lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (1/20/2006 0:42:15)
lol, ok, now i had leg 1, leg 2, and body in MC's, i then converted them all into one super MC double clicked on them and with the MC's of leg 1, leg 2, and body started in frame 2 and made the walking cycle to frame 15 but didnt work well so i just have on SCENE 1 layers Frames= 5:walking speeds and directions leg2:nothing body:nothing leg1:nothing MC's= leg2:script on post #303 body:script on post #303 leg1:script on post #303 problem, he still doesn't stop when no buttons are pressed look, can i just email it to you and you just look at it for a couple of minutes and just fix the actionscript nvm, i forgot you still have flash MX hmm, maybe if you get the trial to help me out, lol, i dont want to wait till febuary, thats when my book for flash 8 comes