RE: Direct Mod Questions (Full Version)

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Evant3h1337 -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (1/27/2006 15:53:01)

Where would a sprite comic be posted on the Gallery sub forums?

In the normal gallery, its definately not hand drawn, and its not quite digital, it should fit fine in the normal gallery
Thanks J ^_^

T@G -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (1/31/2006 11:58:19)

J, do you have any tips on drawing the same characters consistently? Like you would a comic.

And do you know of any quick tips for drawing bodies? (Besides the head being an eighth of the body trick, Im talking more cartoonish. :] )

~Thanks in advance~

Oh, one more thing, got any tips for making things look more metallic in hand drawn art?

Okay, lots of good questions...

1) The best tip to drawing a character consistently, is draw three versions of it, front view, left view and angle view. once you have that, when you do your other character at different angles, you can draw a rough estimate of what it should look like, then fill in the detail by looking at your original designs.

2) Depends how cartoonish you want it. if its super cartoonish, there are no tips, go crazy! there are no rules for drawing cartoons, you can make ten foot arms and the head the size of a melon if you want, but if you're looking for a specific stlye, look at other peoples work a lot, there's no shame in being inspired by other's works. If you look at disney characters for example, even though its not all the same person who drew them all, they all have the same style because they were inspired by each other.

3) Contrast! metal has the great ability of capturing light beautifully, so draw everything on the metal darkish, then leave pure white areas to add contrast and reflected lighting.

lil boi blue -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (2/1/2006 1:21:38)

ironically enough i have a flash question, how would i create barriers out of MC's or graphics, i went to and went through 9 search pages of things not even close to barriers, one guy didn't even complete his actionscript, if you know that would be great, worse case do you know someone who would, i was thinking arklen because he even has a title Flashy! so might give a clue lol

Zoltan -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (2/1/2006 3:14:35)

Hello J

I have been using flash for ohh say a year now, I can make games ok but my art seems to fail me, I find it easy to draw things its just rendering that gives it that 'life like look', that extra kick, What would be your sugestions if you have any...

PS: I allready answered lil boi blues question above ^^^ XD, not that, that matters

That extra kick you're looking for can be done using lighting. someone can do a big beautiful artwork, and then as soon as they add shadows and lighting, it really stands out. look at shapes and how they react to light, a lot of them behave differently than you would think they would.

®ÅZ¤R -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (2/3/2006 13:01:09)

hey J

could you give me a few examples on how i can get a good rating? please?

cyrus515 -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (2/10/2006 5:34:11)

can you tell me how to make a sig

If you go through the topics in the Gallery Q&A you will find lots of topics reguarding this question. ~Grafh

VampireHSS -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (2/12/2006 7:53:29)

Do you know any 3D Art-Making Program or any 3D Game Maker (that can import 3D art)? Free or not very expensive would be apretiated. I've seached google plenty times..

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (2/12/2006 12:08:24)

Seeing as no one has locked the threads I asked to be locked I'll ask again. Can you please lock these three threads?

Locked the first two, third one is not at 30 pages. ~Grafh

prince of YOU -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (2/13/2006 6:10:12)

how do i put a link in a sig?


URL = The link to the sig. Keep in mind sigs can be no bigger then 500x100. ~Grafh

ill keep that in mind thaks. ill need that info!

VampireSlayer2 -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (2/13/2006 20:54:12)


Locked the first two, third one is not at 30 pages. ~Grafh

I asked for the third one to be locked because there is a new thread.

Alright, locked now. ~Grafh

AkiaLiam -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (2/15/2006 12:53:23)

I couldn't find anything about this in any of the stickies, but do poems and/or songs posted in the main Gallery of Creative Adventurers forum have to be in some way related to an Artix Entertainment game? Other than the obvious (no profanity, no 'adult only' descriptions, no hate-mongering, etc.), what rules are there in regard to allowed/prohibited content in poetry and/or songs posted in the main GoCA forum?

Yes songs and poems are to be posted in the GoCA area. ~Grafh

Crimson Falcon -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (2/21/2006 21:10:16)

How does everyone get Photoshop? Don't you have to pay for it? It just doesn't seem possible.
Everybody I ask says something about torrent. What is torrent? How do you torrent cuz I want Photoshop.

They download the 30 day trial , other then that its $500. As for torrent I never heard of it. If you are looking for a paint program try GIMP, thats a free program. ~Grafh

Mandrax -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (2/23/2006 10:25:29)

Is there a way of getting the qualitie on paint better,i dont want to download GIMP.

I think has Paint tutorials, other then that keep trying. ~Grafh


lil boi blue -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (2/26/2006 21:50:07)


ORIGINAL: SaiyanDragoon

How does everyone get Photoshop? Don't you have to pay for it? It just doesn't seem possible.
Everybody I ask says something about torrent. What is torrent? How do you torrent cuz I want Photoshop.

They download the 30 day trial , other then that its $500. As for torrent I never heard of it. If you are looking for a paint program try GIMP, thats a free program. ~Grafh

i know members aren't supposed to answer but for the second part about torrents i can give a quick answer, torrents are used to illegally download programs against their copyrightprotections, you may think "wow, torrents sound great, so what about illegal purposes" but in torrents they are not all "safe" some include massive viruses, some are even from authorities sending out trojan horses to sneak in and see how many illegal things you've downloaded and sue you like there is no tommorow by finding out where you live as well. its been done numerous times, you get them by *virtual truck goes by followed by an ambulence and a burning train* and thats how you get them (no, im not telling because its illegal and i highly suggest you never mention torrents in public or here for that i just did, you can get in a lot of trouble, how do i know about this stuff? school, i bet half of your grade know about it, lol mine did)

QUESTION: just for preferable purposes, what do you prefer more when it comes to flash,medium quality picture movies, low quality picture games, or high quality single images? always wondered what people liked more

bootz -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (3/4/2006 10:59:30)

i think i'm just being stupid and aren't useing my eyes but where is the forum where you give and receive gifts i've been there before i just can't find it.

nvm found it.

lil boi blue -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (3/11/2006 11:08:20)

how do i make links to go to certain parts of my post if possible, it may make it easier for my Q&A thread lol

If you want to know how to hotlink to a post, you just click the post number link in the bottom right corner of the post. For instance, this post's link is

i mean like in my flash Q&A first post, its massive, so i was wondering how to get to a certain part of the post like if you press a certain link in it, it brings you to the coloring part or the the actionscript part etc

No, but now that you're at thirty pages you could try putting each section on a new post, if you'd like. I don't see a problem with that if it will help for future reference.

Rune Ready -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (3/11/2006 21:40:20)

i was in the suggestions forum and i was posting replies every so often. I think i was told by Chii that i have to wait ane ENTIRE DAY to make ONE MORE POST?????????????????????????????????????????? is this true?
and by the way he said there had to be new info in the post
Man i shouldnt be posting this[:D]

Yes, it is a rule. No bumping threads with pointless posts. You have to wait 24 hours to bump your thread, and you must have an update to the front post. That is the suggestion forum's rules, and if you'd like to continue to post there, you will follow them. If you have a problem with the rules, send a PM to the ArchKnight or Moderator of the forum and take it up with them.

On a note, no, you shouldn't be posting that.

.Heads -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (3/11/2006 22:23:16)

Delete this post. Didn't realized blu ewasn't finished.
Also, thanks for giving me a negative rating for making someguys sig that he could never have dreamed of making. And for making me quit the sig making buisness. You can lock my Gallery now.

I regret ever giving you those gifts.

Read the rules if you don't want negative ratings. If you want to overreact because of -1 rating point, be my guest. Deleted the post you requested.

Teh Shadow -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (3/15/2006 21:31:55)

How do you put the link to ur gallery into one of ur sigs?
I've been wondering this for a while and I even made a sig FOR it lol...

Got it done thx to Lonna[:D]

Jecht the Pirate -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (3/15/2006 22:21:25)

my signature is a the right size but it won't show and i have no idea why do sigs have to do with battleon?

That sig link does not work. Just a FYI max sig size is 500x100. ~Grafh

siris99 -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (3/21/2006 23:21:21)

I was reading the digital art rules, and they have a limit on the number of images that can be displayed per gallery/sig there. My question is, does the same rule apply to galleries in the GoCA forum? I use mainly images and not links in my gallery, so should I change that? If i need to change it, how many images per gallery are we allowed in the GoCA forum?

Unless J says other wise, no. I made that rule for only the Digital Arts area. ~Grafh

cool, thanks master don juan of roses

Marth_2 -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (3/28/2006 1:27:32)

Are the creators of AQ teens?!?!?

superpowersROCK -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (4/7/2006 18:31:48)

uhhh how do i post my uh pic

[image]URL of image[/image] Same as posting your sig in your profile. ~Grafh

xxXxx -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (4/17/2006 12:55:46)

why dont you allow animated avvys?

Da cheese -> RE: Direct Mod Questions (4/17/2006 20:26:01)

Is a legitimate place to get sig renders?

Sorry but I'm going to say no. If you are looking for renders stay away from sites like jaestudio. If you are looking for renders look here: I posted links to render sites there.

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