RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (Full Version)

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Bolter -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (3/22/2019 8:19:37)

The Shamrock Sensus and Naginatas are missing from the Past Blarney Rewards.

Bolter -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (3/30/2019 10:19:28)

Squidge is not doing any damage

Bolter -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (4/2/2019 11:58:31)

Will the past April Fool's events be available on the events page?

AliceShiki -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (4/3/2019 21:29:00)

Was Spellcaster Lean scrapped or are there any plans of revisiting it in the future?

I know the lean wasn't that popular, but I think a fair amount of people would be happy if one armor of each element in this lean was added to Warlic's Shop, something similar to the plates now available in Yulgar, but with Spellcaster Lean... As in, super standard non-MC stuff with shapeshifter elemental modifiers.

*coughs* This is totally not a suggestion disguised as question... Definitely not...

Well, I mainly want to know if I can have hopes of the lean being revisited some time in the future though.

icebear23 -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (4/5/2019 8:49:26)

Hi guys. I'm new here but a long time player and support of AE games and my first time asking on a forum. I just want to know why can't I use the spells on Undead Cleric Arm? I've been wondering if it uses SP because every time I use it, it does nothing except the mana regen skill. Hoping to get a reply soon. Thanks

Zennistrad -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (4/5/2019 10:03:23)

^What's your character's current INT? If your maximum MP isn't high enough you won't be able to cast any of the spells.

Advnewb -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (4/5/2019 19:04:36)

Will the Ebil Pencil spell return, or another spell with the same effect be introduced?

Will the Cracked Ornament misc get a non rare equivalent as well?

icebear23 -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (4/6/2019 18:25:41)

Actually I am lvl 150 with 250 int. I don't know if its a bug or something

Bolter -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (4/21/2019 6:55:13)

Crag & Bamboozle's dazing effect is bugged, it's like as if everything is immune to it, saying that those that are aligned with the undefined are immune to the dazing effect.

Warrox -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (4/26/2019 22:15:31)

hey i was wondering since we have Insurmountable Gatekeeper which is a cross between Supreme Overlord's Dynasty and Eternal Twilight's Mantle in a Z-token lvl 140 Powerlvl 150. which I Really like would it be possible to get a similar version of the Boreal Bolt Plate which is a cross between the thunder set and the fujin set, in lvl 140, powerlvl 150 Z-token version?

AliceShiki -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (4/26/2019 23:12:05)

@Above Outdated gear will be updated if/when staff has time to work on it.

With the stat update coming in the following months, don't expect the devs to have time to work on revamping many old items any time soon.

Warrox -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (4/27/2019 2:18:26)

okay anyway thx for the answer

Bolter -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (4/28/2019 3:36:58)

It doesn't make sense that Reality Gauntlet is being excluded though, really hope you all could take it into consideration if this is really indeed the case.

Bu Kek Siansu -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (5/1/2019 16:53:55)

Can we have another tiers of Z-Token packages?

As examples:

  • 0,200,000 Z-Token Package
  • 0,250,000 Z-Token Package
  • 0,500,000 Z-Token Package
  • 0,750,000 Z-Token Package
  • 1,000,000 Z-Token Package > You can create a Custom item (Misc) to be used as a GGB item or as a personal item.
  • 1,250,000 Z-Token Package > You can create a Custom item (Shield or Spell) to be used as a GGB item or as a personal item.
  • 1,500,000 Z-Token Package > You can create a Custom item (Pet or Guest) to be used as a GGB item or as a personal item.
  • 1,750,000 Z-Token Package > You can create a Custom item (Weapon) to be used as a GGB item or as a personal item.
  • 2,000,000 Z-Token Package > You can create a Custom item (Armor) to be used as a GGB item or as a personal item.

    Someone doesn't need to be as a rich person to be able to purchase a Custom item as listed above.

    Some kind of a guarantee would be more appreciated that you can create a Custom item as listed above
    rather than entering a (blind) Z-Token contest (for a Custom item) by spending a lot of money but ended up with nothing.

    You cannot imagine players with multiple characters especially with 30 characters or 36 characters or even more.
    So, both of players and Artix company can get the benefit of a Custom item as listed above.

    Having a Z-Token contest as usually a few times yearly is NICE for many reasons.

  • It would be GREAT to have both of a Z-Token contest a few times yearly and a Custom item as listed above.
    So, players would have more options to choose for a Z-Token contest or a Custom item as listed above or both of them.
    So, both of players and Artix company can get the benefit of a Custom item as listed above.

  • Seth Hydra -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (5/2/2019 4:32:27)

    @Bu Kek: A genuine question,


    Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (5/2/2019 20:56:03)

    If the plan to remove DEX from melee/magic accuracy goes through (yes, please) will werepyre's "Hybrid Stats" effects be changed to acknowledge this?

    AliceShiki -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (5/3/2019 0:42:01)

    @Dreiko Yes.

    Regarding Werepyre and items with effects that replace DEX, we'll figure out other effects to take their place. We can't say specifically what these results will be, but they may involve replacing some or all of DEX's role on defense or giving players an appropriate (scaled) damage multiplier that assists players with (near) max STR + INT.

    Dreiko Shadrack -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (5/4/2019 7:59:28)

    Nicely spotted, didn't see that.

    Shiba -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (5/5/2019 9:28:03)

    With the recently updated Fu Dog getting a Petrify Potency alongside its own Petrifying ability, could the following two pets also receive such an update?

    Scarab: a chance to cause Bleed
    Nilak: a chance to cause Freeze

    Zennistrad -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (5/15/2019 17:11:18)

    Are Mastercraft bonuses for weapons "hardcoded" into their stats, or are they applied separately during calculation?

    Like, for example, would it be possible within the game's code to have an armor/shield that disables your weapon's mastercraft bonus in exchange for some benefit?

    OverlordLover -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (5/16/2019 14:06:17)

    am I able to access past posts in q/a I have two threads with character helps that im like 80% done with, and id like to quickly jot down what I missed? like is there a way I can view them again? both posted by me, 1 called character help, the other pure warrior help or char help

    AliceShiki -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (5/17/2019 9:59:10)

    @OverlordLover Depends on how old the post is, AQ's forum is pretty outdated and has an auto-delete function even to this day... Which is honestly terrible, but nothing we can do about it.

    If your post is over 2 weeks old, it was autodeleted. I recommend saving future recommendations in a notepad or something.

    Galactic Assassin X -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (5/21/2019 19:58:13)

    I honestly don't think DEX should be changed. It's already been made worthless for some hybrid armors, which was a bad move. Any change to DEX now will just be a bad nerf.

    Unless, of course, the devs can clarify that the DEX change won't be a nerf. And no, I don't mean "we'll make DEX very usable in X circumstance" I mean making sure DEX WON'T be forced into a specific playstyle.

    Lord Markov -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (5/22/2019 0:57:54)

    Probably more appropriate to discuss in this thread, but to address some of your concerns:

    The changes to DEX will almost certainly be some kind of a nerf, and rightly so. At this point, outside of hybrids, DEX is as necessary for basically all builds as their main stat. And it's simply not healthy for diversity when 2 out of the 3 stats you can fully max are "required" straight out the gate. Yes, if you know the game well enough and have enough rare/premium items you can work around this fairly successfully, but for the "average" player it's at the very least an annoyance and for certain builds a true pain in the butt.

    I highly doubt DEX will be totally relegated to a single play style/situation, but I wouldn't expect it to be the god stat it is currently after the changes, and to me and a lot of other players, that will be a welcome change. If you consider that a nerf, yes it is a nerf, but DEX is simply too good of a stat as it is to be considered properly balanced.

    roobee -> RE: =AQ= Direct-to-Dev Questions (5/29/2019 11:16:14)

    Are the Umazen War quests going rare or will they be available for access somewhere?

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