Deadwood (Full Version)

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geopetal -> Deadwood (5/26/2006 20:39:31)


Location: Undead Assault (War), Friday the 13th Invasion, Friday the 13th Invasion - Part II, Friday the 13th Invasion - Part III, Friday the 13th Invasion - A Ghoulish Attack, Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus, Undead Assault, Doomwood Destroyers, Stump Hunting, Major Mayhem, A New Beginning, Necromancer Verata, Never Say Dye, Friday the 13th Invasion Part IV, The Amityvillian, Zorbak's Thankstaking WAR!, Moonridge Patrol, The Final 13th! Darkness Attacks! - Creepy Crawlies, Friday the 13th - The 13th 13th!, Friday the 13th - Frostval the 13th!, A Scratching Post, Friday the 13th War, Advance on the Castle!, Friday the 13th Invasion - Dark Night, Dark Night Supplies, Friday the 13th Invasion - Weal (F13 Waves), Friday the 13th Invasion - Black Winter, Black Winter Supplies, The Price, Be Prepared, Keep Up, Lost Graveyard

Level: 6 OR As player
Damage: 3-7 OR
Damage Type: Melee
Element: Nature

HP: 97 OR Scaled
MP: 50 OR Scaled

Experience rewarded: 36 OR Scaled
Gold rewarded: 2 OR Scaled

STR: 0
DEX: 0
INT: 0
CHA: 0
LUK: 0
END: 0
WIS: 0

Avoidance and Defense
Melee: 0
Pierce: 0
Magic: 0
Block: 0
Parry: 0
Dodge: 0

Crit: 5
Bonus: 0 OR Level/10 OR Level/5
Boost: 0%

Light: -50
Darkness: 200
Fire: -50

Attack Types
Attack Type 1 - Reaches underground, uprooting to strike target for 1 hit of 100% damage.
Attack Type 2 / 2.1 - Throws a squirrel at target for 1 hit of 100% damage.

Other information
  • Deadwood previously appeared in the retired quests Undead Assault (War), Sir Koffagus Sarcophagus, and Battle Arena.

    Friday the 13th Appearance
    Never Say Dye Appearance
    Lost Graveyard Appearance

    Thanks to
  • Jay for image, attack type images, and corrections.
  • Tolkienfanatic for Friday the 13th appearance image.
  • ArchMagus Orodalf for Never Say Dye appearance image and location link.
  • Little_Edge, Pink_Star, Robofire2, and Sagrym for location links.
  • alexefbfor, AndrewX, Icyhell, and Stephen Nix for information.
  • DemonicDarkwraith for Lost Graveyard appearance image.

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