Dragonslayer Class! (Full Version)

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Suikoman444 -> Dragonslayer Class! (1/30/2006 23:46:24)

Dragonslayer Class!

Travel Map > Dragonstone OR via Dragon Eye and Earth Dragon Portraits

At the foot of Dragonstone, near the entrance to Skraeling Desert, the head of the Order of Dragonslayers, Galanoth, waits. With his mighty Dragon Blade, he hunts those dragons who prey on humankind. He offers training to those who would join his cause, and equipment and aid to all those who would oppose dragonkind. Will you join the order, hunt for rare dragonbane ore, or prove yourself worthy to pull the mighty Dragon Blade from the stone in which it rests?
  • I want to be a Dragonslayer!
  • Skip this cutscene

    Galanoth: Greetings, Adventurer. Art thou brave enough to quest for the legendary Order of Dragonslayers?
  • Quest!
  • What is a Dragon Slayer?
  • Dragonslayer Shop
  • Quest for the Dragon Blade!
  • Untrain
  • Back to Town

    What is a Dragon Slayer?
    Galanoth: Our powerful Order of Knights protect the land by hunting the most cunning and evil of beasts...draco draconus, Dragons!
    Galanoth: The secret of our power is our ancient armor. When one first dons this armor, it is merely metal....
    Galanoth: ... however, our armor gains great might as we feed on the spirit of the fierce dragon. Every great Dragon we defeat makes us more powerful.
    Galanoth: If thou have in thee the will to battle such dangerous beasts, take the quest of the Dragonslayer and join us.

    If you wish to retrain as a DragonSlayer, you may reduce your Class Level to 0 and start again. If you do this, you will have to retrain all of the levels! THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE! Are you sure?
  • Yes, untrain my skills - Your Dragonslayer class level is reset to 0
  • No, I want to keep my skills

    If you're not level 10 Fighter and Scholar...

    Galanoth: I do not doubt your bravery, but we walk a dangerous path. We only accept hardened recruits. There are many important attributes when it comes to fighting dragons...
    Galanoth: You must first be able to hold your own in a fight against something your own size. You must also learn the weakness of your foe, for that is the only way to fell a mighty dragon.
    Galanoth: You must train as a Level 10 Fighter and a Level 10 Scholar before you may become a Dragonslayer.
  • Back

    If you are not in the Dragonslayer Class currently and have at least level 1 in your existing Dragonslayer Class...

    Galanoth: Thou must be a Dragonslayer to take my quests. As a former Dragonslayer you are welcome to rejoin the Order.
  • Become a Dragon Slayer
      Galanoth: From this moment forth, thou shall be hailed a.... Dragonslayer!
  • Back

    Dragonslayer Class Level: 0

    Galanoth: So, you intend to join the Order? This is a good time to prove yourself and earn the title of Dragon Slayer.
    Galanoth: A young Dragon named Grimfang has been attacking nearby towns. Defeat him and earn your place amongst the Dragonslayers!
  • Take the Dragonslayer Quest!
  • Back

    Slay Grimfang!

    You have accepted the quest to slay the Dragon named Grimfang. If you are successful you will become a Dragonslayer and begin your training in the art of dragon slaying. Fail... and you are lunch. As your adventure begins you encounter a monster blocking your path to the Dragon!
  • Quest!

    1 BATTLE -- NOTE: Currently bugged and skips this fight!
    Sectid (34)
    Vartai Blade Master (34)
    Vartai Hunter (34)
    Wyvern (34)

    Search for Grimfang!
    You wander the countryside hoping to find the Dragon... did you get lucky and find him?
    Difficulty: 34
    Stat Used: Luck

    If you were successful in your roll...

    1 BATTLE
    Grimfang the Dragon

    Galanoth: Impressive! The evil dragon Grimfang will no longer harm the people of this land. You have proven yourself worthy of the Order.
    Galanoth: From this moment forth, thou shall be hailed a.... Dragonslayer!

    Your Dragonslayer Class Level increases to 1
    Dragonslayer Class Level: 1 and 2, 5 and 6, 8
      «If you are a non-Guardian, for level 6 and 8 quests:»

      Galanoth: I will continue to train you, friend, but if you wish to use the abilities of a DragonSlayer of rank 6 or higher, you must become a Guardian!
    • Continue
    • Become a Guardian
    <<Dragon's name>>* the Dragon is _____________**. As a Level <<>> Dragon Slayer you are the best-equipped to handle this threat. The journey will take 4 days. Will you quest to defeat this Dragon?
  • Take the quest!
  • Turn down the quest...

    Quest Accepted!

    You have accepted the quest to hunt and slay <<Dragon's name>>* the Dragon who has been ________________**. You are a level <<>> Dragonslayer. Finding and defeating this dragon will increase your class level to <<>>. You have enough supplies to set camp and rest three times during your journey. Good luck, everyone is counting on you!
  • Quest!


    Quest for level 2 Dragonslayer:
    BURP (40)
    Drakel Captain (40)
    Forgah (39)
    Junior Zard Pack (40)
    Lesser Droag (40)
    Snow BunnyZard (40)
    Szniflip (38)
    Undead Skuller (38)
    Zombie (40)
    Zombie Commander (40)

    Quest for level 3 Dragonslayer:
    Angry Protester (47)
    DemonSpectre (44)
    Iron Golem (42)
    Legendary Warrior (46)
    Rogue Knight (42)
    Silari Warrior (42)
    Slattwob (45)
    The Horror (42)
    Undead Mage (45)

    Quest for level 6 Dragonslayer:
    Clay Golem (58)
    Creech (57)
    Cyclops Defender (56)
    Dragoo (55)
    Griffin Queen (57)
    Myte (55)
    Owl (58)
    Undead Basher (58)
    Undead Berserker (56)
    Wolverine (55)

    Quest for level 7 Dragonslayer:
    Chimera (60)
    Abomination (59)
    Big BURP (60)
    Hirroo (60)
    Nogh'da (60)
    MegaUltraGigaworm (60)
    Undead Basher (58)
    Veegus (60)
    Two-Bear (60)
    Owl (58)

    Quest for level 9 Dragonslayer:
    Black Knight (70)
    Cthulion (67)
    Fire Ants (70)
    Gogg (67)
    MechaZombie (68)
    Sectid (68)
    Terrestria (70)
    Undead Horse (68)
    Vartai Blade Master (69)
    Vartai Hunter (69)

    Quest: Day 1

    Dear Journal, during the first day of this adventure I fought and defeated a <<monster name>>. The sky is becoming dark and I must decide to rest or continue moving.

    Quest: Day 2

    Dear Journal, now that is what I call a battle! After my victory against the <<monster name>> I am more than ready to defeat this Dragon. Beware <<Dragon's name>>, I am coming for you!

    Quest: Day 3

    Dear Journal, this is so exciting... I am only one day away from the Dragon. I wonder if I will encounter any monsters tomorrow that are tougher than the <<monster name>> that I just fought?

    Quest: Day 4

    Your pulse quickens as you prepare for the battle against <<Dragon's name>> the Dragon. There is time to rest before battle. We shall hope the Dragon does not flee when you move in for the attack!
    After every battle, you can choose to rest for the night, where you will recover to full health up to a maximum of 3 rests, or continue fighting without healing.

    Dragon Spotted!

    At long last, you have found him! How will you approach your quarry?
      Forget the odds and the rest of the group! Just you and me! Mano-a-dragono! Let's go!! ...As soon as I catch up to you!
      Difficulty: 38 for Class Level 1, +4 per Class Level
      Stat Used: Endurance
  • Set a trap (INT)
      It's a Trap!
      Heheh... You've figured him out. You've seen the tracks -- he's here every day. A nice tasty goat in this "nice safe clearing..." He'll never see it coming.
      Difficulty: 38 for Class Level 1, +4 per Class Level
      Stat Used: Intelligence
  • Follow it and ambush (DEX)
      Be Vewy Vewy Quiet...
      Sneak, sneak, sneak... You've got sight of him as he flies, and there's no way you're letting him get away. Just stay out of sight until he leads you to his lair...
      Difficulty: 38 for Class Level 1, +4 per Class Level
      Stat Used: Dexterity
    If you were successful in your roll...(any stat)

    1 BATTLE
    <<Dragon's Name>>* the Dragon

    Quest for level 2 Dragonslayer:
    Earth Dragon (39)
    Energy Dragon (39)
    Ice Dragon (39)
    Light Dragon (39)
    Red Dragon (38)
    Undead Dragon (39)
    Void Dragon (35)
    Water Dragon (39)
    Wind Dragon (39)
    Young Light Dragon (30)
    Zombie Dragon (38)

    Quest for level 3 Dragonslayer:
    Earth Dragon (39)
    Energy Dragon (39)
    Fear Drake (dragon) (40)
    Female Void Dragon (40)
    Gravis (40)
    Ice Dragon (39)
    Light Dragon (39)
    Undead Dragon (39)
    Water Dragon (39)
    Wind Dragon (39)

    Quest for level 6 Dragonslayer:
    Bronze Dragon (50)
    Fundead Dragon (50)
    Ice Dragon (50)
    Plasma Dragon Soldier (49)
    Void Dragon (55)
    Water Dragon (55)
    Young Sand Dragon (45)

    Quest for level 7 Dragonslayer:
    Akriloth the Fire Dragon (60)
    Fear Drake (dragon) (60)
    Gravis (60)
    Great Wyvern (61)
    Krenos the Dragon (60)

    Quest for level 9 Dragonslayer:
    Darkness Dragon (65)
    Drakath (70)
    Female Void Dragon (65)
    Giant Fundead Dragon (70)
    Light Dragon (70)
    Pirrelvag the Blizzard Dragon (69)
    Sand Dragon (63)
    Serlissa the Water Dragon (70)
    Acidragon (65) NOTE: Bugged, currently fights Vor-Dem (60)
    War Dragon (70)
    WereDragon (70)
    Zombie Dragon (70)

    Dragon Defeated!!!

    Congratulations! You have slain the Dragon and saved the day. Even as you read this the bards are writing songs to sing of your heroic journey. The world thanks you... Dragonslayer!
  • Done
    Class Level Up!

    You have earned the next rank as a Dragonslayer and unlocked a new special ability!
  • Done - You return to the main dialogue with Galanoth

    If you failed your roll...(any stat)

    Dragon... escaped!

    The elusive Dragon is on the move! As a great Dragonslayer you are the only one who can stop this evil beast... will you pursue?
  • Chase the Dragon! - You restart the quest
  • Give up...
    Dragonslayer Class Level: 3

    Galanoth: As a level 3 Dragonslayer, it is time to tame your own Draykling. Will you undertake this quest?
  • Take the quest!
  • Turn down the quest...

    Galanoth: A Dragonslayer's most constant companion, other than a fellow Slayer, is his pet drayk.
    Galanoth: The irony in raising a dragon to fight other dragons is something else! Hahaha...
    Galanoth: To fight is in a dragon's nature, we're just turning that to a good purpose. It's not like they don't fight amongst themselves in the wild.
    Galanoth: Now, to get the drayk to trust you, you have to imprint yourself as it's parent.
    Galanoth: That means being there when it hatches...which means removing the egg from its nest.
    Galanoth: Unless, of course, you'd rather compete with it's real, really ANGRY mother.
    Galanoth: I've noted on your map a cave where I know a brood of dragons has been laid and will hatch soon.
    Galanoth: Be very, very careful. Mother dragons are ESPECIALLY unpleasant when it comes to threats to their babies.
    Galanoth: Will you steal an egg?
  • Yes I will! - Continue with the quest
  • No, sorry.

    <<Scene: Entrance to a cave>>

    <<You>>: It looks like Momma's posted some of her older children as guards.
    <<You>>: If I fight them now, it may draw unwanted attention later...
    <<You>>: On the other hand, I may want a clear path for a quick exit.
  • Sneak past them!
      Can you sneak past the guards? Good luck-- they're very vigilant!
      Difficulty: 61
      Stat Used: Dexterity

      If you failed your roll, you will battle the guards as if you chose to fight them.

      If you succeed in your roll, you jump straight to the scene within the cave.
  • Fight them!
      2 BATTLES
      Guarding Fire Dragon
      Guarding Fire Dragon

      Both Guarding Fire Dragons are re-named and re-described Gravis (40).
    Optional Full Heal

    After you defeat the guards, or manage to sneak past them...

    <<Scene: Within the cave>>

    <<You>>: Here we go. I can see the eggs up ahead.
    <<You>>: I can go for stealth, or just drive Momma away and choose an egg at my leisure.
  • Grab an egg...quietly!
      Will you be able to quietly grab an egg without anyone noticing??
      Difficulty: 61 (71 if you failed your first dexterity roll to sneak past the guards)
      Stat Used: Dexterity

      If you fail your roll...

      <<You>>: Sneak sneak sneak...
      <<You>>: ...Uh oh, was that out loud?

      1 BATTLE
      Expectant Mother (re-named and re-described Gravis (60))
      Optional Full Heal

      <<You>>: Alright! Now to grab the biggest one...
      <<You>>: And now, exit stage left!

      Depending on whether you defeated the guards before, you will either go directly to the scene with Galanoth, or enter another stat roll to escape the guards.

      If you succeed in your roll...

      <<You>>: Ah, hello there little ones. *Yoink!*
      <<You>>: And now, exit stage left!

      Depending on whether you defeated the guards before, you will either go directly to the scene with Galanoth, or enter another stat roll to escape the guards.
  • Drive Momma away!!

    1 BATTLE
    Expectant Mother (re-named and re-described Gravis (60))
    Optional Full Heal

    <<You>>: Alright! Now to grab the biggest one...
    <<You>>: And now, exit stage left!

    Depending on whether you defeated the guards before, you will either go directly to the scene with Galanoth, or enter another stat roll to escape the guards.

      If you sneaked past the guards the first time...

      But wait...
      Those guards are still outside! Can you make it past them with your prize?
      Difficulty: 71
      Stat Used: Dexterity

      If you fail the roll, you'll go into 2 battles against the Guarding Fire Dragons, before continuing to the scene with Galanoth.

      If you succeed in the roll, you directly enter the scene with Galanoth, skipping the battle.
    <<Scene: Speaking to Galanoth>>

    Galanoth: Very good! Now, to hatch it!
    <<You>>: ...Should I sit on it?
    Galanoth: Don't be silly. Your internal body temperature is nowhere NEAR a dragon's.
    Galanoth: Try your Dragon's Fire technique, that should be warm enough. I'll back off so it imprints you as its parent, not me.

    Galanoth leaves and you use your Dragon Fire technique on the egg. Shortly after the egg bursts to reveal a Draykwing.

    Your drayk has hatched! Can you convince it that you are its parent?
    Difficulty: 46
    Stat Used: Charisma

    If you failed the stat roll...

    Galanoth: It's not convinced, but it's still confused. Hit it with a blast of fire to warm and comfort it, then try again!

    You fire another blast of fire at the Draykwing.

    There's still a little time! Can you convince this drayk that you are its parent?
    Difficulty: 46
    Stat Used: Charisma

    If you failed the stat roll again, the Draykwing flies away and Galanoth enters.

    Galanoth: Heh...guess you're not ready to be a mother yet. We'll have to find you a new brood to get another egg from. Let's try not to scramble this next one, hmm?

    You return to the main dialogue.

    If you succeed in either the first or second charisma stat roll, the Draykwing flies to your side and Galanoth enters.

    Galanoth: I think it likes you!
    Draykwing: Mrrrrrr!
    Galanoth: At the Order's headquarters we have drayk food. It's meat that's been laced with something we've extracted from dragonbane.
    Galanoth: He won't notice the taste, and it'll keep him nice and small. It's kind of like a bonsai dragon, without the need for a bottle.
    Class Level Up!

    You have earned the next rank as a Dragonslayer and unlocked a new special ability!
  • Done - You return to the main dialogue with Galanoth
    Dragonslayer Class Level: 4

    Galanoth: As a level 4 Dragonslayer, it is time I teach you a great secret once thought lost forever. Will you study with me?
  • Take the quest!
  • Turn down the quest...

    Galanoth: Long ago, an alchemist created some concoction that proved painfully deadly to dragons.
    Galanoth: When they got wind of this, they killed him and burned his research lab, scattering the ashes to the four winds.
    Galanoth: They hunted down all of his research assistants, and anyone who could possibly have known the formula.
    Galanoth: The mixture was lost...but when the Dragon King possessed me, I was able to learn it from HIS memories.
    Galanoth: Now, it's time to turn their own knowledge against them! Bring me all of the necessary ingredients and I will show you how to make the poison.

    You receive a checklist, where you need to collect the following items. You will have to move to various places to collect the items, before returning back to Galanoth to create the poison.

    Dragonbane Ore
    Meet me at Dragonstone to hunt for Dragonbane. Take a sample of it when you have found some.

    Void Dragon Claw
    Some Void Dragons have made a home at Azma Lake. Soon we will crush them, but for now that's where you'll find their claw.

    Acidrake Blood
    When you slay an acidrake, collect a vial-full from its corpse.

    Search the cemetary near the Halenro memorial, there you may find some of this deadly plant...

    Pure Water
    The purest water can be found at Fairwind Spring. Take a sip. It's refreshing.
  • Create Poison!
  • Go Back


    Here are the exact locations of the items to collect.

    Nightshade - Visit Halenro's memorial in the Granemor Cemetary. A sack of nightshade lays on the ground to the left of Halenro's statue.
    Pure Water - Click on the water surface in Fairwind Springs.
    Dragonbane Ore - Travel Map > Travel South > Dragonbane
    Void Dragon Claw - You have to defeat a Void Dragon (no other variations) and click on it's claw after it's defeat. Common locations are 8: Vartai Secrets! in Dragonspine and Yulgar > Devourer Saga > Azma Lake.
    Acidrake Blood - After the Acid Dragon is defeated, click on it's corpse. One location to get it would be Yulgar > Devourer Saga > Dragonstone.

    Once you have managed to collect all items, you can create the poison.

    Galanoth: First, some preparation. We'll need to grind up the dragonbane, nightshade and claw in separate mortars.

    You are displayed with 5 items, and are given instructions to grind, mix the acid with the water and lastly place in the ground ingredients in to create the poison.

    Galanoth: It's complete! Coat your weapon with this and any dragon will find you a very dangerous foe indeed!
    Class Level Up!

    You have earned the next rank as a Dragonslayer and unlocked a new special ability!
  • Done - You return to the main dialogue with Galanoth
    Dragonslayer Class Level: 7
      «If you are a non-Guardian:»

      Galanoth: I will continue to train you, friend, but if you wish to use the abilities of a DragonSlayer of rank 6 or higher, you must become a Guardian!
    • Continue
    • Become a Guardian
    Galanoth: As a level 7 Dragonslayer, it is time to improve your armor with a new scale tunic for underneath the platemail. Will you come with me?
  • Take the quest!
  • Turn down the quest...

    Galanoth: Now we'll construct a new tunic for underneath your armor. Rather than the simple padding you have now, we'll use bronze drake scales.
    Galanoth: Bronze drakes, as you know, have a metallic hide that can shift to become more resistant to an element it is attacked with.
    Galanoth: If you harvest some of those scales, then with the right alchemical formula we can preserve their special properties and use them for ourselves.
    Galanoth: Will you come with me to Dragonstone to hunt for bronze drakes?
  • Yes I will! Let's go!
  • Not today

    <<Scene: Dragonstone>>

    Galanoth: The softer scales on the drakes' underbellies are what we need. They're somewhat easier to work with, and more comfortable too.
    Galanoth: You must slay three young bronze drakes to obtain enough.
  • Quest! (Slay Bronze Dragons!) - Continue with the dialogue
  • Back to Town

    Galanoth: Haha! Good. I knew I could count on you. There is one catch... If you lose a battle, or return to town, you will lose all of the scales that you collected and will need to start over.
  • Understood... I am ready!
  • Abandon Quest

    Galanoth: Good luck on your hunt! You must defeat 3 Bronze Dragons in order to get enough scales.
  • Quest! (Slay Bronze Dragons!)
  • Go back

    1 BATTLE
    Baby Sand Dragon (28)
    Bronze Dragon (50)
    DrakBot (85)
    Light Dragon (39)
    Sand Dragon (63)
    Young Light Dragon (30)
    Young Sand Dragon (45)

    If you successfully defeated a Bronze Dragon, the scene shows a scale dropping to the ground.

    Bronze Dragon scale obtained!
  • Return to Galanoth

    After every battle, regardless of whether it is a Bronze Dragon or not, you will return to Galanoth for healing or to continue the quest.

    After you have collected 3 Bronze Dragon scales...

    Galanoth: Very good! We'll bring these hides back to headquarters and have our smiths treat and finish the scales!
  • Level up!!
    Class Level Up!

    You have earned the next rank as a Dragonslayer and unlocked a new special ability!
  • Done - You return to the main dialogue with Galanoth
    Dragonslayer Class Level: 9
      «If you are a non-Guardian:»

      Galanoth: I will continue to train you, friend, but if you wish to use the abilities of a DragonSlayer of rank 6 or higher, you must become a Guardian!
    • Continue
    • Become a Guardian
    Galanoth: And now begins your final, and most difficult, training task. You must hunt a great Fire Dragon and then bind its spirit to your will. Are you ready to complete your training?
  • Take the quest!
  • Turn down the quest...

    Galanoth: And now begins your final, and most difficult, training task. You must hunt a great Fire Dragon and then bind its spirit to your will.
    Galanoth: I will teach you the incantation and ritual, but you must hunt and slay this dragon and then perform it on your own.
    Galanoth: Are you ready to accept this task and complete your training?
  • Yes I am!
  • No, sorry.

    Galanoth: I am glad to hear it, my friend. Now we must prepare you for the battle -- and most importantly, the aftermath!
    Galanoth: First, don this tiger's eye amulet. It will offer you protection, and will ease the energy flow of the spirit into your armor and body.
    Galanoth: After you slay the dragon, you must draw this magic circle with a mixture of the dragon's blood, nettles for control, and sea salt for protection.
    Galanoth: Stand in the center of the circle, pull out the dragon's heart, hold it in your hands above your head, and chant "MEAGE IEJIR DASTUDR BAHKTE ZAMART DARASTRIX" thrice.
    Galanoth: This draconic chant will fuse the dragon's heart with your armor -- and bind it's spirit, so you may summon it against your foes.
    Galanoth: Should you err in performing the ritual, the dragon's spirit will be summoned...but not contained. It will be very, VERY angry.
    Galanoth: If that should happen, then you may defeat the spirit to trammel it. You must be swift, though, for it will be able to reenter its body given enough time.
    Galanoth: Now go. May the spirits of all those who have fallen to dragonkind smile upon your task!

    <<Scene: Cave entrance>>

    <<You>>: Don't think sneaking around its family is an option this time. I can't chance being interrupted during the ritual. Time to take the plunge...
  • Go in!

    Akriloth the Fire Dragon (60)
    Edan the Fire Dragon (77)
    Gravis (60)
    Gravis (80)
    All Dragons are re-named as Loyal Guard and re-described.

    Optional Full Heal

    Kian enters

    <<You>>: "Young one", huh? Well I must say, you're pretty cordial for someone about to be snuffed, Gramps.
    <<You>>: We'll see about that! I will avenge my fallen brethren!
  • Fight!

    1 BATTLE
    Kian of the Eternal Flame

    <<You>>: I'd better be quick, no time to rest before the blood dries. Collect enough blood, and mix it up...
  • Draw the magic circle!

    A circle appears underneath your feet.

    <<You>>: Alright, I think that looks right. Now, to extract the heart and say the words!
  • Conduct the ritual!

    You make two stat rolls that aren't shown.

    First roll:
    Difficulty: 70
    Stat Used: Dexterity

    Second roll:
    Difficulty: 70
    Stat Used: Intellect

    If you succeed on both, you continue as below. Otherwise,
      If you fail both rolls...

        <<You>>: ...Uh-oh. I drew a flawed magic circle AND misspoke the magic words. Looks like Kian intends to repay Death's favor by sending me to meet him!!
      • Fight!

        Kian awakens and the magic circle vanishes.

      • Fight!

        <<You fight Kian of the Eternal Flame and make the two rolls again>>

      If you win Dexterity roll, but fail Intellect roll...

        <<You>>: Oh no! I summoned the dragon's spirit, but missed that single tiny little syllable that would grant me control! It is contained in the circle, but now I must fight!!
      • Fight!

        1 BATTLE
        Spirit of Kian
        Optional Full Heal

        <<You then continue on as if you won both rolls>>

      If you win Intellect roll, but fail Dexterity roll...

        <<You>>: Oh no! Though the magic words have bound it outside the body, it looks like a flaw in the magic circle has released the powerful spirit of the dragon!
      • Fight!

        1 BATTLE
        Spirit of Kian
        Optional Full Heal

        <<You then continue on as if you won both rolls>>
    The magic circle grows even larger and a white glow slowly envelops the screen. Shortly after the glow disappears and the magic circle is gone.

    <<You>>: And now, Kian, you serve me. You will atone for the deaths of my comrades by fighting your own!

    Class Level Up!

    You have earned the next rank as a Dragonslayer and unlocked a new special ability!
  • Done - You return to the main dialogue with Galanoth
    Dragonslayer Class Level: 10
      «If you are a non-Guardian:»

      Galanoth: I will continue to train you, friend, but if you wish to use the abilities of a DragonSlayer of rank 6 or higher, you must become a Guardian!
    • Continue
    • Become a Guardian
    Galanoth: I have heard rumors that a great Bronze Drake is gathering an army. I have sent scouts to determine the truth of these rumors and we will strike soon!
  • Take the quest! - Continue with the dialogue
  • Turn down the quest...

    Galanoth: It is good that you have come. Troubling rumors have reached my ears.
    Galanoth: Slayerbane the Vindicator, a great Bronze Drake and one of our ancient foes, has gathered to him a great band of Vartai! They muster their forces for an assault on our Order.
    Galanoth: I have sent scouts to verify the truth of this, but we believe they will march soon. We are organizing an elite strike team to hit them first, and I want you there with me. Stand ready, friend!
  • I will be ready!
    Dragonslayer Shop

  • Ice Dragon Blade Z [L. 14 Z]
  • Ice Draconic Blade Z [L. 14 Z]
  • Light Dragon Blade Z [L. 14 Z]
  • Light Draconic Blade Z [L. 14 Z]
  • Darkness Dragon Blade Z [L. 14 Z]
  • Darkness Draconic Blade Z [L. 14 Z]
  • Water Dragon Blade Z [L. 14 Z]
  • Water Draconic Blade Z [L. 14 Z]

  • Ice Dragon Blade [L. 34]
  • Ice Draconic Blade [L. 34]
  • Light Dragon Blade [L. 34]
  • Light Draconic Blade [L. 34]
  • Darkness Dragon Blade [L. 34]
  • Darkness Draconic Blade [L. 34]
  • Water Dragon Blade [L. 34]
  • Water Draconic Blade [L. 34]

  • Guardian Ice Dragon Blade [L. 54 G]
  • Guardian Ice Draconic Blade [L. 54 G]
  • Guardian Light Dragon Blade [L. 54 G]
  • Guardian Light Draconic Blade [L. 54 G]
  • Guardian Darkness Dragon Blade [L. 54 G]
  • Guardian Darkness Draconic Blade [L. 54 G]
  • Guardian Water Dragon Blade [L. 54 G]
  • Guardian Water Draconic Blade [L. 54 G]

  • Ice Dragon Blade Z [L. 74 Z]
  • Ice Draconic Blade Z [L. 74 Z]
  • Light Dragon Blade Z [L. 74 Z]
  • Light Draconic Blade Z [L. 74 Z]
  • Darkness Dragon Blade Z [L. 74 Z]
  • Darkness Draconic Blade Z [L. 74 Z]
  • Water Dragon Blade Z [L. 74 Z]
  • Water Draconic Blade Z [L. 74 Z]

  • Ice Dragon Blade [L. 94]
  • Ice Draconic Blade [L. 94]
  • Light Dragon Blade [L. 94]
  • Light Draconic Blade [L. 94]
  • Darkness Dragon Blade [L. 94]
  • Darkness Draconic Blade [L. 94]
  • Water Dragon Blade [L. 94]
  • Water Draconic Blade [L. 94]

  • Ice Dragon Blade [L. 114]
  • Ice Draconic Blade [L. 114]
  • Light Dragon Blade [L. 114]
  • Light Draconic Blade [L. 114]
  • Darkness Dragon Blade [L. 114]
  • Darkness Draconic Blade [L. 114]
  • Water Dragon Blade [L. 114]
  • Water Draconic Blade [L. 114]

  • Guardian Ice Dragon Blade [L. 134 G]
  • Guardian Ice Draconic Blade [L. 134 G]
  • Guardian Light Dragon Blade [L. 134 G]
  • Guardian Light Draconic Blade [L. 134 G]
  • Guardian Darkness Dragon Blade [L. 134 G]
  • Guardian Darkness Draconic Blade [L. 134 G]
  • Guardian Water Dragon Blade [L. 134 G]
  • Guardian Water Draconic Blade [L. 134 G]

  • Ice Dragon Blade [L. 134]
  • Ice Draconic Blade [L. 134]
  • Light Dragon Blade [L. 134]
  • Light Draconic Blade [L. 134]
  • Darkness Dragon Blade [L. 134]
  • Darkness Draconic Blade [L. 134]
  • Water Dragon Blade [L. 134]
  • Water Draconic Blade [L. 134]

  • Guardian Ice Dragon Blade [L. 144 G]
  • Guardian Ice Draconic Blade [L. 144 G]
  • Guardian Light Dragon Blade [L. 144 G]
  • Guardian Light Draconic Blade [L. 144 G]
  • Guardian Darkness Dragon Blade [L. 144 G]
  • Guardian Darkness Draconic Blade [L. 144 G]
  • Guardian Water Dragon Blade [L. 144 G]
  • Guardian Water Draconic Blade [L. 144 G]

  • DragonSayer
  • Golden Dragonslayer
  • Elite Dragon Slayer
  • Golden Dragonslayer Eclipse

  • Scale Rot

    Galanoth: Now, take my quests to slay evil Dragons and increase your armor's power.

    *Possible names of the chased Dragons (random):
    Ahriman the Dragon
    Anima the Dragon
    Axewing the Dragon
    Bahamut the Dragon
    Bleamish the Dragon
    Bloodsky the Dragon
    Bludtail the Dragon
    Bludwing the Dragon
    Boneblade the Dragon
    Bonepick the Dragon
    Bragbrik the Dragon
    Chaos the Dragon
    Chiba the Dragon
    Clawcut the Dragon
    Darkwing Dragon
    Deathwing the Dragon
    Dingol the Dragon
    Drake Maul the Dragon
    Drakus the Dragon
    Draykfang the Dragon
    Elzebub the Dragon
    Evillus the Dragon
    Fearlick the Dragon
    Fluffy the Dragon
    Genogon the Dragon
    Glinx the Dragon
    Goken the Dragon
    Groul the Dragon
    Grumblethe Dragon
    Gutter the Dragon
    Hackbrow the Dragon
    Ixinon the Dragon
    Killslash the Dragon
    Knifeclaw the Dragon
    Lanfear the Dragon
    L'Nova the Dragon
    Loki the Dragon
    Marrowmeal the Dragon
    Methilos the Dragon
    Nidhogg the Dragon
    Nogard the Dragon
    OgreEater the Dragon
    Raydron the Dragon
    Red Eyes Dull Dragon
    Redsky the Dragon
    Redtooth the Dragon
    Reyals the Dragon
    Rockscale the Dragon
    Sawhorn the Dragon
    Serratus the Dragon
    Sharpwing the Dragon
    Shreek the Dragon
    Skydread the Dragon
    Taradac the Dragon
    Thrasher the Dragon
    Veritooth the Dragon
    Wyrmtongue the Dragon

    **Possible reasons to kill said dragon (random):
    about to attack Granemor
    attacking Dwarfhold
    blowing down houses
    carrying pets away
    chasing children
    collapsing orphanages
    destroying crops
    drinking too many potions
    eating Adventurers whole
    eating cattle
    eating Moglins
    eating Princes
    eating Princesses
    going to attack Battleon
    hosting a puppet show with people’s heads
    kidnapping fair maidens
    laying siege to Castle Badwane
    laying siege to Castle Hilrog
    laying siege to Castle Krieger
    picking their teeth with Guardian bones
    pillaging farms
    ravaging nearby forests
    razing villages
    ripping down bridges
    scaring elderly townsfolk
    soon to attack Stonerule
    stealing treasure
    swallowing entire towns
    tearing down dams
    terrorizing villagers
    threatening to attack Lolosia
    wreaking havo

    Thanks to whackybeanz and In Media Res. Prerequisites thanks to librascythe. Correction thanks to Nova Gryphon and sol1tud3. Non-guardian dialogue and corrections thanks to Archlist.
    Updated new nightshade ingredient location. ~Hollow

  • Koree -> RE: Dragonslayer Quest (7/20/2009 7:22:44)

    Thanks to geopetal

    Located on the Travel Map at Dragonstone, or via the Earth Dragon / Dragon Eye paintings

    The training grounds of Galanoth, head of the Order of Dragonslayers. Become a Dragonslayer and master the Dragonstrike attack, Dragon Poison and much more!
  • Slay Dragons!

    Galanoth: Greetings Adventurer. Art thou brave enough to quest for the legendary Order of Dragonslayers?
  • Quest!
  • What is a Dragon Slayer?
  • Where can I find the armor?
  • Back to Town


    What is a Dragon Slayer?
    Galanoth: Our powerful Order of Knights protect the land by hunting the most evil and cunning of beasts… draco draconus, Dragons!
    Galanoth: The secret of our power is our ancient armor. When one first dons this armor, it is merely metal…
    Galanoth: …however, our armor gains great might as we feed on the spirit of the fierce dragon. Every great Dragon we defeat makes us more powerful.
    Galanoth: If thou have thee the will to battle such dangerous beasts, take the quest of the Dragonslayer and join us.

    Where can I find the armor?
    Galanoth: Visit the Yulgar’s shop to acquire the armor of Dragonslayers. Then, take my quests to slay evil Dragons and increase your armor’s power.

    Class Armor
    DragonSlayer: The armor of DragonSlayers. Purchase this armor only if you want to go on the Dragonslayer class quest.
    Elite DragonSlayer


    Galanoth: So, you intend to join the Order? This is a good time to prove yourself and earn the title of Dragon Slayer. A young Fire Dragon named Grimfang has been attacking nearby towns. Defeat him and earn your place amongst the Dragonslayers.
  • Take the Dragonslayer Quest!
  • Back

    Slay Grimfang!

    You have accepted the quest to slay the Dragon named Grimfang. If you are successful you will become a Dragonslayer and begin your training in the art of dragon slaying. Fail… and you are lunch. As your adventure begins you encounter a monster blocking your path to the Dragon!

    Search for Grimfang! You wander the countryside hoping to find the Dragon… did you get lucky and find him?
    Difficulty: 20
    Stat Used: Luck

    Level 25 and Below
    Grimfang the Young Darkness Dragon (18)

    Level 26-49
    Grimfang the Plasma Dragon Soldier

    Level 50+
    Grimfang the Darkness Dragon

    Galanoth: Impressive! The evil dragon Grimfang will no longer hurt the people of this land. You have proven yourself worthy of the Order.
    Galanoth: From this moment forth, thou shall be hailed a… Dragonslayer!



    For Dragonslayer levels 2-10.
    Galanoth: ... the Dragon is .... As a level X Dragon Slayer you are best equipped to handle this threat. The journey will take four days. Will you quest to defeat this Dragon?
  • Take the Quest!
  • Turn Down the Quest…

    Quest Accepted!

    You have accepted the quest to hunt and slay … the Dragon who has been wreaking havoc. You are a level X Dragonslayer. Finding and defeating this dragon will increase your level to X. You have enough supplies to set camp and rest three times during your journey. Good luck, everyone is counting on you!

    Uses the Random Adventure list to choose your encounters.

    Level 25 and Below
    Plasma Dragon Worker
    Young Darkness Dragon (18)
    Young Fire Dragon

    Level 26-49
    Ice Dragon
    Plasma Dragon Soldier
    Red Dragon
    Water Dragon
    Young Darkness Dragon (18)
    Zombie Dragon (38)

    Level 50+
    Darkness Dragon
    Drakath the Undead Dragon (70)
    Energy Dragon
    Ice Dragon
    Plasma Dragon Lord
    Plasma Dragon Soldier
    Red Dragon
    War Dragon
    Water Dragon
    Zombie Dragon (38)
    Zombie Dragon (70)

    Boss Name List

    Ahriman The Dragon
    Anima The Dragon
    Axewing The Dragon
    Bahamut The Dragon
    Bleamish The Dragon
    Bloodsky The Dragon
    Bludtail The Dragon
    Bludwing The Dragon
    Boneblade The Dragon
    Bonepick The Dragon
    Bragbrik The Dragon
    Chaos The Dragon
    Chiba The Dragon
    Clawcut The Dragon
    Darkwing The Dragon
    Deathwing The Dragon
    Dingol The Dragon
    Drake Maul The Dragon
    Drakus The Dragon
    DraykFang The Dragon
    Elzebub The Dragon
    Evillus The Dragon
    Fearlick The Dragon
    Fluffy The Dragon
    Genogon The Dragon
    Glinx The Dragon
    Goken The Dragon
    Groul The Dragon
    Grumble The Dragon
    Gutter The Dragon
    Hackbrow The Dragon
    Ixinon The Dragon
    Killslash The Dragon
    Knifeclaw The Dragon
    Lanfear The Dragon
    L'Nova The Dragon
    Loki The Dragon
    Marowmeal The Dragon
    Methilos The Dragon
    Nidhogg The Dragon
    Nogard The Dragon
    OgreEater The Dragon
    Raydron The Dragon
    Red Eyes Dull Dragon
    Redsky The Dragon
    Redtooth The Dragon
    Reyals The Dragon
    Rockscale The Dragon
    Sawhorn The Dragon
    Serratus The Dragon
    Sharpwing The Dragon
    Shreek The Dragon
    Skydread The Dragon
    Taradae The Dragon
    Thrasher The Dragon
    Veritooth The Dragon
    Wyrmtongue The Dragon

    Dragon Defeated!!!

    Congratulations! You have slain the Dragon and saved the day. Even as you read this the bards are writing to sing of your heroic journey. The world thanks you… Dragonslayer!

    Level 1 difficulty from blackboat.

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