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterEND
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK

    Level: PowLvl vs MonsterLvl
    Major: YourINT vs MonsterCHA
    Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK
If the monster fails both saves, the monster becomes a demon*. Otherwise, the monster resists** the spell.
Note: The monster needs to fail both saves, then it gets tagged as demon.

**Your opponent screams as your spell turns them into a demoin!
**Your opponent resists your spell!

This terrible curse has the power to haunt your foes with demonic spirits, turning them into a demon! It won't give them any special powers or transform them into Their Ultimate Form(TM), but it'll make them more susceptible to demon-slaying equipment!


Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Additional thanks to alchim and In Media Res.


Starts off as a standard spell:
Level	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	150
PowLvl	5	15	35	55	75	95	115	135	153

Damage	8-25	15-43	30-88	48-142	69-205	93-277	120-358	150-448	179-537
Stat%	133	199	331	463	595	727	859	991	1109.8
BTH	1	3	8	13	18	23	28	33	38
Deals -44% damage to pay for the effect. Gains +10 BTH and deals *85/95 damage.

All this has ALREADY been factored into the above numbers.

October 12, 2017: The spell was released.
???: The spell became rare.

Added. Scakk

1stClassGenesis -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (11/22/2017 9:07:07)

Call Nezujimbo seems to have been renamed to Nezujimbo Contract.. or is it just me?

afterlifex -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (11/25/2017 11:18:29)

^ yes the merc spells are now "contract" spells, they also had the turn cost removed.

Shogun & Ansatsu Contract
Nezujimbo Contract G
Pyre Rat Contract

ZumaChaosReborn -> RE: Spells - Read the first post! (12/21/2017 16:31:54)

Lagoon Leviathan Blast

Water MC spell.

Here is the item's description: Call forth the Lagoon Leviathan to strike with a surge of water, sometimes dealing greatly boosted damage with tidal force!

I'd prefer if you left guesswork out of info subs posts, or at least mentioned it's a guess. It hasn't been confirmed by staff to have the same MC as Pixel Storm. Furthermore, these posts you make are kinda unnecessary, as IMR's posts always have all the info you post, plus a lot more detail too. Unless you're doing a write up or asking about info the staff haven't posted (or extra details/clarification on info they did post), all we really need is the items description, image and any popups (maybe it's location too). ~Carandor

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