Another returning player, lvl 150 (Full Version)

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Influxion -> Another returning player, lvl 150 (9/21/2023 22:20:26)

It seems like the Reddit / Forums have been full of people that watched the same "Was AQ good" video, hahah.

Anyway, is my character.
I'm playing pure warrior and did some minor searching of how the game was updated and things I should buy. I played mostly in the late 2000s and early 2010s and pretty much stopped after 2017.
A few questions:

1. Is anything else I should go for (buy) / sell if completely useless.

2. What's the best no-drop element for pure warriors?

3. If I wanted to change builds to something more popular, FO mage or beastmaster mage, how much investment would it take and would I be gated by limited time weapons, armors, spells, etc.?

Level: 150, X-Guardian
Build: Pure warrior
No-drop element: Water

Thanks in advance!

Primate Murder -> RE: Another returning player, lvl 150 (9/23/2023 2:26:12)

Welcome back!


For your no-drop, I'd suggest darkness, as it lacks exceptional weapons and shields for your build.

Patriot Katana is ok-ish, but I would replace it with Pyromancer's Bloodblade (when Caecus returns to the void in ~2 months) or Blazing Bloodzerker Sword for a more reliable damage boost. Technically, Hexbound Prominence is slightly better for your build and gear, but it's also a UR, so only get it if you have a lot of tokens to spend on micro-optimizations.

I would recommend Kindred sword for water, simply because you want to have a source of autohit damage in case you run into one of the monsters with crazy Blinds or MRM.

Haunted Dragonlord's Might for wind - hit-based sp regen has great synergy with Werewolf's 4-hit Beast Form.

Frigid Devouring Scythe... the armor it grants is usable, but not really exceptional. Honestly, I think using Nemesis or Horo-Show weapons for Harm damage and one of the ice armors below would be a better choice, but I can also understand not wanting to place an item you spent real $ on in storage. I'll leave the choice up to you.

Terra Bloodzerker sword is still top-notch in terms of damage.

Granddad's Greatsword does insane damage on Lucky Strikes, so if you have any way of boosting your LS rate, this is hands down the best energy weapon. If not, Voltaic Bloodzerker is still pretty good.

If you use Inner Light on paladin armor as your main light nuke, Mystic Retro Golden axe might be a better choice for light, as it regens a noticeable amount of sp each time you use spell-type skills. (note: this is a magic weapon, so do not use it for weapon attacks!)


Hexbound Solar Core, Quenching Bloodzerker, H-Series, and Champion Holy Avenger are the best armors for their respective elements. As your Werewolf Transformation no-drop already provides you with a fine earth armor, you can phase Terra Bloodzerker out; Champion Holy Avenger's Overwhelming Light deals almost as much damage as WKZ's nuke, and has a ton of utility besides, do you can replace WKZ as well.

For wind I would suggest Mark of Wrath. Not because it's better in terms of damage than the bloodzerker - it's not - but an inventory full of bloodzerker armors can get boring really quickly.

Ice has several nice armors for you to choose from. Horo Show is the bog standard, dealing a ton of damage with its skill. Nemesis is the current meta, with Backlash and a 1/battle celerity. My personal favorite is Winter Dryad's Bark (returning on Harvest Fest), which has both Backlash and a skill that inflicts EleVuln.

Angel of Souls has long been my darkness armor of choice for warrior builds, as its skill (darkness, weapon-based) costs hp instead of sp, making it easily spammable.


Hexbound has nice synergy with the armor, Retro Nightmare is great, and Chieftain's Ironthorn remains a must for warriors.

Starfish Stalwart has a bit of synergy with Purple Rain. To be replaced with Wyrd Ward next april.

If you went for Mark of Wrath, Yata Mirror has synergy with The Cold. Otherwise, keep Dragonlord; its skill is pretty great with Purple Rain (use in Beast Form, with a misc that boosts Str).

If you have a spare UR, Mindbreaker shield comes with a qc skill that lowers monster's blocking and accuracy.

Against Undead, you'd want to use the shield from Paladin Armaments skill (as it uses Paladin's light res for all elements). Against light monsters, Mana Crystal Defender (gives Barrier whenever you use a spell-type skill).

On a separate note, I must mention the TropoShield. It has bad resistances, but its toggle pays sp and MRM to inflict a strong EleVuln on the monster when you attack with earth/fire/energy. It's 50% chance to deal ~43% more damage, and it's absolutely insane for farming and single turn kills. It does cost tokens, though.


Keep Purple Rain, Dunamis, and Buffalot.

Invincible Heart (UR) makes you effectively invulnerable for a turn. Great for weathering a monster nuke or using an elecomped armor skill against monster of an opposite element.

When Frostval rolls around, grab New Year's Surprise for a qc bth boost.

Your Soul Burns Bright as a Beacon doesn't deal anywhere as much damage as Paladin's Overwhelming Light, but it costs a tiny amount of hp and no sp, making it incredibly efficient.

Arms of the Dragonguard consumes your turn to make your next attack a guaranteed Lucky Strike. Use with Granddad's Greatsword for maximum damage.

Pridelord guest (returns with next batch of crossover GGBs) gives you status potency.

Finally, I should mention the Imbues, as they may be useful against monsters with Form Shift Immunity.


At 0 Cha, there's only a few worth using besides Dunamis, Lust, and Envy.

Kindred pet, to generate charges for Kindred sword's autohit.

Spotter Drake gives you status potency (and protects against earth damage).

Underwyrmling toggles to harm monster sp. Very useful against certain bosses.


Essence Orb and PCO are must-haves, of course, as it Shadowfeeder pendant.

Grab Love Potion next February; with this, Essence Orb, and Purple Rain, you can keep any monster without Freedom in permanent stun-lock.

Goggernaut Helm gives +10 bth to every attack on the field. This doesn't /2 for spell-type skills like Inner Light.

You don't really need more than one damage-boosting misc. Whether you use Minotaur's Pride, Quad-Mod, Nemesis Crest, or Hollow Dragon Amulet is mostly up to personal preference.

Optico Statue gives +10 status potency. Mutter might also be worth picking up if you have spare tokens.

Finally, take advantage of Z-finity Gauntlets shop; who knows when it might come back again. Time has a 1/battle guaranted stun. Power can stack qc EleVuln. Space has a spammable EleShield.

Hope this helps, and don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions!


If I wanted to change builds to something more popular, FO mage or beastmaster mage, how much investment would it take and would I be gated by limited time weapons, armors, spells, etc.?

Honestly, an FO mage could get a full inventory of Bloodmages and Arcane Cutlasses and call it a day. All are available in UR GGBs - so if you have a ton of tokens, you can do so at any time. If you want to min-max your inventory with spellcaster armors, though, those are mostly gated behind seasonal events.

FD Beastmage is likewise pretty easy to make with permanently available items, but certain optimizations require seasonal gear.

Influxion -> RE: Another returning player, lvl 150 (9/23/2023 8:48:36)

Hey, thanks so much for the detailed reply and rating! I really appreciate it, I’ll take a look and get a bunch of the things you have listed.

I’ve pretty much been PCO-ing mobs until they have their own element as the first or second highest EleVuln and then going to town with the bloodzerker or whatever armor skill. I wanted to go for this lucky strike build but realized that TimeKeeper 3:10 isn’t in the GGB rotation atm and I’m missing a lot of LS increasing slots. Do you happen to know if Timekeeper 3:10 comes back regularly on rotation?

For bosses, the strategy deals considerably less damage due to the damage cap. So I suppose that’s why bloodzerker isn’t necessarily the greatest against bosses and therefore, prefer the higher multihit armors like Werewolf.

Would you recommend ditching the END and becoming more of the Beastmaster warrior?

For Paladin’s armor in regards to Inner light spam.. is the meta to spam the most cost efficient SP (I forget what it’s called off the top of my head) or to use the super juiced one and continue Essence orbing to upkeep the cost?

Primate Murder -> RE: Another returning player, lvl 150 (9/23/2023 23:53:43)

Glad I could help!

Timekeeper, iirc, is a Crossover GGB item, which means it comes back in February. It may return earlier if there's another batch of crossover GGBs this year, but I wouldn't make plans based off of that.

Beastmaster is the current meta simply because it gives ~15% extra damage from booster pet+guest, and damage is always meta. It's honestly up to your individual preference whether you want a bit more damage or a bigger pool of hp/sp.

Unless your enemy has a really punishing damage cap (or backlash), you'd want to use Overwhelming Light. Avenger paladin variant is already efficient thanks to paying hp (instead of extra sp) for being overcharged, and with Mystic Retro Golden Axe you'll save even more sp on each use.

Influxion -> RE: Another returning player, lvl 150 (9/24/2023 10:06:56)

I guess all signs point to switching from END -> CHA. But will I not find myself struggling with a significantly smaller hp pool to essence orb spam, especially against Bosses? Would that change any of my equipped armors, weapons, misc, etc?

Sorry to ask again, but if it does change anything about weapons, armors, etc., would you be willing to do another rating for 250 STR / CHA / LUK? Or any other recommended stat build for beastmaster warrior. And if not, a list of obtainable and optimal pets for the build.

Thanks again…!

Primate Murder -> RE: Another returning player, lvl 150 (9/25/2023 2:26:26)

A lot depends on the boss in question. Generally, as long as you know the boss mechanics, you shouldn't struggle too much, End or no End, and Cha does provide some options to help you survive. That said, certain bosses are a lot more punishing than the others, so the general answer is yes. You will struggle a bit more.

Losing End shouldn't affect much of the equipment I recommended. Hexbound Prominence weapon becomes weaker, and you can skip Your Soul Burns Bright as a Beacon spell; that's pretty much it.

Adding Cha to your kit shouldn't affect your weapons or armors - though Nemesis starts to take priority among ice armors since its dodgelash mode benefits greatly from the Bun-Banneret pair.

Shields? Again, Bun-Banneret pet+guest can give you a ton of MRM, so you might want to check out some block-based effect shields. Titan's Fall deals a lot of Harm damage when you block, and you can pay sp to double that damage. Golden Dragon Head Shield (UR GGB) boosts your LS rate for up to 33% when you block hits. MADM Barrier (should return in December) has a mode that makes you take more damage in exchange for increased blocking.

Spells are a bit more complex, as investing in Cha opens you up to a lot of potentially very good guests:

- Bun-Banneret that I've mentioned above does no damage, but boosts your blocking. Very good with dodgelash setups.

- Backlash is the current meta. Dreadfiend of Nulgath and Cocytus Fiend of Nulgath are guests that go all in, dealing - dark and ice respectively - damage to the monster based on how much damage it dealt to you. Best for farming set-ups, but pretty good for casual gameplay as well.

- Essence of Carnage mixes Backlash (harm) and boosts the damage of your melee attacks. Depending on who you're fighting, this might even be better than Dunamis.

- Mosquito (UR). Generally I wouldn't recommend guests that deal direct damage, as they still take about a quarter of their accuracy from Dex, but Mosquito can heal your sp based on the damage it deals - and that's a huge deal. Best used with Goggernaut Helm to account for accuracy issues.

Much like with guests, Dunamis pet remains your bread and butter, but you can now expand your kit to make it more versatile:

- Bun-Banneret and Mosquito pets, just pet versions of the guests above.

- Angra Linnorm is pet version of the Essence of Carnage.

- Underwyrmling becomes a lot better, gaining both damage and accuracy. I would absolutely recommend using it against bosses to delay their nukes.

Miscs might also deserve some reshuffling.

- First off, Queen's Crown can summon a Corgi guest that toggles into a mode that sacrifices all damage for a very high chance of stunning the monster. You can also use Umazen Aspis shield and Frostgale's Remorse misc to get another +40 to save.

- L'ouie Statue (z-token) can give you up to 20 extra blocking and deal a bit of damage to the monster when you block a hit. Alternatively, Summoning Stone (UR) gives less MRM but more damage on block.

- Clever Disguise (returns in april) has a skill that sacrifices your turns and some sp to grant your pet+guest guaranteed celerity. Use with Bun-Banneret pair when facing a monster nuke - or just for some dodgelash shenanigans.

That's pretty much it, I think. Switching from End to Cha removes your safety net, but you do get a slight power boost and a lot of versatility to adapt to whichever enemy you're facing.

And having more options does tend to make the gameplay more interesting ;)

Influxion -> RE: Another returning player, lvl 150 (9/25/2023 8:44:21)

I think that does sound a bit more fun, or at least more versatile. FO pure warrior has been fun but I can imagine it gets stale quickly as well.

Something I did realize was: would using QuadMod to boost CHA to 250 be viable? Granted, it might become tedious to do it every fight so maybe only during boss fights, I would use it to boost CHA. I believe the stat boost is persists thru the entire fight as long as it is equipped… so that would lock me into QuadMod unless I need to switch for a different misc Edit: never mind, I realize that it's 236 SP a turn to upkeep which would be ridiculously expensive

Ahh, and looking at the Void rotation, it looks like Bun Banneret is 4 months away in Feb.

So can I assume that the playstyle of Beast-warrior is the same as Pure warrior, as in, still essence orb + PCO + doing bulk of the damage via armor skills/sp but just with the addition of pets/guests/backlash

Primate Murder -> RE: Another returning player, lvl 150 (9/25/2023 23:21:22)


Cha adds in Backlash for farming and dodgelash for boss battles, but the main benefit for FO builds is ~15% extra damage from Dunamis pet+guest. In that sense, Cha does little to change how you actually play the game.

Influxion -> RE: Another returning player, lvl 150 (9/27/2023 20:42:51)

I think my plan will be to continue playing Pure warrior but collect some of these pets/guests that you listed - because I feel like the lack of bun-banneret is a huge loss in MRM and makes my likelihood of dodgelash a lot lower

Edit: sorry quick question if you happen to see this - for the dunamis pet/guest, do I still get the damage boost from them on the first turn of battle? Or do they have to do the glowing animation for the dmg boost. Additionally, can I disable "Pet: Attack in battle" if they don't have to do the animation?

Primate Murder -> RE: Another returning player, lvl 150 (9/28/2023 23:12:06)

You do get a boost on first turn; as long as Dunamis is present and active, you deal increased melee damage.

I don't think you will get the boost if you disable the pet, but I must admit I never tried it myself. Still, I'm pretty sure the pet needs to be active to grant the effect.

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