It Has to End This Way (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> It Has to End This Way (8/26/2024 19:09:03)

It Has to End This Way

Location: Togsday II: Togvengence -> To the War! -> IT HAS TO END THIS WAY
Requirements: Completion of Togsday II, 100% War Meter
Release Date: August 17th, 2024

Objective: The mastermind behind this sudden violent uprising of togs could only be the one and only...
Objective completed: Until the next thousand years, Togmothy.

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(1) Mecha Togmothy, Intergalactic Tog-Emperor - Boss


Nanotog Blade of Vengeance


*In a Greenguard forest, three Togs approach Rolith, only for him to uppercut and smash them with his hammer; after Rolith defeats the Togs, you regroup with Rolith.*

<Character>: The togs are everywhere! There's no end to them!
Rolith: This is the greatest concentration of them yet! We must be getting close to the source, I'm sure of it!
<Character>: Where did they all even come from?!
Rolith: It's actually quite interesting. You see, togs are—
???: Well, well, well.

*Hearing a voice, you and Rolith confront the source of the voice, which is revealed to be a Tog wielding a katana with mechanical parts.*

Rolith: Who gave that tog a sword?!
???: Archnemesis!
???: Enemy of Togkind!
???: Foul betrayer!
???: <Character>.
Rolith: Who… taught that tog how to speak?!
<Character>: Don't look at me. Um. Do we know each other?
???: Do we— Do we know each other?!
???: Yes… yes… Well, I suppose it has been a thousand years…
???: A thousand years since that fateful day when you left me, disgraced, in a pile of discarded cake!
???: Yes… I can see the recognition flickering in your eyes now.
Togmothy: For it is I! Togmothy!
<Character>: ...

*Togmothy is surprised that you do not recognize him.*

Togmothy: Togmothy! You know, Togsday, Toglights aligned, once in a thousand years, memories of all togs past?
Togmothy: Destined to bring all of Togkind into an age of enlightenment?

*After Togmothy retells the events of Togsday to you, you finally recognize him.*

<Character>: Oh. Right, yeah. That Togmothy.
Rolith: You have... strange acquaintances, <Character>.
<Character>: Not by choice, I assure you.
<Character>: Anyway, Togmothy, it definitely hasn't been a thousand years. What are you doing back?
Togmothy: Oh but it most surely has been! For how else could I have been enlightened thusly?
Togmothy: Tog years are very flexible, after all.
<Character>: Sure, okay.
Togmothy: As for what I'm doing...
Togmothy: Well, you've played your part to perfection.
Togmothy: You see, in order to rebuild Toglandia, the togs must be unified. They must evolve. As they are now, they're still dumb as bricks.
Togmothy: But they understand violence. They understand revenge.
Togmothy: All I had to do was rile them up a little.
Togmothy: And then, as they fall, their burning desire for vengeance grows ever stronger.
Togmothy: The strong will rise above the weak, take power into their own barking maws!
Togmothy: A cycle feeding into itself, a self-fueling machine of conquest!
Togmothy: And from the ashes of Greenguard, a new Toglandia will rise!
Togmothy: Only the strongest togs will emerge from the flames of war, and we will be free!

*Togmothy's mechanical parts move continuously after revealing his motivations.*

Rolith: <Character>, what on Lore is this tog talking about?
<Character>: I have no idea.
Rolith: Right. Well, there's an easy way to solve… whatever this is.
Rolith: Bad tog! Bad!

*Rolith attacks Togmothy with his hammer, with no avail.*

Rolith: Wha— Impossible!
Togmothy: Nanotogs, boy! They harden in response to physical trauma!

*A magnifying glass is used to see the "Nanatogs" inside of Togmothy's body, which is made of small togs.*

Togmothy: The pinnacle of my enlightened technology! You can't hurt me!

*Rolith attacks Togmothy again with his hammer, with no avail due to Togmothy's "Nanatogs".*

Togmothy: <Character>. Standing here, I realize. You're just like me.
Togmothy: Surely you understand. The cyclical nature of violence. Of vengeance.
Togmothy: And, like me, you're strong.
Togmothy: Join me. With our strength combined, we can crush the weak and make our dreams become reality!
<Character>: You're insane!
Togmothy: Maybe I am. But what does that make you?

*You assess Togmothy's question before refuting his logic.*

<Character>: That doesn't— What?
Togmothy: Very well. If you won't join me, then I have no choice.
Togmothy: It's time for you to die!

  • Battle! - begins battle with Mecha Togmothy, Intergalactic Tog-Emperor.
  • Heal - fully replenishes HP, MP, and potions.
  • Run Away! - returns to Togsday II: Togvengence.

    *After battling Togmothy, he appears to be stunned with its arm wielding its katana now disabled.*

    Togmothy: Impossible...! Once more, the glorious destiny of Togkind has been thwarted by... by...!
    <Character>: Togmothy… Why not use your enlightenment for good?
    <Character>: Why all the conquest and betrayal and… whatever this is?
    Togmothy: Because… Otherwise… Toglandia… will never be… Will never…
    Togmothy: No...! The Toglights fade!

    Togmothy: Stay!

    Togmothy: Please, I beg of you!
    Togmothy (momentarily): Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

    *Togmothy's glowing yellow eyes disappear as the Toglights fade.*

    Togmothy: *Bark?*
    <Character>: …Yeah. That's how it was always going to end, I guess.
    Togmothy: *Bork bark!*
    <Character>: Rolith, I don't suppose you can take care of this guy? Make sure he doesn't get into any more trouble?
    Rolith: You can count on me. I'll take good care of the fella.
    Togmothy: *Bark bark?*
    Rolith: I'll also take a look into this "Toglandia" and "Togsday" phenomenon.
    Rolith: It's concerning that I've never heard of such things in all my time researching togs.
    Rolith: Although, I suppose I've never been able to speak to them before.
    <Character>: Thank you, Rolith. Last time, it was just a party. This time it was a war.
    <Character>: If things continue escalating like this, we'll need all the help we can get for next time.
    Rolith: Thankfully that won't be for another thousand years, though, right?
    <Character>: …Rolith, I'm pretty sure togs just can't count.
    Rolith: Oh. Right, I'll get on that research right away then!
    Togmothy: *Bork!*
    <Character>: Yeah, yeah, happy Togsday to you, too!

    *Scene fades to black; after the scene fades to black, a red shimmer briefly appears before the scene completely fades to black.*

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • Quest is a reference to the song It Has to be This Way from the 2013 video game Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
  • Completion of this quest unlocks Togsday II Rewards shop.

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