RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (Full Version)

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rosedragoon -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 8:51:45)

Hello I finally get to do one of these question thingies ^^

What is your favorite videogame/online game?
Age of Empires II. I play it when i'm nored, because it never gets boring ;)
How does it feel to be 'An all powerful AK'?
Any sports you play/watch?
Mainly soccer, baseball, and wakeboarding. i don't watch any though.
Favorite past time?
Giggling in a corner.. *giggles again*
Okay I'm outta questions x.x

See ya! *runs off and hits a wall*

jamboza -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 8:59:55)


Would you consider people who eat swords for a living Psycho's or just terrible cavaties?.
*swallows sword* Nah, they ain't that bad
Who are the top ten people on the forums for you?.
Waker of Wind x 10
Do you like british comedy?.
Some of it can be interesting
What do you think about austraila?.
Awesome, because of the kangaroos ;)
Do AK's get a replica staff weapon on Battleon that is relevant to the BFG? The Ak47?.
I wish...
Are there secrets which members shall never know?. Only Ak's and mods and admins?.
2 things. First, reasons why members are banned. Second, the secret recipe to granny's homemade cupcakes.
Do you belong to a forum clan?.
Do you use photoshop?.
If you dont would you like someone to make you a sig?.
It would certianly be nice of the them, but i would never use it ;)
What is your weapon of choice?. Mobile phone, Ozzy ozbourne, Ipod, Lamp, Pestle % Mortar, or pepsi can?.
I love lamp
do you have msn?.
You better not say your email adress. Too many people will add it.
Good plan...
Therefore making you = Mr popular.
Would you consider yourself already Mr popular?.
Yeah, i'm friends with 90% of the Grade 11 population :P
Rate 1/10 of overrateness.

American idol.
big brother.
Austin powers.
Alexander downer fights a seal.
10/10 ;P
Family guy.
Mr bean.
10/10. That guy is awesome...
Osama bin ladens threats.
George bush's latest press conference.
Do you support the Zidane headbutt?.
Do you hate materazzi?.
Do you hate Zidane?.
Was you ever like me? a wannabe AK?.
Not that much. I was more of a wannabe "Helpful/Creative" title person. But, more came than just that :)
What would you say to all the Wannabe AK's? (like jam).
Don't do drugs
It has got to be scary having a meet the mods thread.
Yeah, it is..
Who's questions have you feared the most?.
I thought that Evo would have some interesting questions. He had Star Wars questions though, which was awesome :D
What do wakers of winds eat?.
Where do you reside?.
My house, of course
Who is your faviroute mod?.
Ice, or Reens
well i guess that is all for now.

Oh and Congrats on your Akship!. (I envy you).
Thanks :)

BrendanTran -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 9:12:14)

hi, you like strong or hard breezes?
Strong and hard you like breezes at all?
3.are you new?
4.which do you prefer?AQ or DF?
5.whats it like to be an ak?
thats all,i might be back to put in more questions.
See ya around.

bunny overlord -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 9:17:37)

I found a loop hole in your rules!
Oh teh noes!
I can post as many comments or such as i want but as long as i have 30 or less questions!
Hehe, i took those down a while ago. More questions keeps me busy, as long as there aren't over a hundred :P
You know im bored dont you?
I do
what is your opinion on the mkia?
I looked at a thread once, and it seemed fairly odd.
I cant think of anything else?
*evil laugh*
*flies off in a puff of smoke*

Rimblade -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 9:25:58)

Wow! It's Wakuh of da windies!
Uh oh. teh Rim Ba-lade!
If you could choose to have one day renamed on the calander, what would you rename it?
I'd rename Dec.26 to "The day after Christmas". Genious, eh?
If you could choose to have one animal replace this big AE dragon thing at the upper corner of the screen, what would it be?
If there was one question that you could magically force everyone to stop asking, what would it be?
"How is it like to be an AK?" Gawd, they should know the answer would be along the lines of "Cool". Heh.
If you had only one minute to make teh Rimblade shut up, how would you do it?
Give him a cup of straws, and tell him to build an airplane
What is the reciprocal of the meaning of life?
When Bush reaches World War 6.
What is your favorite wind instriment?
teh Wind Waker, of course.
Now, what would you do if it exploded? [:(]
NOOOOOO!!! [&o][&o]
I'd better go <.< >.>.... they're watching meh....
See ya teh Rimblade, have fun AKing :D

adamgore -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 10:36:25)

whats your favorite movie ?
have you ever heard of fullmetal alchemist ?
I've heard the name before, but i have no idea what it actually is :P
if you could have one super power what whould it be ?
Mind Control
whats your favorit part of being an archknight ?
Sending the Warning PMs ;)
well thats all I can think of for know bye

Azerkail -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 11:25:57)

Hello thar, Mr. of Winds.
Do you know who I am?
Do you know what I do around here?
No clue
Do you remember me?
Hey! Were you the one that stole my USB cable???
Do you own a car?
Nope, not old enough yet >.>
If so, what kind?

If you were to be incased in a 8 by 8 by 8 foot cube of gelatin, what flavor would it be?
If you were freefalling from 35,000 feet, what would you like to land on?
A small plastic cup full of water
I am Azerkail of the MKIA. KillerTane starts with a K. On Tuesday, what will be your favorite color?
teh Blue
Ever visit the MKIA threads of the OOC? I hear they are killer this time of year?
I looked at one of them once. I have a slight idea of what is about :P
Are you in High School?
If so, what classes?
I currently have Math, Marine Tech, History, and Accounting. Next semester i have English, Science, Phys Ed, and Computer Sciences.
So... Wii or no Wii?
No Wii. The 8x8x8 cube of gelatin sounds better.
Is Link the most awesomest Nintendo character?
Nope. Nintendo has no "best" character ;)
In a fight, who would win, Azerkail or Link?
I think that the question mark will, 'course.
Warning: If you answer any answer that is not "Azerkail" to the previous question, your supervisor will be notified.
What's your favorite color?
Choices: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet.
teh Blue
What's your favorite color?
Choices: Magenta, Red-Orange, Highlighter, Vermillion, Azul, Purple, Red-Blue.
Lying about your favorite color makes you feel...
That is all, your interrogation is done. ^^
Good bye, Mr. of Winds. =P
Good bye, Mr. Azerkail =P

Xabi -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 11:56:31)

Do you live with your parents?
Yep, i'm planning to move out as soon as i get out of high school :)
Do you have a pet?
2 Ferrets
Do you have a job?
Part time at Wal-Mart
Are you still in education?
What is your favourite online IM service?
MSN, because it's the only one i use ;P
Do you have a partner?
What television service do you have, if indeed you have a television?
Bell Sympatico Sattelite. It's great.
Do you watch wrestling?
I used to, but now i find it boring... *yawns*

kaden shugiro -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 11:58:07)

prepare to fall off your chair from my number of questions!!
do you know about: THE MUTANT ZOMBIE VEGETABLES!!).
Yep, I ate those last night. My stomach hurts...
do you have a mac or a pc.
which is funnier: a mime pretending to be trapped in a box, or a mime actually trapped in a box.
A mime pretending. Then you can actually throw stuff at him. If the mime were actually in a box, then that would just be no fun ;)
do you like ice cream?
if so, what kind.
Any kind suits me
what's the most embarrasing thing to ever happen to you?.
I'd rather not say it [;)]
do you think you change your name to haalimos dovorgan?
do you like skydiving?
Never tried it. I don't think i ever will either... My fear of height builds up more every day.
have you ever?
Yep, i have ever.
if you have, and you had no parachute, what would happen to you, being a waker of wind's.?
I would land face first if i had no parachute XD
do you like mario?
ever played mario?.
if there was a massive army of chipmunk's and gecko's VS, squirrel's and salamander's, who would win?.
Geckos would betray the chipmunks, then destroy every specie in the world.
do you like france?
do you like talk like a pirate day?
if so, have you beaten it?
Nope. I start to get bored near the end, then quit XD
have you fallen off your chair yet?
A few times
if so, i'm going to keep going.
Darn! :P
if you were trapped in a box with another mime, what would happen?
I would have to throw stuff at him, like my shoes.
what's the worst thing to happen to you.
I'd rather not say it [;)]
if you had no arm's or leg's, do you think that would be fun?
Yeah, I'd have to walk with my ears.
i'm out of question's.
if you said good then i reply with
MUHAHAHAHAHAHA(huge cloud of smoke swarm's around me and there is a bang, the smoke dissapear's and i start coughing and gagging and then run away.
Ha! you have been foiled!

halo nerd -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 12:00:19)


First 3 favorite holidays?
birthday, christmas, and summer holidays ;)
Do you like colors?
No way. Colours are stupid >.<
Do you like....

Flying monkeys from the wizard of oz?
I like flying monkeys from anywhere
Naruto (..........)
Heh, no.
Dat es all.
That was a lie.
Like my sig?
*crosses out all but Yoda* Love it!
DAT es all.

Eon Het -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 12:24:24)

All new AK's must go to the Identification Centre. Yes, that means you.
Uh oh
(3 hours later...)

Would you rather prefer dark rooms and jelly, or zombies and a smelly hideout?
If there is jelly, i'm in.
Are you related to the Yetiha Clan?
What do you know about the chemical WOWSCZY?
Did you go through a training facility before you came to the forums?
Yep, there was only one mission though. Find the wardrobe that led to Narnia.
Do you have anything that qualifies as a "Doomsday Weapon"?
Sadly, yes.
Why are you looking at me like that?
You have not passed. Next!
No!!! I demand a retest!

lillerare -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 12:35:49)

Hello Waker of Wind.
Hello lillerare
hows life?
hows forum life?
...Annoying. Answering a lot of questions isn't the most fun thing to do :P
hows AQ life?
Those Sneaks can get annoying
how did u find AQ?
I stopped by the library for a drink of water, and some people were playing it. The best thing was, the server was never full back in '03 :D
how did u find the AQ forums?=P
I needed to ask a question in Q&A when i first started, so i followed the link to the forums. Funny, now i moderate Q&A ;P
do you got any pets?
2 ferrets
do you know what kind of animal a Degus is?
...Isn't it a type of mouse? If not, then Google will save me :)
have you ever used any of the PC language like lol or rofl in real life?
Once, when i was purposly annoying my younger cousins.
whats your favourite TV channel?
have you ever played Shadow the Hedgehog?
whos your favourite Sonic the Hedgehog character?
I don't know anyone from it, other than Sonic ;)
*snuggles Waker of Winds*
*makes the boat shopkeeper voice from Windwaker* Bye.
Silly lillerare, tricks are for kids.

Pizza Snuffles -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 13:27:32)

Hi there Link.
Correction, it is Ron Burgundy, legendary anchorman! :D
What are your evil doings this time?
Changing all the rules in Q&A to what i want... wait, did i say that out loud? oh noes!!
Ebay sucks. HA What do you say to that!
Hey, remember the thing, the thing you said to me? Hey remember the thing I send ya-*gets shot*AHHH!!!!!

Wingman -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 14:41:22)

Am I God?
No way
If I'm not God, who is?
Why did you choose your name as "Waker of Winds"?
It is Waker of Wind.... heh, it was the first thing that popped up in my mind.
AQ or DF?
Why is Daedric Daeglos so cool?
Because of his mind control powers.
How can I make Daedric uncool?
By mocking him right after he posts :)
Do you have the ability to simply look at a thread and lock it? Or do you have to check a little box :P?
Silly Wingman, only Evo can do that by using the force ;)
Bye for now!
C ya

Nuclearnerd -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 14:47:41)


Weren't you an ak for a couple of months before this?
Nope, it will be one month on Sept.22
How do you feel about canadians being made into bacon?(canadian bacon...0.o)
Silly cannibals >.>
Do you play dragonfable?
Yep, i'm not a very high level though.
What's your faveorite part of being an ak?
The fact that i can help out more, and actually delete topics ;)
Was the above already asked?
Yes... >.<
Will you click my sig?
No way, clicking sigs is one of my phobias.
And post? That wasy to ak's will have posted there.
must... resist...
Thanks for answering my questions!

new6 -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 15:31:38)

why is the world round?
Because we are actually living on a giant tennis ball
do you like pie?
do you have a gf ... in real life
have you ever kissed a girl?
Many times
do people asking you alot of questions make you mad?
If it is under 50 questions, then i'm somewhat happy :)
why is your name waker of the wind
WAKER OF WIND. NOT "THE". Ahem... because i chose it [;)]
do you play arch knight
I played it for 3 days, but it got boring.
r you a boy or a a girl
teh boy.
whats your middle name
Brooks. I go by that as my first name though
whats your nick name
Puddin'. Don't ask...
how old are you
15. 16 in October
do you think pee wees play house is a good show. or a funny one
Never watched it...
what do you put on a hot dog and a hambuger
Ketchup only
do you put ketchup on left or right
The middle
why do girls play hard to get
I've never found it like that ;)
am i done asking you questions?
Look like it

Coppo -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 16:00:01)

Hello Waker!
Congratulations on becoming an Archknight!
Thanks :)
Do you see this job as Archknight leading to a dream job?
Not really
Will you be putting "Forum Archknight" on your Curriculum Vitae?
I doubt it. I'll have too many other things to put on it...
James Arnold Taylor or Will Friedle?
I hope you enjoy your role as Archknight, and farewell!
I hope that I do aswell, and thanks! :)

Asterion -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 16:37:26)

Am I Asterion?
If not who is?
Asterion is, of course.
Where'd I get the name Asterion?
You didn't. Only the member named Asterion knows that [;)]
*starts singing* Did you ever know that you're my heeeeerrroooooooooo?
'Course, I'm everybody's hero :P

Kain8976543 -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 16:38:00)

do you think radio will kill the vedio star?
Nope. I think that the annoyingness of the song will deafen the Video Star ;)
if you could have any type of elemental power what would you have?
Probably hail storms. Of course, each chunk of hail would weigh 2 lbs.
how does it feel to be a new AK?
do you like cell-shaded LoZ or the origanal look.
I like the original look
what would you do if you had the ability to "trance"? (like in FF9)
Make sure that i build it up for a rampage.
what is your faverite(typo...) Final Fantasy game?
I've never been an FF fan...
have you ever liked Modest Mouse?
Not really.
what is the meaning of life?
sword, dagger, or staff?
do you like RPGs?
Some of them
do you like beef-jerky?
Yes! :)
so long for now.

Twitch -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 16:41:14)

Ok, lets rock this out!

Do you enjoy your Archknight position?
Yep :)
Do you ever get pushed down because your young?
Chocolate or Toffee?
Toast or Cereal?
Most irritating AQ monster?
Orc Horde. I hate the loooong fight...
Fav AQ sword?
Cryo Crystal Shard. Too bad I sold it...
Spikey or flat hair?
Fav AQ gal?
Valencia. Purple hair = teh pwnzors :P
Artix: Ownzor Paladin or Sissy momma's boy?
Sissy, of course.
Fav flavour of PIE?
Apple =)
October is an awesome month to have your birthday ay' (Mines on the 1st :P)?
Sure is. It's the perfect time to go paintballing for your birthday party :) Summer is way too hot.
Action, Puzzle or Adventure games?

Like my sig?
That sword is horrible!! *hides*
Am I good at questions?
Pretty good
Ok, I'm done. XD

Tenseiga -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 17:29:17)

First time Im doing one of these :P... no really.... Im not lying :P... I might be lying

1. Was I lying? Answer right for 2 kajillion dollars :P. Ice says: yes you were ... Meet the Knights of Order .. 2 kajillion dollars please [;)]
2. Ever play oracle of seasons/ oracle of time LoZ on GB color?
I've played Seasons, not not Ages
3. if so which one was your favorite?
...Seasons ;)
4. How's life in Canada treating you?
5. Freshman or Sophomore?
High School Senior
6. I never liked Anchorman... why do you like it so?
Because it is awesome... I bet everyone disagrees with you :P
7. Any reason why you're attracted to LoZ games or is it just because of a green guy in a tunic?
I've always found them fun to play. It hate the tunic/skirt :o
8. Thats it I guess :P....
9. No, one more question please........ just kidding j/k that was really it :P.
*insert horrible reply here*

ZeroHex82 -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 17:40:14)

No! With apple juice!
Do you like cereal?
If so, what kind?
Any kind that does not have raisons.
What kind of milk do you like with cereal?
The white milk
Is cereal good with milk or what!?
Cereal, 1-10?

OMGOMGOMGOMG!!!1111!11! ...I mean, nope.
A horse?
Who isnt?
A cricket hater?
Sport or insect? Both are special in their own way ;)
A loner?
A poser?
Do you like fish?
I have a fish, do you?
I used to
What kind of fish is your favorite?
Siamese Fighting Fish
Did you ever kill a fish?
If so your mean!
Heh, teh Waker is not mean then :)
No way :/
But, i don't hate fish ;)
I tried burning in a fire once, it stings.
Do you like...

Sean Paul?
Rob Zombie?
Yo mama jokes?
Fat monkeys?
Oh yes, my favourite
Single celled organisms?
No, they are boooring
What do these abbreviations mean?
Rolling on floor laughing
Laugh my arse off (...)
Oh my god!
Zoh my god!
be right back
It means many different things... I guess Back On-Line is suited here.
be back later
teh ZOMG
Yo mama.
No, yo mama.
Potato chips.
Bag of potato chips
Hold your tongue and say: I was born on a pirate ship XD
Ever seen these movies?

Face Off
War Of The Worlds
Darkness Falls
White Noise
Stir Of Echoes
Sleepy Hollow
Pirates Of THe Caribbean
Ok, i'm done.
Thanks for answering all my questions.
No problem
Farewell, and may the force be with you.
*falls off chair and lands on the Anchorman DVD* NOOO!!

Kilokk -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 18:07:57)

Hello Waker of Wind
what do u like best about being an AK?
The modding powers ;)
Whats your favorite type of music?
Punk or Hard Rock. Can't decide
whats your favorite band?
Avenged Sevenfold
If your favorite is rock then whats your favorite kind?
Hard Rock :)
whats your favorite food?
twilly, twig or zorbak?
Twilly. Twig is plainly stupid, and Zorbak is purple *thumbs down* :P
whats your favorite tv show?
Family Guy
do you like canada?
do you get payed for being an ak?
Nope. Believe it or not, none of the game staff get paid either. They must have other jobs, and just volunteer to help out.
what do you do for fun? (besides computer activities)(specific activity)
I enjoy biking, wakeboarding, and sea-dooing (in the summer). There aren't any exciting things in the winter though
do you like any of the Jay and Silent Bob movies? (Clerks, Mall Rats, Dogma, Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, Clerks II...)
Kinda, not too much

now respond with the first thing that comes to mind please

Brick Wall
theres a message in my alpabits......... it says oooooooooooo
Uh oh, ghostly phenomemon is haunting you!
I was gonna clean my room...
... Am i still supposed to say the first thing that comes to mind? XD
yes but oh well...
thats all i can think of............ i'll be back...........WITH WEAPONS!!!!
Oh no...

wiffy -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 22:16:21)

hey buddy, whats up?
Not too much

how do you become an AK? Read "The One FAQ topic" pinned to the top of this forum - Ice
What Ice said...

since you're an AK can you be in a clan(on the forums)?
I can, but i have never bothered joing one.

do you believe im the chimp lord?

can i be an AK!?!?!?!? Read "The One FAQ topic" pinned to the top of this forum - Ice
What Ice said... :P

Do you collect anything?
I used to collect Pokemon Cards, but that was back when i was 7 or 8 years old :P

you and i are Teh Pwnzorz!!!!
No way, only me!

Whats it like in Canada?
Peaceful, unlike some countries...

how would you feel if i asked you an algebra question?
Go ahead, as long as it isn't some huge random equation that you will make up :)

if 1 is an ace, and 2 is a deuce, then whats three?
Three is a number, of course.

whats your favorite out of these?: chimp, chimp that looks like zelda, or chimp?
teh chimp

whats the first word that comes to mind when i say:

Waker of Wind

are you my friend?
No way! :o

a+b+c=c+b+a, true or false

true or false: you and i are Teh Pwnzorz!!!!!!

could i be your assistant and have "Waker Of Winds Assistant" replace where it says "Member"?
Heh, no :P

what do you think of this: LoZ
I'm too lazy to watch it :P

would you reccmend me for AK'ship?
I wouldn't reccommend anyone, there were just 8 new AKs over the last month...



all for now, bye

Densoro -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 22:46:40)

Awesome! Another LoZ fanboy =D Nice to meet you ^^
Nice to meet you too :)
Anyway, on to the questions! Link > ALL. True or false? (>_>)
False. Ron Burgundy > ALL
Favorite song from any LoZ game? (Mine's the Song of Storms =D)
That's probably mine too...
Are you gonna get Twilight Princess? And if so, how impatient are you for it to come out? XD
I doubt it. I'll just wait for one of my friends to get it :P
Who do you think is cooler, Link or Pit?
Link. Pit is odd...
Ok, I think I'm out of random LoZ-related stuff to ask ^_^; See ya!

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