RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (Full Version)

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Dragoneill -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (2/13/2006 17:33:47)

^ Exactly my question ^


Any how do u make it so that when u realease a drag in a certain place an event occurs (like ur red disk thing blue)

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (2/13/2006 21:42:46)


How do you make it so that when you get your character gets to the end of the stage he goes to another scene?
And another question. How do you make AQ style battles?(Without all the potions with just the attack)


Using a Hit Test to 'goto' Another Keyframe

1) In flash draw a image that you want to be your character and convert it to a MC (movie clip)

2) Name the character guy for now in the properties inspector and give it this script---->

onClipEvent (load) {
moveSpeed = 19;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown (Key.RIGHT)) {
this._x += moveSpeed;
} else if (Key.isDown (Key.UP)) {
this._y -= moveSpeed;
} else if (Key.isDown (Key.DOWN)) {
this._y += moveSpeed;
} else if (Key.isDown (Key.LEFT)) {
this._x -= moveSpeed;

3) Create the object that when it is hit by the 'guy' goes to another keyframe make it a MC and give it this script---->

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.guy.hitTest (this)) {

there is your first answer but the second will come in time my son, in time....or you can try the paragraph version zoltan posted on page 1, its not on the tut guide, just on the page itself

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (2/13/2006 21:48:46)

Woah I forgot I even made that tutorial, I think you (or me) needs to go through this thread and get all the tutorials and put them on the first post...... Shotgun Not!

Darklord517 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (2/14/2006 14:35:55)

Well um that didnt help would you mind giving it in more detail?

da nite slaya -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (2/14/2006 19:28:24)



This Is for making a basic fight/RPG thing in flash..... its a bit of a messed up tutorial i posted awhile ago...

Now relax and read this clearly. I will explain everything you need to know... Ok open Flash 2004! make the first frame a name of "setup" and add this actionscript to it: HP = 750; enemyHP = 500; This will tell it to add your hp and the enemie's hp to a number. Now make another frame and put this frame as "You". Ok! Now make a "attack" button. Now put a enemy on one side and you on the other. Above your character make a static text that reads "HP:" now put a dynamic text just right on the right side. Do the same for the other side for the enemy. Now the dynamic texts, put the enemy one a variety "var:" put that as "enemyHP" now yours is "HP" now make the attack button this actionscript: gotoAndPlay("attack") This will go to "attack" frame. now go make another frame and put it: "attack" name. now from that frame make a animation of your character attacking. when your done make the last frame actionscript: gotoAndStop("You"); Now go to the frame where your character "hit" the enemy. Put this in THAT frame. _root.enemyHP = _root.enemyHP-random(70); Now it will pick a number between 0-70 as the damage. Now put this into the frame where you can press the attack button: stop(); Now make it like that for the enemy attacking. so if its _root.enemyHP = _root.enemyHP-random(70); just switch it to this on the enemy attacking u: _root.HP = _root.HP-random(80); Now make 2 frames in the end and put that as the winning frame. and the loosing. So put this into the "You" frame. if (_root.HP==0) { gotoAndStop("lose"); } } if (_root.enemyHP==0) { gotoAndStop("win"); } } Now name one frame the "win" frame and the "lose" frame now put something in both of them and now your done! just put this into the lose and win frame: stop(); test it and love it!

this is very basic and if u get lost and dont understand because i wasnt very descriptive post your problem

it wont work![:@]

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (2/14/2006 19:49:02)

OK, dont use this smilie([:@]) it will just get me really annoyed and you know the saying, "dont annoy the person driving the car, they'll drop you off and leave" so im driving the car lol

ok down to business, i knew it didn't work very well, the script is hard and the only way i got it was when i was emailed a game demo and im a fast learner/imprestionist meaning i can learn from what i see, my ears dont catch everything so my eyes do. im trying the best ways to make an easy step by step way, in time it will come

flsg -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (2/14/2006 19:56:02)

ok, I was making a game(check my sign) and it works very well, and I think that THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ISN'T ACTIONSCRIPT, IT'S THE WAY THAT YOU PROGRAM A GAME

I stopped my game only because I think it's bad-coded, that's mean the AS code isn't short, simple, and effective enough
that's why I'm planning to make a REAL game, like DF

Valgaera -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/14/2006 20:56:43)

Zoltan, I'm cashing in on your offer. heres my tutorial....

Hello. I’m Valgaera. You may have seen my Flash Gallery/Shoppe in which I make weapons and reanimate AQ armours. Recently, I was PM’d asking how I do my armour animations. That made me decide to write this tutorial. It is divided into sections, as follows

100- Starting
200- Colouring
300- Animating
400- Rotating
500- Rotating with a hinge
600- Key
700- Questions
800- Closing

To quick jump to a certain section, use the find feature (hold CTRL, and hit F) and search for the number of the section.

100- Starting
Start by importing the picture of the NMP to the stage (File-->Import--> Import to Stage). Then, add another layer, and named it LLeg1. On it, draw the Lower Leg 1. After you draw it, make it into a symbol (right click--> convert to symbol-->movie clip) and named it LLeg1. Do the same for the rest of the body parts ( AQ armors have 12 body parts- Lower Leg 1, Lower Leg 2, Upper Leg 1, Upper Leg 2, Body, Upper arm 1, Lower arm 1, Upper arm 2, lower arm 2, Head, foot1, and foot2) Make each one a symbol on its own layer. The hardest part to do is to draw the "invisible" parts. What I mean is, in the picture, a small part of the body is covered by the arm. You have to imagine how it would look if the arm wasn't there, and draw it like that. The trick is to make it look as similar as possible. You have to do that for every part of the body that is even just a little hidden.

200- Colouring
After you do that, start coloring. To do shading, use the line/straight line tool with a width of .25(the line width can be change using the properties tab window-->properties. For regular lines, I use 1.0) Try to use as close a colour to the actual picture as possible, and use a darkened version of the colour to do shading. This makes it look very similar to the original.

300- Animating
After all your colouring/shading is done, start animating (using either 12 fps or 36 fps) For demonstration purposes, I'll tell you how I do it in 12fps (to change the fps, click on the box under the timeline that says the current number of fps. The box that pops up also lets you change the bkrnd colour, the proportions of the stage, and the ruler unit). I insert a keyframe at frame 30, and then another at KEYFRAME 15. Then I put the part of the body at the 15th frame in a different position. The way I do this is....

For the BODY, I move it down and right 3 hits*

For the U Arm1, I move it down and right 3 hits* I also rotate it, from the shoulder, so the elbow part of the arm moves forward.

For the U Arm 2, I move it down and right 3 hits* I also rotate it, from the shoulder, so the elbow part of the arm moves forward. Move this one slightly less than U Arm 1

For the L Arm1, I move it down and right 3 hits* I also rotate, from the elbow part, so that the hand moves upward, but it stays attached to the U Arm by the elbow

For the L Arm 2, I move it down and right 3 hits* I also rotate, from the elbow part, so that the hand moves upward, but it stays attached to the U Arm by the elbow

For the HEAD, I move it down and right 3 hits*

For the U Leg 1, I move it down and right 3 hits* I also rotate it, from the knee, so that the upper part of the U Leg moves slightly forward.

For the U Leg 2, I move it down 3 hits* Then I rotate it, from the knee, so it remain at the same point of the body.

For the L Leg1, I rotate it so the top remain connected to the lowest point on the U Leg, and the bottom remain attached to the foot. The L Leg and The Upper Leg should form a ‘point’ at the fifteenth key frame. I also move it down a few hits*

For the L Leg2, I rotate it so the top remain connected to the lowest point on the U Leg, and the bottom remain attached to the foot. The L Leg and The Upper Leg should form a ‘point’ at the fifteenth key frame. I also move it down a few hits*

For the Foot 1, I do nothing. It remains still

For the Foot 2, I do nothing. It remains still

400- Rotating
To rotate the piece, you start by selecting it with the rotate/resize tool. Then, a box with points at the corners and middle of the sides will appear over you item. If you put your mouse right next to one of the points, you will notice that it becomes a circular arrow. If you click and then drag your mouse around, the item will rotate. No matter which corner you are at, it will rotate the same way.

500- Rotating with a hinge
When you select an item using the rotate/resize tool (Column 1, row 6 of the Tool toolbar. Looks like a square with points at the corners and middle of the sides), a white dot appears in the middle of the figure. That dot is the point at which the piece rotates around. It can be dragged so that the piece rotates around a new point. For example, when I say rotate the Upper arm around the shoulder, you select the upper arm with the rotation/resize tool, and drag the white dot to the shoulder. Then when you rotate it, it rotates around the shoulder.

600- Key
* If this is next to the word ‘hits’ it means to tap the arrow in the said direction
^ If this is next to the word ‘hits’ it means to hold the SHIFT key and tap the arrow in the said direction.

700- Questions
This is the section for questions. I will add the questions as they are asked
Q- Where purchase/get a trial for Flash?
A- is the official site for flash. Check it out; Flash is a great program.

800- Closing
Well, that’s it! That is my method for animating a Adventure Quest Armour. If you ever use it, I would hope that you give me credit for it. It’d be nice to be recognized. Regardless, I hope this helps you learn to animate just a little better in Flash.

da nite slaya -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/14/2006 21:41:12)

Ok... i need to get entertained... hmm... hmmm...ooh i know! ZOLTAN! GET RIGHT HERE NOW YOUNG MAN!!! Now teach me gravity... NOW! lol jk... but really teach me gravity[:)].

Darklord517 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/15/2006 12:02:43)


ORIGINAL: lil boi blue

Using a Hit Test to 'goto' Another Keyframe

1) In flash draw a image that you want to be your character and convert it to a MC (movie clip)

2) Name the character guy for now in the properties inspector and give it this script---->

onClipEvent (load) {
moveSpeed = 19;
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown (Key.RIGHT)) {
this._x += moveSpeed;
} else if (Key.isDown (Key.UP)) {
this._y -= moveSpeed;
} else if (Key.isDown (Key.DOWN)) {
this._y += moveSpeed;
} else if (Key.isDown (Key.LEFT)) {
this._x -= moveSpeed;

3) Create the object that when it is hit by the 'guy' goes to another keyframe make it a MC and give it this script---->

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.guy.hitTest (this)) {

This no work

um more or less i need something that does really go on to the next scene and makes a battle AQ style please help guys? ( BTW im not begging)

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/15/2006 13:43:48)

Probably the reason 'this no work' is because you no no actionscript.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_parent.guy.hitTest (this)) {

I should have explaind this (sorry) but you must name your 'character' in the properties inspector name him whatever then put that name where the red text is.

And the gotoAndStop one should be easy, Everyone that has ever made a button should recognise this straight away. Now when I made this tutorial I was in the habbit of naming frames SO just replace the blue text with the name or number of the frame you want it to gotoAndStop/gotoAndPlay (either way)

Also: da nite slaya, um that is math coding.... If you can show me a game that you have made containig lots of different types of key coding elements maby, just maby ill try to teach you (although I think flsg maybe better at that type of coding than me)

Deemahnik -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/15/2006 17:35:52)


ORIGINAL: Valgaera
500- Rotating with a hinge
When you select an item using the rotate/resize tool (Column 1, row 6 of the Tool toolbar. Looks like a square with points at the corners and middle of the sides), a white dot appears in the middle of the figure. That dot is the point at which the piece rotates around. It can be dragged so that the piece rotates around a new point. For example, when I say rotate the Upper arm around the shoulder, you select the upper arm with the rotation/resize tool, and drag the white dot to the shoulder. Then when you rotate it, it rotates around the shoulder.

well i have a question for you Valgaera. When you move the Transformation Point, does the part fly off like it does for me (and i think little boi blue)? Maybe you can help so i don't have to resort to the way i know that takes forever.

Valgaera -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/15/2006 17:55:56)

if you keep it within the boundarys of the image, itr shouldn't fly off.

flsg -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/15/2006 18:14:19)


ORIGINAL: da nite slaya

Ok... i need to get entertained... hmm... hmmm...ooh i know! ZOLTAN! GET RIGHT HERE NOW YOUNG MAN!!! Now teach me gravity... NOW! lol jk... but really teach me gravity[:)].

how old are you? Because we teach gravity at high school
do you need me to show you an exemple?

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/15/2006 21:40:59)

Oh so somebody teaches you do they... XD, Anyway I refuse to teach people things like that because they need to learn the basics first. I need to find some sort of site that describes AS so I can tell people to go there.

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/16/2006 0:18:11) the dreaded game tutorial that everyone wants, so....many...words...*crawls in corner and sucks thumb*

flsg -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/16/2006 7:48:36)



Oh so somebody teaches you do they... XD, Anyway I refuse to teach people things like that because they need to learn the basics first. I need to find some sort of site that describes AS so I can tell people to go there.

I agree with you, me neither I don't want to teach people if they don't know the basics of programming
anyway, I just made an exemple of a ball's speed, gravity and friction:

edit: add the new URL

da nite slaya -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/16/2006 20:32:43)

umm... im younger than any of u will ever think[&:]... guess... im not a teen yet but i know some physycs... like newtons laws and all dat[8|]. and u can put me down as a flash mx user... are there free downloadable upgrades?

Darklord517 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/17/2006 10:09:24)

yeh put me down as a user

da nite slaya -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/17/2006 20:46:39)

Flsg, like lil boi blue said, check front page b4 u post! (in this case b4 u pm me[8|])

and... im problably the youngest flash user... im 11 lol


flsg -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/18/2006 15:20:01)

da nite slaya: you got banned!??! Why?!
anyway I still don't understand what's the meaning of "put me down as a user"[>:]
anyway, here's the way to code this movie(

create a ball MovieClip, in the linkage, select "export for AS" and "export in the first frame"
then, give it the name "ball"
attach this movie by using attachMovie(linkagename,newname,depth)
set 4 variables: xmov=20, ymov=0, gravity=7, friction=.01
use onEnterFrame to execute this code:

xmov-=friction, ball's _x+=xmov, ymov+=gravity, _y+=ymov, if _y>350, y=350, and ymov*=-.95, if _x<0, _x=0

this isn't the real code, but if you want the real version of this code, tell me
if you're a good programmer then you should understand this without problems

sigman257 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/18/2006 19:44:37)

well i dont use flash mx 200 but i use flash pro 8 so will you put me down?

flsg -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/19/2006 11:01:07)

what's "put me down"?

Darklord517 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/19/2006 13:20:54)

On the very first page you have a list of flash users i think thats what we meant. We meant write our usernames down for we use flash. And i still havent got the hang of AQ style battles. I have a level ready and waiting to be turned into a battle.

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, checked daily (2/22/2006 0:36:22)

Ok so ive been Super Busy with secret stuff latley, but for all you flash nuts who like easy codes that are useful.... Im back baby!

Change that Colour!

1) On the first layer create a Movie Clip of what you want to change colour and in the properties inspector name it - shapes -
2) On the second layer create some 'boxes' or other objects that have colour fills of the colour that you want the 'shapes' MC to change to (recorde the colour code of the colour fills as you will need them)
3) Make those boxes you just made into individual buttons then give them the following script ----->

on (rollOver) {
var colorful = new Color("_root.shapes");

The blue part is where you change the colour code. It should work like this CLICK IT!

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