RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (Full Version)

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Valgaera -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/6/2005 17:39:11)

i think not, but you can link them.

Metal -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/15/2005 0:24:15)

I just got Flash Studio 8 (I love student discounts!) and I was wondering if these tutorials would work on it? I see most of them say Flash MX 2004, and I'm oblivious to anything flash-related and I just thought of this thread and figured it would help me. So, is Flash studio 8 capable of all of these tutorials?

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/15/2005 0:29:12)

well good news for you i got flash studio 8 aswell and i have a few i can post
flash 8 pwns flash MX

ONE BIG THING!!!!!!!!!!!!

make a movie clip, go to

trobbles trobbles -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/15/2005 1:12:34)

i made a thread about think but i thought ill just go ahead and ask someone. i have all the things (like the http:// etc.) from imageshack, but i cant actually display the picture in my sig. how can i do that? which one should i enter?

edit> o snap.... im a moron i forgot the [image][/image]... and i even knew that.... lol

Valgaera -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/17/2005 0:14:06)

hey lil boi, saw the logo for your flashes, and was inspiraed to make my own.. not as fancy as your bounchy letters, but mainly beacuase I have mx 2K4 and can't afford ur fancy Flash *[8D]
Suggestions? Right now I'm messing around with the fps. want to get it just right.....

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/17/2005 0:39:44)

try to make the letters fall into the places where they will stay and a little quicker instead of having them jump up in one frame move (when they flash from bottom of screen to top of screen)

Valgaera -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/17/2005 12:38:20)

i actually quite like the jumping effect.

oh, and im having a major problem with my pencil tool in flash. do you know how when you use the tool, you select whhether you want it to be smooth, straight, or ink? Well, regardless of what I put, it retains the properties of the ink selection. Know how i fix?

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/17/2005 14:20:05)

well i still have flash MX 2004 and i know what you mean, flash 8 has a great selection option of how much you want the smoothness of the pencil to be from plain straight lines to really rigidy lines, for flash MX 2004 what i did was use the line tool, i didn't use the pencil tool much and when you do use pencil, dont use it from 100% go zoom up to like 400% and use it slowly,

SMOOTHNESS PROBLEMS: if your mouse is a "ball" mouse (like mine is, meaning no optical fancy shmancy lasers) then take the ball out and scrap the rubber off of the cylinder things inside the mouse with your fingernail, put the ball back in, screw the cap back on and it should be smoother.

otherwise there isn't much to do but live with it, (im so supportive lol) i switched to line and pen after awhile because pencil got to sharp, if you hold down shift when using circle, square, or pencil, it makes PERFECT lines and PERFECT squares/circles

Valgaera -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/17/2005 22:08:27)

well, the odd part of it is that this just now started. it used to be fine. anyways, I hope that i get and upgrade for christmas, so maybe that'll fix it

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/17/2005 22:19:39)

well, i get major discounts on macromedia equiptment from using this one internet tutorial thing, i guess the guy works at microsoft or something.

Valgaera -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/18/2005 16:57:21)

can i get discounts too? would it lower the upgrade price from 300 to like 100? how does this work?

werewolf kinglord -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/18/2005 18:06:19)

suggestions please on how to make better .thnx 2 howeva does it.

da nite slaya -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/20/2005 0:10:02)

mat it's so, so EXPENSIVE Can i get a discount?

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/20/2005 0:15:21)

werewolf kinglord interesting but if you didnt notice this is a thread for flash help, and now i will have to kill you... but seriously i will...

also when i first purchased flash, since i didnt know anyone like lil boi blue, i just used my student ID, it went from like 500 to 300 or something like that.

prince of YOU -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/22/2005 7:34:27)

ohh right to much!

Valgaera -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/23/2005 4:59:00)

i want to use my student ID, but i couldn't find how to just download an upgrade with it.

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/23/2005 16:21:17)

well im barely posting because im on vacation, but i cant sell discounts to people, especially on these forums, besides, it was back in september

Deemahnik -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/28/2005 23:25:43)

Hello, I have Flash MX Professional 2004, but I need a little help on Coloring.

I have a horrible time with Shading. My friend CodeLabMaster, has taught me a way, but it's not working. I go into Timeline Effects, and use the Drop Shadow effect. I then draw my shadow lines in the picture, to know where my shadow is. I then take the Effect off. The problem i have is though, that it converts all my layers into a single "Layer" (no number given on it). I then have all of these other layers that originally had drawing on them, and no longer do. And 1 layer that has ALL of my art on it.

Please Help. Thanks in Advance,
Lord Deemahnik

independence quiad!! -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (12/30/2005 18:50:26)

hey let just say that ive got a cannon but i gant get it to rotate with the mouse by coding?

theswordinthemorning -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (1/1/2006 5:13:50)

here you go ryan and others. it mostly works i just cant get it to point in the direction of my mouse, it responds to what direction im moving my mouse, and how close it is to the rotational centern thing
1. make a movie clip of a shape, lets say a rectangle ( i do not recomend a circle :D) also the position of the cross thingy actually matters
2. put this coding on the movie clip

setInterval(variable, 5);
function variable() {
frog._rotation = frog._rotation + (_xmouse - frog._rotation);
frog._rotation = frog._rotation - (_ymouse - frog._rotation);

frog is the instance name of my shape it
now if someone can correct me i would appreicate (sp?) because it has a few hole in it but considering i built that from scratch, with blind faith, trial and error and a little bit of skill. skill did iu say skill i ment a lot of luck, oh and , i think, zoltan thingy thing

Deemahnik -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (1/1/2006 16:50:30)

Anybody here have a clue as to what is happening for me? I really need to start coloring some things.

Valgaera -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (1/1/2006 22:06:06)

i have a suggestion.... after drawing everything on seperate layers, convery the items on each layer into symbols. Then, do the shadow effect thingy inside each symbol, or by selecting all the symblesat once. Then, if they merge onto one layer, select all the symbols, and right click, then choose convert to layers. Hopefullythat willwork.

I don't have my flash with me right now to try it out, but ill work with it when i ge homew and try to see what i can do.....

Deemahnik -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (1/1/2006 23:30:18)

i will try that in a little bit, assuming that it works, i can't thank you enough. When i do figure out everything, you can put me down as somebody that has the program. Thanks (hopefully, lol).
Edit: OMG! Valgaera, you didn't tell me what to do, but you gave me the idea! I've been taking all the layers at once, and doing the shadow effect. I then tried to take each Layer at a time in Drop Shadow. It worked! I can now continue coloring my things! Even though you didn't tell me what i needed, i so thank you, as you got me to think of the idea.

Valgaera -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (1/2/2006 21:15:35)

no prob. glad i could start you off...

theswordinthemorning -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (1/2/2006 22:50:51)

also i got it so that i can load and unload external video clip, even if they are from website, like it is in battleon. here ill give you the code, even if you dont want it
1, put this on a button for the loading of a movieclip. by the way you cant use immages, movieclips etc that have been hosted in a hosting service such as imageshack, you have to upload it to a website or somthing. also it doesnt just have to be movieclips it can be ;a SWF, JPEG, progressive JPEG, unanimated GIF, or PNG file into. If you load an animated GIF, only the first frame is displayed. also if you want mul,tiple loaded movieclips, you have to change my variable tree, to e.g. tree 2, or even piglet

on (release) {
var tree:MovieClip = createEmptyMovieClip("tree", getNextHighestDepth());
var mcLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
mcLoader.loadClip("", tree);
function onLoadInit(mc:MovieClip) {
trace("onLoadInit: "+mc);

2. put this on the same frame (dont know if thats necessary) on a button. make sure your variable is the same in the loading as the unloading
on (release){
/* or you could use the following, which refers to the movie clip referenced by 'target_mc'. */

3. now try it :D

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