RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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Traveler -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/28/2007 18:24:50)

Using: Windows XP, Firefox, Flash version
19518 players online.
Equipped: Shadow Cloak, Asgir Shield, Nemesis Mace, Daimyo (guest), Shadow Bird.

In the Triple Challenge I found Moonray (3), and decided to kill them by overloading. But after the first one exploded (after attacking it with DarkSplatter) it gave me back all my MP, as usual, but the game froze (the attack menu doesn't appear and the other moonrays don't attack).

CodeMonkey -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (7/31/2007 23:01:42)

ok when fight the Syphon dracovampiress or how ever it is spelled when she first drains my lvls everything is normal but when i attack my exp suddenly goes to full and i do not gain a lvl it doesn't effect my gameplay but it is annoying to see ur exp bar to go to max and not gain a lvl i had

weapon: Guardian Darklaw
armor:obsidian cloak
shield:Nemesis sheild
pet: Bobble Devourer
guest: E

sonictails -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/2/2007 0:11:34)

When the Acid Spitter attacked me, it said "0" under the Darkness symbol instead of "Melee/Ranged/Magic":

Quest: Transfarmers
Equipped: Werepyre Form, Pumpkin Staff, Gyrate Shield
Also: Deadeye Cupid, Elizabeth (From Pirate vs Ninja War)

Note: I tried equipping other shields, etc. as well with the same result.

dragonblade24552455 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/2/2007 8:26:33)

i wanst sure where to post this but, i became a wherepyre and the lycan armor was still at lvl 0. i went and cured myself then became a vampire. now then i fight the alpha wolf, he had over 2000 hp.

Kilx -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/2/2007 9:01:30)

Okay, I was doing the quest in Isle De' Oriens, in Falerin's place, and the one where you fight Akriloth at the end, but, when Ii got to the end, I fought a frogzard isntead.

Using:Windows Vista, Internet Explorer, Falsh

Equipment: Wabbit armor, Nemesis Shield, Lightning rod, Cupid pet

jorlass -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/2/2007 19:33:38)

When fighting Stragath's Head in the new Stragath quest (accessible through Zorbak), one of its special attacks causes it to fully heal itself. The attack goes off often enough to make the mob unbeatable, except perhaps with a Blade of Awe.


Seedling -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/2/2007 20:39:17)

heres a picture of a Scalezard bug

EDIT: Many of the new zards use Flash 8 version animations.
Running Flash 7 player will not show the monster.

Tempted -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/2/2007 21:01:36)

I'm not sure if this has been reported yet but..
When I did Safiria's quest, ( New one ),
I turned into Ninjat form.
When I finished the quest, I decided to log out because my stats still had the Ninjat's stats.
But, next time I log back in, I have 12 Mana Potions. I had 30 before, now I have 12, equal
to the potions from Ninjat.
Any way to recover my 30 Mana Potions from being a Guardian? [:o]

Fury Demon5 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/2/2007 21:31:01)

I had one to on the new quest, i beat the all of the weres and did the reward thing. I died but i was brought back to battleon and i was lv 100[:D] and had all the stats and healthpoints, mana, and exp but after a fight or two it went back to my other lv.[:(]

So Def -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/3/2007 14:25:14)

Using: Windows XP, Firefox, Flash version
Equipped: Obsidian Plate, Guardian Duality (Light), Paladin

I was fighting a Sunray to see how powerfulI could make it, I used Undead Mutant and when it hit 1500 Hp it exploded.

Proto -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/4/2007 0:03:45)

I know this has been mentioned 8 billion times (aka 4), but the monster named "The Seeker" cannot be battled because of a fault in the speech. You cannot click "Yes!" or "No...", leaving you suspended in that battle scene. Also, there's no bubble there at all making it graphically bugged too. Here's some badly graphiced proof.

Click Here

EDIT: The updated Seeker uses Flash 8 version animation.
Running Flash 7 player will not show the yes/no bubbles correctly.

mike da man -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/4/2007 15:59:51)

I was doing Safiria's Plea quest, and I fought a were-wolf and the head picture was that of the Willowshire type of werewolf.
Also, I was fighting a Vampire Warrior in the same quest, and its level was 12.5!!

Angelique -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/6/2007 9:38:38)

Is this meant or a bug? The Triple Platinum Rock Star frequently opens his mouth as if to attack and nothing happens.

Mike Da Man, you go through all the tiers of vampires in that quest, from lowest level to highest. So that is not a bug.
But I also got the Willowshire Werewolf uhm... werewolf avie.

andrew10 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/6/2007 14:10:06)

things move when there frozen it stpit

ant22312003 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/6/2007 15:42:21)

i killed a dravir but it still alive

xDeathlordx -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/6/2007 16:28:58)

If you're not going to fix the Orc Horde, could you at least remove it from the game till you get around to fixing it. It's getting old having to refresh and lose my temp items every time they come up.

lolol123123 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/7/2007 17:04:48)

When i fight any monster, Exclamation Marks (!) appear above and below the element,damage type, and damage when i miss

melikepie! -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/7/2007 20:50:59)

i think it only works with weapons and not magic

DemonicArcane -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/9/2007 1:11:13)

When facing Syphon Dracovampress I put an Item on, and when I started the next battle after defeating her my main stats were lowered by the amount the Item increased. Ex: I have 150 Strength/Intellect and put the Urn on, putting me to 155 and int to 165, but when I started my next fight my strength was 145 and my int was 135. It's obvious my stats were increased to their normal but the game didn't take into consideration that they were being boosted by the Item I had equipped. I assume it would do something similiar if you were to use the beastmaster's ability to increase your stats?

veterandoggy -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/9/2007 6:31:55)

i was fighting a moonlight (3) mob in the triple challenge, and i decided to blow them up hoping i'll gain my mana back. well, i brougth their health to blow-up numbers, but one of them blew up while i was still attacking, and then i had full MP, but the last two were stil alive, now with 500HP.

nevertheless, the game froze when it went to my guest's turn. i was attackig with UM if that helps to recreate it.

Entromorpher -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/9/2007 9:59:32)

Lightbringer(92) blocked my second hit from the special of LSC, and it has 300+ BTH

Angelique -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/9/2007 15:16:46)

Demonic Arcane, this happened to me too some time ago. I was told by IceMaster Yeti (I think) in the Q&A that it is a well known bug. He advised me to not use a Misc item with her or to otherwise log out and back in which would fix the missing stat points.
Still, it would be nice if this bug got fixed since it's been around for so long.

dragon lord joseph -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/10/2007 15:12:45)

i battled a frogzard and it had zero hp exp gold and my gaame froze up!

Xlro -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/11/2007 3:26:03)

This is the 3rd complain on Pheron in this thread.

Same bug, leaving for too long resulting in game hanging. I usually have no problems with it UNTIL it damages my CPU fan. Now, this is ridiculous. The CPU fan will run at full speed during the jam, and will continue running at full speed even if the browser is closed. The only way to reset the speed that I know of is to shut down the computer.

So this time, I didn't restart for a couple of days and guess what? It suddenly went silent and upon inspection, it stopped working altogether! I hope that the AQ staff will remove Pheron from the game and fix it... and put it back into the game only when it's bug free. I'm sure many others will appreciate the move.

And now, I have to replace my fan...

username369 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/11/2007 16:48:50)

whenever i fight the orc horde and the menu comes up at the beginning of the fight saying its my turn, it disappears in a split second and doesn't come back, not allowing me 2 do anything, so i have to refresh the page, costing me all my unsaved progress and what not.

EDIT: This usually happens only if you happen to click the Attack button during that split second of time.
However, I've removed the orc horde from the random encounter list.
You can still meet it if a quest specifically loads it, but you'll run into it less often now.

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