onizahkeado -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (10/26/2005 17:19:00)
this is more of a post of reassurance, i have recently upgraded my gallery to massive proportions, ive added a picture section that i do to modify peoples picture of themselves, a tribute section, hacking section, link section, poetry section, around 5 diffrent sections each with its own artwork, picture of the week, links to outsider sites, links to artix's site, etc etc etc, could you check to make sure it is ok for all that to be on there? http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=2323251 that is the link to my gallery, i want to make sure that the extra sites i link to are ok, and that some of my sections are ok to have like the photo rendering section. here is an example of one of my photo renders [img]http://usera.imagecave.com/ziaka/celinaslookremade.jpg[/img] also, my guide has gone missing, but i dont seem to recall deleting it on my gallery, if you find it, could you be so kind as to tell me it's current location? if i click on the link it says the thread has either been deleated or has moved. anyway back to photo renders, is it ok to just, post a render of someone without telling them? what about posting it and then telling them? or must i have their permission first, here is an example of one i did of princess zakuraa [img]http://usera.imagecave.com/ziaka/princesszakuraaartisticlypoetic.jpg[/img] i am very curious on the matter of if it is ok to post that without telling her in PM and waiting for a responce * to save time* thanks for reading this Okay, lots of questions in here...first, i'd remove any links to outside sites, or anything related to hacks and cheating. outisde links arent allowed and hacking is just better if it wasnt posted. Also, if you post a picture of someone else, you have to be sure that they gave you permission to do so, so just PM them asking them if you can use it or not.