RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (Full Version)

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Munmen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/12/2007 13:36:06)

Ok i was doing fighter quest when the seeker came up and asked to fite. I wanted to, but the yes and no buttons werent there. they were printed there but u couldnt press them. Sort of like this. Mine: yes no Actual: (yes) (no)

ps the () represents the button.
I always have to reload batlleon im so mad!

EDIT: The seeker uses new Flash 8 only animation.
Update your flash player to version 8 or 9 to fix the problem.

DragonUltraMaster -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/12/2007 14:44:58)


i was doing the old Dragon War and when I reached the boss (Arkilioth) THIS was the boss instead. (PS: it was the Forgzard level 0, I didnīt earn any EXP or Gold)
IF it was Arkilioth, it was the easiest I ever met :D

when I killed that, This came (and thatīs normal, but it was just wrong enemie[:D])

Thatīs all :)


Captain Rhubarb -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/12/2007 20:05:34)


ORIGINAL: Lord Inioch

I was batteling a Pheron level 85 and attacked as usual. When his HP was down at around 100 I went away from my computer in like an hour. When I got back I thought, now to finish this battle! I took up my AQpage and this was the first thing I saw. The look wasn't that bad but it made the game lag very badly so I wondered if it should be that way or if it is a bug. If you need more info, please let me know. This wasn't the first time it happened so please fix it beacuse it slows down the game for me!


Same bug, leaving for too long resulting in game hanging. I usually have no problems with it UNTIL it damages my CPU fan. Now, this is ridiculous. The CPU fan will run at full speed during the jam, and will continue running at full speed even if the browser is closed. The only way to reset the speed that I know of is to shut down the computer.

So this time, I didn't restart for a couple of days and guess what? It suddenly went silent and upon inspection, it stopped working altogether! I hope that the AQ staff will remove Pheron from the game and fix it... and put it back into the game only when it's bug free. I'm sure many others will appreciate the move.

And now, I have to replace my fan...

I was able to reproduce this bug. It does take awhile for the effect to get stuck like that.
There must be some tiny math rounding problem in the animation cycle causing that.

When stuck, the animation in the monster starts to use up 99% of CPU power, which will tend to heat up a computer quickly, if left running like that for a long time.

However, when closing the browser, the CPU of the computer goes back to normal.
The CPU fan should slow down back to normal, unless the computer hardware is not ventilated enough, CPU overclocked, or some other factor preventing it from cooling down.

Jr -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/12/2007 21:11:19)

I've had this happen to me recently too... so if I know I have to go afk for along time, I try to finish the battle quickly first, and afk on a normal screen, where theres no animation (In a town, on a dialogue screen, ect...), then you can afk for as long as you need to without worry.

nicknick -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/12/2007 21:37:52)

Theory to always-blocked attacks(monsters):
When the oddball attack hit, The type of the attack is not melee, ranged, nor magic. It's 'O' (strange enough)
Known monsters that does O attacks:
Drakel power armor old version
Acid Spitter
Snayl (first attack)

Blo0dyChaos -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/13/2007 17:11:34)

I was doing Sinister 7 boss fight and I went away for like 10 minutes during fight against Sila, when I came back, every monster I kill gives me 0 exp and I'm only lvl 73...

MAS2332 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/14/2007 12:17:15)

When I wasabout to fight a seeker and he asked whether or not I was a guardian, I could not choose either yes or no and had to refresh.

andrew10 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/14/2007 14:01:03)

montsser block when frozen fixed for cryout loud[:@]

TheMage -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/14/2007 19:29:25)

I've noticed that when I hit the Silverback Monkee it doesn't show the damage even when it's 2 digits.

master x guardian -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/15/2007 18:31:24)

i just fought a syphon dracovampiress and after winning the battle, i had 90 dex, -10 str, -5 cha, -10 luk, and 190 int. how did that happen? i had shadow cloak , nemesis shield and lightning rod equipped and poelala guest. what happened???

MAS2332 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/15/2007 19:14:39)

I really need this Seeker bug fixed because everytime I do the fighter quests Seeker appears and I cant continue. I cannot advance in class because of this monster and is very frustrating.[:@]

tejanos1 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/16/2007 12:13:45)

the seeker is a monster that asks if u r a gaurdian and i cant say yes because it wont let me

ebilmaster -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/16/2007 14:26:29)

i found this read line after killing a scalezard i can't make a screen shot sorry but its around you feet

ebilmaster -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/16/2007 14:58:08)

these are class related bugs.

Paladin:Sometimes using "ATTACK" you will use the skill,Holy charge(sorry i think its holy charge its level 9 skill)and use no MP,And i have also used "SUMMON STEED"on "ATTACK" and use no MP.

Necromancer:Sometimes Using "ATTACK"you will use the skill "UNDEAD MUTANT"and use no MP,And somtimes use "ZOMBIE HANDS"without using in MP.

Beast Master:On useing "ATTACK"you will somtimes use"BEAST LORE"without using MP.

P.S.If you fix this thank you eventhough it is an advantige to some but for me its not like if i want to use"NECRO HEAL" it will use"UNDEAD MUTANT" same for Paladin class,if i want to use"LAY ON HANDS"i will use holy charge,so you can see my disadvantige.


Koshko -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/17/2007 1:24:58)

I was playing around with Berserker at the Hidden Treasure quest. This happened:

Berserker Hides + Iron Heart + Tsunami Edge's Special + Shirrig = First Shirrig attacked after the first hit of the special before the second. Then the subsequent animations of the second through fourth hits were at a major angle. Then the game froze.

Z -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/17/2007 2:15:51)

*Sigh* Must I do this again?


Along with your bug report, please list the following:

-Operating System (Windows XP, Vista, Mac, Linux, etc)
-Web Browser and version
-Flash player version
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug (check the AQ home page for the count)

world math -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/17/2007 10:03:17)

I was in the fire dragon war (went back in time) and had fought through the fire monsters, but when it was time to face alkiroth instead I fought a frogzard (Which was much easier), but I really wanted to fight alkiroth now as I recall my items went like this.

weapon: chill ripper (6- 26 version)
shield: gyrate
pet: Ice were
guest: none

Operating system: windows XP

LightWolf -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/17/2007 10:10:30)

i have fighted the Razorclaw and its attack trigered even the time at my guest missed
Windows xp
internet explorer
9.2 Flash

i had
(temp) Troll form
Nemesis shield
guest Brontos(he attacked whit fire and even if he missed the monster did its fire attack)
Dead Eye Cupid

stolen -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/19/2007 4:59:27)

this is more of a skill typo.
but i couldnt find a forum for it.
when wearing feral garbs and activating beastial skin, it says "bestial skin"
(level 4 beast master skill)

siddiqui2007 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/19/2007 12:17:27)

hello, i was facing Phlox in the water chamber at isle d oriens when i attacked him it said 0 then the element X sign

Operating System, windows XP

Web Browser and version, fire fox

Flash player version,adobe flash player: 9

Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug. only one character, LVL 96 guardian

Armor: reign plate
weapon: power katana
shield: nemesis shield
pet: fire were
guest: lightning minion, LVL 6 of wizard class

when i or even my pet or guest attacked it showed 0 then the element X sign and i lost with out taking out any of his HP but he attacked fine

DrJay1975 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/19/2007 14:36:18)

I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. Gilgamesh typically has 2300 or so hp, why on earth does he now have2700+? Are his hp random or level scaled or what?

Demon Master King -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/19/2007 14:38:32)

I was fighting dragons in Uneasy peace thing when suddenly no of the monsters i battle give any xp. Even after i log out and in, wait some time and stuff it wont give any xp, but my other characters can get xp at all monsters. Please reply im worried im never gonna lvl my guardian again.

Demon Master King -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/19/2007 14:56:07)

oh and sorry.. using Windows XP weapon : Zardwarts Sturdy Wand, Pet : Ultra FireWere, Shield : Gilded Shield, Armor : Gilded Plate, Guest : Dragonslayer Twilly (dont know the rest).

sean dewar5 -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/19/2007 17:38:18)

When I Go To The Rip In The Sky Then Go To The Library.
I Click On The Scroll That Has Smoke Coming out Of It
Then I Help Fight The War
But At The End I Dont Fight The Dragon...I Fight A Frogzard..........


-Operating System Windows XP
-Web Browser and version Firefox (Dunno What Version)
-Flash player version 9
-Number of Online Players during the time you had the bug (check the AQ home page for the count) Dunno

Xplayer -> RE: Monster Bugs - read the topic rules BEFORE posting. (8/19/2007 17:58:29)

A couple of FrogZard Glitches:
1. Alkiroth=Frogzard ?!?!
2. When you encounter a dark cave and decide to fight it, the moster you fight is a frogzard.

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