RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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sean dewar5 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/21/2007 8:16:35)

When You Use An Advanced Chain Axe in battle With a Ruby Golem (2) It Shows The
Old Element Symbol!

INFO: (Soz Forgot about It [:(] )

-Operating System Windows XP
-Web Browser and version firefox (Dont Know What Verson)
-Flash player version 9
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug (check the AQ home page for the count) Too Long Ago To Check

Z -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/21/2007 8:40:56)

I repeat,


Along with your bug report, please list the following:

-Operating System (Windows XP, Vista, Mac, Linux, etc)
-Web Browser and version
-Flash player version
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug (check the AQ home page for the count)

Kalanyr -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/21/2007 9:11:07)

Strange appearances of Frogzard are caused by outdated coding in quests Please post the name of the quest and how you got to the quest from Battleon when you experience this error as well as the name(s) of the monster(s) replaced (where possible) and where in the quest the monster(s) is/are located.

Edit - Nealy all pack monsters will show the old element symbol simple as a result of the way the new symbol is overlapped onto things (its the same reason the old symbol flickers up for a second at the start of attacks on the old monsters). This is a fairly deep problem and involves changing each monster to fix it, it'll get fixed eventually but slowly.

sean dewar5 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/21/2007 12:25:03)

Also When you Freeze The Death Worms They Still Move...

-Operating System Windows XP
-Flash player version 9
-Web Browser + Version firefox (dunno what version)
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug (check the AQ home page for the count) 17959 Players

Not a bug

edude69 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/23/2007 19:36:30)

when i go to stone rule an do zorbak and sapiria's quest i come upon a Shirrig. after fighting this Shirrig for a little bit the options menu doesn't appear whats wrong with it?

-operating system- windows XP

-Flash player version 9

-Web Browser + Version firefox (version unknown )

-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug-15872

Whtspear -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/24/2007 9:17:36)

Whenever I face a dragon (of any kind) no matter what level everything slows down so drastically that an attack from either side can take up to 6 to 7 seconds and sometimes even longer to complete.

operating system -- Windows XP

Flash Player 9

Internet Explorer 7

Number of players -- since it happens everytime no matter day or night this really doesnt matter.
And if it does i've never actually bothered to try and check.

Rathour -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/24/2007 12:54:03)

this happens because the dragon is a huge animated thing, it takes a bit for your computor to process, so it goes slower. To solve this go to the options under your hp/mana/exp and set the detail level on medium or low. i play on low and it goes at its max speed no matter what.

Whtspear -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/24/2007 20:16:21)

I always play on low graphic level and it still does it so it's just something i'll have to live with. Thanks though.

TreadLight -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/27/2007 6:36:48)

When I was fighting Demon Panther (2), I was about to kill them at 73 HP.
There was one panther laying down as it should when it dies, but when I casted a MegaShock on the other, it hit the panther 2 times, then the Damage Dealt stopped showing.
After the damage stopped showing, the panther was just standing still, and never layed down.

Edit: The same thing just happened to me eith Ghoul (2).

Zebedi -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/29/2007 4:20:51)

I browsed through about 8 of the eighteen pages of replys, and saw 4 or 5 mentions of this bug, perhaps it should go on the first post?

When you fight a monster that can regenerate, the death blow won't kill it, it will merely cut it's hitpoints in half. This is apparently because you can only do damage <= to the monsters hitpoints.

So, say a Alpha Dracowolf has 64 hitpoints left, you get really unlucky and the monster regens 6 times in a row.
You hit for 70, monsters hitpoints drop to 32.
You hit for 70, monsters hitpoints drop to 16.
You hit for 70, monsters hitpoints drop to 8.
You hit for 70, monsters hitpoints drop to 4.
You hit for 70, monsters hitpoints drop to 2.
You hit for 70, monster doesn't regen and dies.

So, you're thinking you did 420 damage to a monster that had 64 hitpoints.. if sure FEELS like something is broken.

Tapeworm Shoelace -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/30/2007 22:18:00)

Big 100K does not trigger on Undead Fanaserin.

larry of the lemurs -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/1/2007 0:14:51)

whenever i or the mogleet freeze a monster, and while it is forzen, my nerfkittne nerfs it, its fire resistance goes to 210, but the next turn when it is unfrozen, it goes back to where it started. i think though, that this was different for the alpha dracowolf because its fire is already 200 so i really don't know.
and also, i hope this is in the right section.

Nex del Vida -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/1/2007 12:57:36)

When fighting Green Nasty, in the Fenris quest, all of the old elemental icons appear and continue to be old (they don't change like they usually do.)
Note: this is only when you attack it. When it attacks you, it shows the new icons.

Windows XP
Internet Explorer, latest version
Players: approx. 20,000

Psyc0h -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/2/2007 15:22:47)

I was doing Charisma training with Neberon and I was using my Primal Garb. At the end of my battle I payed the 24 thousand or so gold and my charisma was lowered by 5 instead.

-Operating System- Windows XP
-Web Browser and version- internet Explorer 6
-Flash player version- 8 or 9 i think
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug- 20037\

Edit- I don't know what happened but the glitched seemed to have fixed itself.

Serpent of Shadows -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/2/2007 16:29:25)

when i did the kayda reaver quest dragonslayer twilly wouldn't hurt the drakbot but my MDB worked fine

Kilx -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/3/2007 7:05:27)

when fighting razorclaw with guardian blade, it interprets all damage as fire damage, even if you attack with one of the other 7 elements

Seedling -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/3/2007 18:31:56)



I browsed through about 8 of the eighteen pages of replys, and saw 4 or 5 mentions of this bug, perhaps it should go on the first post?

When you fight a monster that can regenerate, the death blow won't kill it, it will merely cut it's hitpoints in half. This is apparently because you can only do damage <= to the monsters hitpoints.

Thats the point. If you hit an Alpha,it will ONLY die if it doesnt regenerate. Each tiem you kill the alpha and regenerates,it comes back with slightly less HP. The only way to kill the Werewolf is to attack it at low HP until it doesnt regenerate

Pwned -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/4/2007 16:43:00)

When fighting Undead Fansarin, Big 100K does not trigger. Unlike the other examples in the first post, Undead Fansarin has Undead in its name, as opposed to its description.

Koki988 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/6/2007 2:08:20)


I'm fighting a lvl 65 Darkness Dragon in one of Vampire Slayer E's quests. I had Big 100k equipped. The dragon has ~1100 HP (full HP) at the start of the battle. I thought big100k would change to light but didn't. I didn't notice this and attacked the dragon 3 for three turns with undead mutant each turn and raised its HP to 1800...
That's because Big 100k only changes to light when you're fighting the undead. A Darkness Dragon is not undead, just a dragon aligned with darkness. And when you hit a monster with an element that it absorbs, as is the case here, it is quite possible to get them above their initial value.

Edit 1:
Oh, btw,

I've got Windows XP, using Firefox, the latest version, i think
Latest flash player as well, and there are 8000 ppl online.

Edit 2:
I have a picture to show it has lots of health...more than it should have.

joku -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/8/2007 4:53:49)

That happends on any monster. Next button wont appear.

Windows XP, Mozilla firefox (Same prob on IE too) Flash v.9 and 512 ram. Newest version of Both IE and Firefox.

MEX -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/8/2007 17:17:15)

I cant select YES or NO for THE SEEKER ! ... which means that the game is frozen and i have to restart it :(

Win ME with IE 6.0 and Adobe Flash Player 77,0,19,0 installed.

Yes. We recommend Flash 8 now, and the seeker is one of the things that won't run under Flash 7

Lasenna -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/9/2007 3:03:43)

Dragon Blade (and other Dragon specific items) don't work on the Fire Dragon Firemouth.

This is clearly just an oversight, but the last boss you fight in your Berserker quest is a fire dragon named Firemouth, and because the word "Dragon" doesn't appear in his name, your dragon-specific Element X items do no damage to him. I was using DragonFireEdge sword and Dragonslayer shield during an attack so you can see a picture. As you can see it's not even trying to do element X damage, but rather the default fire damage, which of course doesn't hurt a fire dragon.

This applies only to older items that haven't been updated. Most items these days trigger of category and so will detect Flametongue as a Dragon

MEX -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/9/2007 9:36:48)



I cant select YES or NO for THE SEEKER ! ... which means that the game is frozen and i have to restart it :(

Win ME with IE 6.0 and Adobe Flash Player 77,0,19,0 installed.

Yes. We recommend Flash 8 now, and the seeker is one of the things that won't run under Flash 7
How Do i upgrade to Flash 8 ?

Frozt -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/9/2007 16:37:17)

Well, i don't know if it has been posted before but when Zadd the Golem Builder summons reinforcements his HP can exceed the maximum value (his starting value)...

alphasmart -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (9/10/2007 9:42:10)

for some reason big100k triggers on gnats, even though they're not explicitly undead (or are they??? super secret subplot!)

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