=AQW= Item Set Suggestions (Full Version)

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Rickyb20 -> =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (1/17/2021 10:31:05)

Item Set Suggestions Thread

This is the thread where you can post your matching items to suggest them together as a set!

  • Read the =AQW= Suggestions Forum Rules before posting.
  • No discussions allowed. Post comments or feedback in the =AQW= Player Suggestions Discussion Thread.
  • Please make sure you are posting at least two items as part of a set.
  • There is no need to post the items individually in the respective suggestion threads if you are posting them as a set here.

  • Cyrenius -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (1/30/2021 17:36:55)

    Archfiend Doomlord helmet and cloak should be 25% to all

    Elite Archfiend Doomlord armor (legend only!)
    +50% to all monsters

    Void Highlord rank 10
    Level 100

    Archfiend Doomlord
    2 Unidentified 35’s
    25 Unidentified 34’s
    50 Totems of Nulgath
    100 Bloodgems of Nulgath
    300 Gems of Nulgath
    1,000 Tainted Gems
    1,000 Dark Crystal Shards
    1,000 Diamonds of Nulgath
    13 Unidentified 13’s
    Archfiend Enchanted Orbs

    Sepulchure’s Doom Knight Cloak (legend only!)
    +50% EXP, Au, Rep, and Class

    Ultimate Doom Knight class

    Void Aura x7,500
    Shadow Shroud x15
    Necrotic Orb x600

    Sepulchure’s Doom Knight Helm (legend only!)
    +50% to all tagged monsters

    Ultimate Doom Knight class

    Void Aura x7,500
    Ancient Alloy x300

    zexen -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (2/24/2021 14:24:26)

    AQW Armor Set Suggestion
    Male and Female version (Variants)


    AQW Username: Zexen

    professionalplayer -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (3/30/2021 11:02:44)

    Head of the Legion Beast

    should be made a rare rarity meaning that it will go rare

    should include 30% more damage to HUMANS(not referring to human monsters) and all monsters ingame
    give 1 and a half months from this post to go rare

    Skritslander -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (6/13/2021 20:17:08)

    Hi. Here are some item sets I made as suggestions in the last months I would like to share :)

    Hollowborn Alchemist

    Easter inspired Blademaster

    Undead Legionnaire

    Possessed Fiend Armor

    Revamped Crimson Plate of Nulgath and its variants

    Alvaro do AQW -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (6/14/2021 15:43:48)

    Suggestion for TLaPD 2021!

    Abyssal Angel Naval Commander Set! Hope you guys like it!

    Abyssal Angel Naval Commanderm ------> https://twitter.com/AlvaroAQW/status/1399905338678255616/photo/1

    heartie123 -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (6/18/2021 20:19:04)

    TLaPD Suggestion

    Octasea Ruler Set :D
    -1 armor
    - Octasea Ruler
    -4 helms
    -Octasea Ruler Hair
    -Octasea Ruler Female Hair
    -Octasea Ruler Tricorn
    -Octasea Ruler Tricorn Female
    -4 weapons
    -Octasea Cutlass
    -Dual Octasea Cutlass
    -Octasea Lamp
    -Octasea Lamp and Cutlass
    -3 capes
    -Octasea Tentacles
    -Octasea Weapons
    -Octasea Weapons and Lamp

    OcteaSea Ruler image - https://twitter.com/DfHeartie/status/1397365982679556101

    I hope you guys like it :D

    Protégé -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (7/7/2021 17:49:26)

    Heya folks! I would like to share here's some item sets that I've made as suggestions for this mogloween 2021

    [ Judgement Witch ]: https://twitter.com/VII_VII_V_VIII/status/1383269145651736583

    [ Vampiric Count ]: https://twitter.com/VII_VII_V_VIII/status/1409285468659851265

    Note: I've the flash files of both suggestions sets

    Alvaro do AQW -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (7/8/2021 9:43:55)

    MindBreaker Naval Commander Set!
    #aqw #tlapd


    Kono Orochi -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (7/11/2021 18:30:14)

    AQW Set Suggestion
    Male and Female Version (Variants)


    AQW Username: ramon128089

    Darketta! -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (7/17/2021 0:42:19)

    Here is my concept design
    Violet Rose Guardian

    Aduir -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (7/31/2021 20:58:50)

    AQW Sets Suggestion
    Elf/Fairy Knights


    AQW Username: Sukyo

    Protégé -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (8/3/2021 3:34:18)

    Here's a suggestion set that I've made for this TLAPD 2021
    (This is a port of the Naval Guard armor from EpicDuel)

    [ Naval Guard ]: https://twitter.com/VII_VII_V_VIII/status/1421750186309718017

    Protégé -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (8/26/2021 17:38:13)

    Here's a set that I would like made as suggestion for this Chilean Fiestas Patrias for this September 18th

    [ Huaso & Huasa Elegante ]: https://twitter.com/DesperaMon/status/1431003702018596865

    Note: I've the flash files of this suggestion set

    Protégé -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (8/30/2021 21:50:40)

    Here's another set that I would like to suggest for this mogloween 2021

    [ Candy Corn Sweater ]: https://twitter.com/DesperaMon/status/1432508519228624899

    Note: I've the flash files of this suggestion set

    Protégé -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (9/14/2021 19:49:59)

    And here's another set that I would like to suggest for this mogloween 2021

    [ Moonlight Hunter ]: https://twitter.com/DesperaMon/status/1437924178334785537

    Note: I've the flash files of this suggestion set

    Failleens AQW -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (9/15/2021 14:47:00)

    AQWorld Armor Set Suggestion :3
    Set made by me, Faillens :3
    Thankssss >w<

    Failleens AQW -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (9/16/2021 15:04:10)

    Suggestion set i made for Mogloween 2021 :3
    Made it on Paint tool sai :3

    Tagai -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (9/16/2021 18:57:48)

    Suggestion set for Moglowenn 2021
    The Imptress
    Used Photoshop but i have Adobe Animate.

    GiraffeMystic -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (9/20/2021 19:10:17)

    I would like to suggest an armor set for Mogloween or Thanksgiving.






    I call it the PumpkinSpice Mystic because I love pumpkinspice and my name is GiraffeMystic. I have a few weapons that I'll be making for this set. I will update and post them soon. The cat is my real life cat Sweeney, with both regular and festive versions. The non festive version has the correct ear (Sweeney is a feral). Added a baby dragon pet.

    My aqw name is Aura Blader

    DFT321 -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (9/21/2021 11:27:58)

    Hello! I want to suggest a parody of My Hero Academia's villain Dabi for Mogloween. This is my second AQW finished set, called FrankenSTAIN Adept. Hope you like!

    Failleens AQW -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (9/21/2021 15:28:17)

    AQWorlds Suggestion for Mogloween 2021!! :3
    Thanksss :3

    Scareshade -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (9/23/2021 8:33:52)

    Battle Bard

    Battle Bard

    Battle Bard alternate helms



    Thug set


    Vampiric - only male version completed

    Vampire - M

    Necro/Doomwood inspired piece

    Necro/Doomwood armor


    Mariner set

    Mariner CC showcase

    Mariner female set

    IGN: Onik

    DFT321 -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (9/23/2021 10:23:09)

    The Astrologer: A traveler who watches the stars to gain knowledge for his adventures.

    The stars are part of the body.
    The left belt is part of the thigh and the right of the hip.
    And the constellations are part of the leg.

    Male versions + accessories: https://twitter.com/JeffelipeArt/status/1441038108347281412
    Female version: https://twitter.com/JeffelipeArt/status/1441715237812572160

    The Archaeologist: This set is inspired by the movie "The Mummy" (1999).


    Hope you like it!

    GiraffeMystic -> RE: =AQW= Item Set Suggestions (9/24/2021 15:33:33)

    Item sets of characters from The Dragon Prince.

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