Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (Full Version)

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DemonicDarkwraith -> Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/22/2025 15:53:07)

[image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Dire Wolf Spider)

Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Dire Wolf Spider -> Quest!
Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Just Chillin'
Release Date: February 21st, 2025

Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

Experience rewarded: Scaled
Gold rewarded: Scaled

(3) Hairy Gulosedax
(6) Lesser Gulosedax
(1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




*You and Riadne are in a street alley; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • Completion of this quest unlocks the Arachnalchemy Lab shop and the Arachnalchemy interface.

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:14:57)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Desert Diver)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Desert Diver -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Dire Wolf Spider)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in a dark forest; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:15:34)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Elemental Orb Weaver)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Elemental Orb Weaver -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Desert Diver)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in a cave; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:16:13)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Extra-Fluffy Spider)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Extra-Fluffy Spider -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Elemental Orb Weaver)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in a forest; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:16:58)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Greater Green Cloverachnid)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Greater Green Cloverachnid -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Extra-Fluffy Spider)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in the sewers; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:17:30)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Tog-Eater Spider)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Tog-Eater Spider -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Greater Green Cloverachnid)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in a dark forest; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:18:07)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (False Amulet)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> False Amulet -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Tog-Eater Spider)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in a street alley; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:18:39)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen S)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Mutagen S -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (False Amulet)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in a cave; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:19:44)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen D)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Mutagen D -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen S)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in a forest; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:20:28)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen I)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Mutagen I -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen D)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in the sewers; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:21:24)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Flat Shadow)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Flat Shadow -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen I)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in a dark forest; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:22:29)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Oaklore Knight)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Oaklore Knight -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Flat Shadow)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in a forest; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:23:12)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Titan Goliath)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Titan Goliath -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Oaklore Knight)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in a cave; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:23:59)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Berry Biter)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Berry Biter -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Titan Goliath)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in a forest; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:24:28)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Patchwork Tograntula)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Patchwork Tograntula -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Berry Biter)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in a street alley; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:25:04)

    [image][/image]Arachnalchemy Training (Mutagen U)

    Location: Unvoided Ravenloss (Book 3) -> 2 Down -> Left -> Up -> 2 Left -> Enter door with a spider insignia -> Riadne -> Arachnalchemy -> Train! -> Mutagen U -> Quest!
    Requirements: Dragon Amulet, Completion of Arachnalchemy Training (Patchwork Tograntula)
    Release Date: February 21st, 2025

    Objective: Riadne needs your help hunting down an elusive Giant Gulosedax that threatens to devour the ecosystem!
    Objective completed: Spider secured! Good work!

    Experience rewarded: Scaled
    Gold rewarded: Scaled

    (3) Hairy Gulosedax
    (6) Lesser Gulosedax
    (1) Giant Gulosedax - Boss




    *You and Riadne are in the sewers; you fight various Gulosedax in search of a Giant Gulosedax; after finding the Giant Gulosedax, you and Riadne subdue it, completing the quest.*

  • Complete Quest

    Other information
  • Completion of this quest unlocks the Arachnalchemy Mastery badge.

  • DemonicDarkwraith -> RE: Arachnalchemy Training (All Versions) (2/23/2025 15:25:58)

    Other information
  • A crate of potions, capping at 2 HP/MP potions, can be found in the starting room of each quest. (Pop-up: Riadne had you bring along this crate full of potions! How thoughtful!)
  • Each completion of this quest unlocks 1 Arachnalchemy point, amounting to 16 points.

    Thanks to Verlyrus for other information.

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