RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (Full Version)

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CodeLabMaster -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/19/2005 18:06:50)

I haven't shown any new flash files from me in a while cuz I am working on animating that armor. I already made one attack "Protarchos" and I am working on making another one, "Phoenix Fist". As soon as I get inspiration, I'll make a regular attack, a block, and a few attacks that require the sword to be there. Hopefully, I'll have "Phoenix Fist" done by tonight and can show you my work.

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/19/2005 19:15:19)

well, i haven't posted any flash art in a month now, just working and then leaving them to die, though, this one with the battle thing is getting along well, (3 day weekend w00t)

CodeLabMaster -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/19/2005 20:32:38)

I want your honest opinions. What do you think of it so far?

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/19/2005 21:22:19)

very good ^_^!w00t you got rid of the heels. only thing i would do if i were you would make the phoenix action punch itself become faster then let him hold as he reaches other side, or charge his energy and then make a swift punch then hold (hold:fast:hold)

(now if you wanna get all superfancy on the phoenix punch...

make the lower part of farthest left leg turn a little upward (move vertex to knee to make the lower leg not look like its disconnected from leg when animated))

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/19/2005 21:49:06)

love the detail on the armour and i see that you got rid of the heels... but the attacks are a bit... well.... rushed i would say, they dont look like what a person would do there a bit to cluncky(if thats spelt right)

also a cool attack would be a beam he fires from the crystal on his chest kinda like iron man

also lbb if your refering to me as saying that the attacks are to fast, by rushed i ment lack of time spent contouring the body parts to do seperate motions eg: phoniex fist--- the guy leans forward and some how skates on his toes to punch the enemy

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/19/2005 21:57:48)

lol, i say go faster, he says go slower, what do you do.......3rd opinion!!

rich316 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/20/2005 12:38:01)

no comments on mine i see well it is my first flash movie[:)]

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/20/2005 19:28:03)

o, heh, didn't see yours, for a first its good but if you wanna make linier fills the other way one thing that i do is i take the shape of whatever i want (lets say the sky) and turn it sideways, fill it in with the linear fill , and turn back the other way again cause it wont change (the fill will stay the way it is meaning the sky the lines of fill will go horizontally instead of vertically

rich316 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/21/2005 13:30:24)

i know i wanted to get to bed so i left it ill make a game when i can get actionsciprt cracked btw your control object by cursor keys code doesnt work or it may just be me im glad i have flash forever

rich316 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/21/2005 14:33:07)

sorry for double post


ORIGINAL: lil boi blue

here, i'll try it and put it into 1) 2) 3) format and split it up into sections
would you like me to add you to tutors list?

Now relax and read this clearly. I will explain everything you need to know... Ok open Flash 2004! make the first frame a name of "setup" and add this actionscript to it: HP = 750; enemyHP = 500; This will tell it to add your hp and the enemie's hp to a number. Now make another frame and put this frame as "You". Ok! Now make a "attack" button. Now put a enemy on one side and you on the other. Above your character make a static text that reads "HP:" now put a dynamic text just right on the right side. Do the same for the other side for the enemy. Now the dynamic texts, put the enemy one a variety "var:" put that as "enemyHP" now yours is "HP" now make the attack button this actionscript: gotoAndPlay("attack") This will go to "attack" frame. now go make another frame and put it: "attack" name. now from that frame make a animation of your character attacking. when your done make the last frame actionscript: gotoAndStop("You"); Now go to the frame where your character "hit" the enemy. Put this in THAT frame. _root.enemyHP = _root.enemyHP-random(70); Now it will pick a number between 0-70 as the damage. Now put this into the frame where you can press the attack button: stop(); Now make it like that for the enemy attacking. so if its _root.enemyHP = _root.enemyHP-random(70); just switch it to this on the enemy attacking u: _root.HP = _root.HP-random(80); Now make 2 frames in the end and put that as the winning frame. and the loosing. So put this into the "You" frame. if (_root.HP==0) { gotoAndStop("lose"); } } if (_root.enemyHP==0) { gotoAndStop("win"); } } Now name one frame the "win" frame and the "lose" frame now put something in both of them and now your done! just put this into the lose and win frame: stop(); test it and love it!

1)open flash MX 2004
2)name first layer located on timeline 'setup'
3)in the actionscript tab on bottom type {HP=750;enemyHP=500}
4)make another layer and name it 'you'
5)create a button in the white drawing space and name it 'attack'
6)create a new layer called 'enemy'
7)create a square on the right side of the drawing space (this will be our enemy) MAKE SURE THAT IT IS A KEYFRAME IN ENEMY LAYER ONLY!
8)create a circle on the left side under layer 'YOU' of the drawing space

this is what i have so far, im a little confused beyond this point

errmm i wont continue the tutorial ill just say that you should put the Hp bars on the set up layer as well and the button i think otherwise if you use a motion tween it makes everything on that layer do it i may be wrong its juts the way im going to do it

actually ill leave it until the tutorial makes sense

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/21/2005 19:24:22)

the paragraph part was zoltans, i was trying to put it in number form

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/24/2005 15:59:56)

this has been quiet for along time now and about that rpg tutorial i wrote it really fast .... im not that good at explaining things

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/24/2005 17:05:39)

well i have a short attention span for doing things without a "reward" per say like "hey nice stuff, keep making it" or "here is a trophy" or then there is virtually material items like contests or the chance for that dreamed beloved title. Either way right now im adding some special surprises to the fight of the people (going beyond the fight to some (chews it over witha twix)

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/25/2005 3:05:49)

rrrrriiiiiiiiiiggggggghhhhhhtttttttt....... as you can see i like to over exagerate words o.0

independence quiad!! -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/25/2005 8:30:47)

1. Ok open Flash 2004!
2. make the first frame a name of "setup"
3. add this actionscript to it: HP = 750; enemyHP = 500; This will tell it to add your hp and the enemie's hp to a number.
4. Now make another frame and put this frame as "You".
5. Ok! Now make a "attack" button.
6. Now put a enemy on one side and you on the other.
7. Above your character make a static text that reads "HP:"
8. now put a dynamic text just right on the right side.
9. Do the same for the other side for the enemy.
10. Now the dynamic texts, put the enemy one a variety "var:" put that as "enemyHP"
11. now yours is "HP"
12. " now make the attack button this actionscript: gotoAndPlay(attack) This will go to "attack" frame. now go make another frame and put it: "attack" name.
13. now from that frame make a animation of your character attacking
14. when your done make the last frame actionscript: gotoAndStop("You");
15. Now go to the frame where your character "hit" the enemy.
16. _root.enemyHP = _root.enemyHP-random(70); Now it will pick a number between 0-70 as the damage
17. Now put this into the frame where you can press the attack button: stop();
18. Now make it like that for the enemy attacking. so if its _root.enemyHP = _root.enemyHP-random(70); just switch it to this on the enemy attacking u: _root.HP = _root.HP-random(80);
19. Now make 2 new frames at the end and name one win and the other lose
20. now put this coding in the frame where you attacked. if (_root.enemyHP <=0) { gotoAndplay(win); }
21. and on the win frame make a winning animation and on the last frame have stop(); and DONE enjoy

there you go zoltan slightly modified to work (i hope)

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/25/2005 10:51:43)

did you actually do it yourself? if you did, you may want to be a little more specific on certain parts like any action script or frame naming

like i dont know how you name individual frames, i know how to name layers, but not frames

freefly 12 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/25/2005 12:01:53)

where is a good sig tutorial or can anyone tell me how to make a sig?

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/25/2005 13:17:03)

uh sure, do you have other programs besides paint?

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/25/2005 16:57:34)

what the hell free fly this is obviously a flash tutorial soo just look around and dont spam also lill boi blue, independiece quaid did use my tut to make his game

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/25/2005 23:30:33)

well, i finished my latest flash movie

any comments put in my art thread and not here (my thread link is on the front page of this thread, click my guys name) yeah, i vowed never to double post, so....even for edits or additions to the gallary

i later may or may not add music to it

rich316 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/26/2005 13:14:18)

i was going to write it myself but i found one which is the same it should work :)

ahh my avatars muffed up aswell

a. Launch Flash MX 2004

b. Create new Flash file. Click File > New…

c. Select Flash Document in a new window

d. You need to create 2 layers in the root of your flash movie. The first layer will serve to contain the preloader and must be consist of one frame, the second one will be used to place the movie content and we need 2 frames in that later. To make thing easier we will name these layers "preloader" and "content"

e. Select "Rectangle Tool"

and draw shape in the first frame of the layer named "preloader"

f. Select the shape and right click on it. In the menu select "Convert to Symbol..."

then select "Movie Clip" option and press OK

g. Now you have included movie in the "preloader" layer. Select the movie you have made and press “F9” to get access to "Action" panel.

It consists of 2 windows. We need to use the right one to continue.
Click on the shape then copy the following code and paste it in the right window:

onClipEvent (load) {
total = _root.getBytesTotal();
onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded();
percent = int(loaded/total*100);
text = percent+"%";
if (loaded == total) {


h. Select the "preloader" layer (you must see that the code disappear from the right window) and type
stop(); in the right window. If you did everything correctly you should get something like the picture below:

i. Double click the shape to enter the included movie in the "preloader" layer. Now you can see the shape as Flash Object. Select "Rectangle Tool" and draw smaller rectangle with a color different from the white inside the shape (note: the second rectangle must be within the same layer as our shape)

Now delete the second rectangle and its border. Select you shape and you will see that now you have a shape with the rectangle hole inside. That was the purpose of the second rectangle: to make this hole. Through this hole the progress line will be displayed.

j. Create 2 more layers. Lets call the layer with the shape: "Shape" and two new layers we name "Mask1" and "Mask2". (Note: the "Shape" layer must be the first layer in a Timeline panel!)

k. Now we need to create simple mask to show the downloading progress. We need to create some more new frames for 3 layers we have. Select all 3 layers, right click and select "Insert Frame" option. You need to make 15 new frames for each layer similar to the picture below.

l. Select layer named "Mask1", then select "Rectangle Tool", set the background color to black and draw big rectangle under the main shape. Do not worry about its appearance as it will become invisible after we create mask effect. It must cover the hole of the main shape completely but it should be smaller then the main shape.

m. Select layer named "Mask2" and draw one more rectangle. On the example picture we disable the big black rectangle so that you could see how the second rectangle must be made:

n. Select the last frame in the "Mask2" layer, right click and select "Insert Keyframe" to convert last frame to keyframe.

o. Select first frame of the "Mask2" layer and drag the rectangle so that it ended just before the hole starts.

p. Now select all frames of the "Mask2" layer, right click and select "Create Motion Tween" You have created the animation to show the download process.

q. Select layer named "Mask1", right click and select "Mask" option.

Now all set up for preloader. Double click anywhere outside the working area to return to the root of your movie.

r. Select "content" layer, click "File --> Impotr…--> Import To Stage" and insert any picture you like to be in your content movie.

s. Now select the “content” layer (you must see that the code disappear from the right window) and type
The Timeline must be like this now:

Click “Ctrl+Enter” to see the flash movie. Upload it and when you access it you will see the preloader you just have created first and then the content of your movie! If you followed the instructions carefully you should get something like the example below.

Now when you visitors come to your website they will be able to see how long it will take to downlod flash. You may use the code and change everything you like in design to match your website.

J6 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/26/2005 15:21:05)

Well, I might as well use this to my advantage. I didnt read the entire thread, so if im asking questions already answered, i apologize in advance.
i want to make a file, pretty simple, but i need to know all the steps how to do it.

i want it to be a file with a bunch of bird flying around the screen. the birds never leave the screen, they just fly around, stuck inside the .swf file. when you click a bird, i want it to be "caught", and then a counter clicks to 1. (2 if it was already on 1, 3 if it was on 2, etc..) until all the birds are caught.

here is how im guessing i should start it: have a bunch of movie-clip buttons going through their endless flying animation on the screen. they are all looped to end where they start so that it goes on forever.

the rest i'm lost [:)]

if you can help me out, please do.

OH! and also, a little cannon type thing at the bottom which has a base which is stable, but the tip of the cannon follows the mouse.

rich316 -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/26/2005 15:44:16)

hmm.. i have a colision tutorial which might work with some other code ill have to post it later though ill pm you if it has been posted here oir when i have finished

lil boi blue -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/26/2005 18:51:14)

i dont know if i can do the cannon, but i can definately help you do the click on the bird and it gets caught, i'll be on a little later, just doin homework, just telling you in advance lol

its a mixture of buttons and animated actionscript

Zoltan -> RE: Flash help and tutorials, come here to share your wisdom or ask questions (9/26/2005 19:29:52)

ive got almost all of the things to do this but if we work together and post the seperate parts of what we have it is dooable

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