RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (Full Version)

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Revenant of AQ -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 23:12:09)

1A. why are u the waker of wind why not a simple windwakah?
Because windwakuh is too old school. Waker of Wind is new school ;)
1B.can u awnser in pink? >:) (DESTROY YOURE DIGNITY!)
2. do u like pie?
3Pie in the face?
yep cool
sure you are :P
5.meh tooo
yes... link cool?
yep links brother cool?
no way! :) u want to know whos links brother is?
9.if so please Pm me >:)
Ha, i shall not PM you :P
10. bye!
See ya

Crystal Lion -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/16/2006 23:35:18)

Do you like Lions?
What would you do if all roads went to the giant trashcan?
I would be confuzzled
Do you like seafood?I don't!
Some seafood is good... but not all of it.
You want to see my story?Click the picture in my sig.
*teh clickzors*
Do you know what Jungle Cubs is?
...Cubs in the jungle?
Are you Chinese?
Do you like potatoes?
[sarcasm] Of course, i eat them just like apples! [/sarcasm]

Fulcan Ryst -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/17/2006 12:49:56)

What's your favorite flavour of Chocolate? (milk, white, dark)
Do you like Penguins?
If you had one super power what would it be?
Mind control, of course.
What's your favorite AQ element?
Favorite Armour?
Hmm... probably Jolly Old Armor
Favourite NPC!?!?
Favourite Non-AQ video games?
3 of my favs would be Fable, Dead Rising, and last but not least, Frogger! (yes, Frogger...)
Do you like Kingdom Hearts II?
I've never played it...
If so, what's your favourite keyblade?
no comment...
Do you agree with my userbar?
Nope. Everybody wishes that they were Santa Claus!
Will you make me a helpful?
*makes you helpful*
Favorite colour?
Have you seen Talledega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby?
Sadly, no. I was on vacation when it was at the movie theatre.
What do you wish you had in AQ that is now rare. I wish I had Dark Wartexx... or Reaper's Toothpick...
I wish i had Eye of Carnax (strongest)
That is all for now... Or is it?
...Is it not?

Hehehehe, no it isn't...
Where do you hail from?
The clouds
Favourite letter of the Alphabet?
Umm... G?
Favourite Band?
Avenged Sevenfold
Favourite AQ player named FulcanX?
Hmm... probably Fulcanx
I'm running out of questoins...
I like this girl... Should I ask her out if my parents don't want me to have a girlfriend?
If your parents don't want you do, then i wouldn't suggest it ;) My friend did that, and his dad wouldn't stop embarrasing him infront of his GF... lol
Thanks for the advice, WoW, (you know thats World of Warcraft too right?)
No prob. Yeah, my name is World of Warcraft XD

the panda master -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/17/2006 13:26:57)

*ebil laugh* bet u didnt expect to see me again [;)]
Oh no!
question one did the translation of san diego get lost in the centuries?
I thought so, but Veronica Corningstone corrected me >.<
Q 2 favorite anchorman character ( ron, brick, champ, brian?)
Brick! :P
Q3 wasnt it random at the end with Baxter and the bear?
It certianly was
Q4 how did u become an AK did they just ask u or did u hang around the Q&A?
I hung around Q&A, then i got asked
Q5 what is your favorite TV station
Fox. It is the only channel that has new Family Guy episodes on Sunday...
Q6 do u know what lock-jaw is? if so what are the signs so if u can tell if u are going to get it because i think i might be getting it[:(]
Yep. I don't know much about it, but the basic sign is horrible muscle cramps everywhere on your body. It is very rare and theres a small risk of death, so i hope you aren't getting it... :-O
Until next time *insert an extremly long ebil laugh here*
*When laugh is over* Gah! Finally! Bye ;)

kaden shugiro -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/17/2006 13:45:29)

meheheheh,(dart's eye's around.) you didn't know you would be forced to again endure a large amount of question's from me!.

how did you become an Ak
I got asked
what priviledge's does an AK get?
Locking, deleting, moving, etc. The powers that mods get, but only is assigned forums.
if your answer was icemaster yeti asked me. then what do you think you did to prompt him to do that?. Read "The One FAQ topic" pinned to the top of this forum - Ice
Yeah, everything is answered there... I basically got his trust.
got any tip's for how to become a AK, mod, or administrator? Read "The One FAQ topic" pinned to the top of this forum - Ice
Yeah... read that
favorite kind of sandwich?
Peanut butter and honey
favorite weapon in AQ
Cryo Cristal Shard
favorite class?
Hmm.. Dracomancer
favorite element?
I can't decide between Fire or Ice.
who's your favorite character in AQ
Ever since the new clans came out, i can't decide between all the new clan leaders...
nice moderating you've been doing.
Thanks :)
Yes, the Horde!
did you ever blame the flying monkey's?
Once, but i didn't get away with it.
are you really the waker of wind's?
Nope, just an imposter.
paper or plastic?
are you sane?
how's life?
Pretty good
do you like lord of the ring's?
A bit
i'm gonna take your cookie jar and eat it!
You can eat the cookie jar, but I won't let you eat the cookies!
do you want a burnt bagle?
hug's waker of wind's.
so...... i think i can't think of any more question's.
say something funny.
Err... moo?
got any realy witty comment's?
Not at the moment
watch futurama?
I used to
family guy?
if so, yay!
dun dun dun.....
Uh oh.
good-bye waker of wind's.
Good bye
Yay! (one second later) aww...
maybe not.
this is a lot of question's isn't it.
Yes, A LOT...
i'm getting a lot of typing practice.
(goes to find more amusing question's.).

i like the artix enertainment ad.
the dragon biting the ad.
I think i've seen that one.. i never remember the ads though :P
if you could make me a mod would you?
Nope ;)
why not?
Wow, you already knew i was going to say No! Your psychic O.o
do you know what a phobia is?
you know what a really bad one is?.
Hmm, i can think of a few
antidepaphobia: the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you!.
ever walked up to a random person and said: man, it feel's good to be a hamster!.
try it
I may
it's fun.
Must be
have you hugged your hamster lately?
I don't have a hampster... ;)
(heart attack).

Eon Het -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/17/2006 15:26:20)

Since you asked so "nicely" for a retest, I will give you another chance. However, it will be 2 times as bad, 5 times as worse, and 10 times as evil.
That's no fair >.<
Which would you rather prefer? A PM saying that you are no longer an AK, or a letter from the police that you are under arrest for illegal spamming?
A letter from the police. That way, i can show them my illegal spamming license.
Are you an agent of Zorbak/Kabroz?
Ice pick throught the brain, or stake through the heart?
Ice pick. I could get a splinter from a wooden stake, you know.
Ack! My ears!
Who would win between Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee?
Bruce Lee. He can block the roundhouse kicks.
What is the difference between a geek, a nerd, and a genius?
A geek is obsessed with computers. A nerd is a geek that lacks Fitness (and sometimes hygiene) . A genius is simply S-M-A-R-T.
Which invention is more important: Pencil/Pen?
I will tell you your score once you finish the retest.
I can't wait...

Zabuza gaz Nail -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/17/2006 16:33:17)

So whats new?
Not too much
Do you like waffles?
Who doesn't?
Does the word Moo mean anything to you?
It is the meaning of life to me.
Naruto; Good or bad?
Bad, from my point of view.
Chuck Norris; God or just some guy with a cowboy hat?
Some guy with a cowboy hat.
have you ever tried mixing coke and mentos?
Nope, but i think i'll try it sometime ;)
was it cool?

Do you like Slipknot?
Not really
Do you Like JTHM?
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac? I've never really been interested in it.
i like Jthm.
Do you and Maxwel hang out in some cafe eating bacon cheese burgers?
are you a zombie?
if so are you a cool zombie?
Nope, i'm the most unpopular in town.
Steve Irwin Died...
Well, we all saw it coming. That guy was insane.
do you like CowBoy Bebop?
Can't say i do.
Do you play cards with WestWind?
If you do, what do you play?
Blackjack, but it can get boring.
SporkGoddess; Great or 1337?
i gotta go get my holloween coustume...
I never go out for Halloween. The leftover candy is fine for me [;)]
See ya

devils majo -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/17/2006 16:39:41)

If you are Ron Burgandy and I am Brick...
What would you say if you saw me holding a Grenade?
Brick, where did you get that grenade??
What if i hit a guy in the chest with a trident?
Brick, you killed a guy!
Anyways, enough with the Anchorman questions (although I am appalled you have only seen the movie three times)
Well, I may watch it 12 more times next weekend ;)
Favorite Df weapon (for the looks)?
That's a hard decision. I'd have to say Shadow Reaper of Doom. i can't think of any other cool looking weapons at the moment...
Favorite kind of Cheese?
Processed cheese :)
What questions did you hate about my post?
The DF weapon one. I actually had to think XD
And last.... i hope you reign long and happily as an AK.
Thanks, and bye.

NINdeathfromair -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/17/2006 16:40:08)

I dont have many questions
Phew. Answering too many questions is horrible!
first concert?
Warped Tour
rap or rock?
uhh so what is the worst thing in history in your opinion?
When Hitler killed Millions of Jews. That is just sickening.
hair color?
Brown, with some small natural blonde streaks.
play an instrument?
Drums. I pwn everyone i know at them :)
Best vocalist lanyne staely from AIC or Bradley Nowell from sublime?
I'd have to say Layne Staley.
Thank you!!
No problem ;)

Dagorin ShadowCaster -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/17/2006 18:31:00)

Whats your fav. Game?
If you mean by ANY game at all, then Lego Star Wars II. That game is AWESOME!
Do you play Aq more than DF or less?
I used to play DF more, but now I play them about equally.
if you could merge DF and AQ would you?
Nah. I like it the way it is right now...
Does the sun set in mountains or trees?

Lego3400 -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/17/2006 19:24:59)

Lets see questions....
Want a waffle while i think of some questions?
*accepts waffle*
63 seconds later....
Nope nothing...
4,232 seconds later?
oh Do you fear time?
Nope, time is my best friend XD
Yeah i've pretty much run out of questions...
Wow... [;)]

Black Luster Soldier -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/17/2006 22:05:30)

Lets Begin the Questions

If you could eliminate any question what would it be?
"What do you enjoy most about being an AK?" it pops up way too much...
Whats your Favorite month (excluding you birthday month )?
Whats the most annoying monster in AQ?
Elite Zeel. Gawd! I hate those!
Do you like Yu-Gi-Oh GX?
Am i evil?
Do you like my sig?
It's okay.
Does my name sound cool?
Cooler than some other forums names i have seen (that wasn't directed at anybody specific) [;)]
Well thats all i got for now But i will be back

ashes -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/17/2006 23:13:34)

Hey, long time watcher first time ^ ^

Do you read cntrl alt delete?
I've heard of the name, but i have no idea what is about. So, nope.
Whos your favorite "forumite" other then me of honest.
I'd have to say SCAKK
Do you beleive in luck?
Not at all
Got a girl?
If so describe......
About 5'5'', long blonde hair with black streaks, and, umm, good looking [;)]
Whats your favorite internet slang term?
"ZOMG". Even though it has no meaning whatsoever.
Whats your favorite expression ^ ^?

Stave -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/18/2006 1:49:39)

Well I was bored so I saw this and felt like asking questions*sighs*here it goes.

On LoZ wind waker have you done everything? Like get all hearts adn chests and stuff? I have I was wandering if you did to so that I am not alone lol.
No, i don't have the patience to complete everything...

Fav movie?
Anchorman ;)
Fav music band?
Avenged Sevenfold
Other gameses you play?
I don't play any other Internet games, but I enjoy playing Age of Empires III, and Age of Mythology. Those games are pretty fun.
What games you hate alot and bands you hate and movies?
Game: That's So Raven. Band: Alexisonfire (I can't stand them). Movie: The Village...
Are my posts annoying? I think you have seen them around here somewhere*looks around as he says this*
I've seen you post before, but I can't remember what the posts were about. So, I truly have no idea. Also, i'm too lazy to look at your post history [;)]
Oy I gotta keep asking questions so the boredom does not hit me! Um lets see....when did you join the forums?
Uh oh, not more questions! I joined on 12/17/2005 according to my profile.
How long playing on AQ and DF?
I started AQ on Feb 14, 2004. I played for a few months, then quit, and started playing again on Dec 1, 2005. I started DF sometime in April '06, i think.
2 ferrets
What do you like more? Night or day? Or any other typoes of day.
Day. It is usually more exciting
Favourite season?
Favourite month?
Hated month, season, and type of day.
January, Autumn, and morning.
Favourite animal?
Yeti ;)
Whats your favourite smily like this XD <.< ;D?
Favourite fud?(food)
Most hated fud?
On LoZ games like wind waker do you make up your own moves? I do they look cool.
I try, but they suck ;)
Thats it. Hope this was not annoying. Well hope being a AK is not annoying for yeah :D
It hasn't been too annoying yet, and thanks :)

melekain -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/18/2006 5:59:23)

Hey WoW (lol).
Sorry. but i didn't know that you was an A.K [8D] .
Neither did I...
What are the games that you play?
AQ, DF, random other games on the Internet XD I go on Xbox Live sometimes, and there are too games on there to list.
What are your favourite movies?
Anchorman, Star Wars series, and of course, Jackass 2 :)
Well... i don't have much to say.... so bye..

Grae of the Eventide -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/18/2006 8:22:58)

After reading through, most of my questions suddenly seem useless, and inadequate *le sigh*
soooo, ummm....

do you drink the sweet nectar of life known as coffee?
Nope, i hate the flavour.
if you could pick any new subrace for AQ, what would it be?
Moron. Even though the staff uncommonly use it, everyone should be able to be a moron :)
as an AK, are you allowed to say #@*%?
can i say #@*%?
Well, you just did..
is becoming an AK just a minor step towards world domination? or just a hostile takeover?
I have to enlist slavery in every country first, so World Domination will be much easier.
ye wanna join me crew of Brigands?[sm=Wuneye.jpg] c'mon, ye know ye wanna...
Pfft..Bridages ;)
How often do you answer these?
This thread is my first major answering job. I sometimes get random Pms asking questions, but that isn't very common.
teacher strike, huh? (yes, i did read the previous posts....) what'd you do with your time?
Wow, you are probably the first one to read previous posts... I went biking. That is always fun :)
are you polytheistic, monotheistic, atheist, or secret answer D?
well, congrats on your knighting as an AK, you're doing a great job so far! annndddd, if i have more questions, i'll ask! good day to you sir, good day.
Thanks, and bye! :D

Legasee -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/18/2006 12:22:44)

Wow, I actually decided to come back again. What do you think.. insanity?
Pure insanity
What are your favourite tv programs?
Family Guy, umm.... yeah that's pretty much it :P I mainly watch movies on TV.
Do you watch Lost? And if so, don't you just hate Jack with all your heart, all your cells, and all your nerves? Maybe even your organs? o.O
Don't watch it... :(
What do you prefer out of the two, DF or AQ? I have never actually ventured into DF, really can't stand to commit myself to two addictive games >.>;
I prefer AQ. I just play DF so I have something to do when I get bored of AQ... It's still a great game though.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
Slavery. Every human will turn into my slave!
How would you cope if you were locked in a room with Brick Tamland?
I would simply ask him random questions, expecting random answers. That would keep me amused for a while...

Bert -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/18/2006 23:07:57)

Hi Waker of Wind
How does it feel to be a AK?
Were you suprised when you became one?
Necro or Paladin?
I prefer Paladin, but I use Necro for the Undead Mutant ;)
Do you like AQ?
What is your favorite animal?
Have I asked enough questions?
Well, i'd prefer no questions at all :P Answering hundreds of questions is tiring...
whats your favorite Mod or AK?
what is your favorite TV show?
Family Guy
when did you become a AK?
Aug 22nd
what is your favorite genre of movies Horror/action/comedy/sci fi/or romance?
I prefer comedy and horror. I fit some romance movies in too :P
Thats all for now bye!

Shadow728Reborn -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/19/2006 17:01:49)

sup Waker, couple of random questions, as if you hadnt had enough of them
If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
Because if you didn't buy her fruends, she wouldn't be popular anymore!
Why doesnt glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
Because air doesn't get at it.
Do you personally think that the necromancer armor is overpowered?
Is It really worth getting the NMM, Or should I stick with trying to get the Elite Ice Katana?
Uh oh, read Rule #2 [;)] Both are good weapons, but the answers in Equipment Comparion would be much better.
How's that Dark Wartexx workin for ya? I've been meaning to get it, but its BTH gives me the creeps.
The one thing I hate is that the special barely hits. Armors like NmP give it a BTH bonus, so that helps a bit. Overall, it surely is the best darkness weapon IMO.
Have you beaten the final challenge in the arena?
Not yet. I never get lucky with the Guardian Angel...
Do you only work on one character, or do you have multiple characters that you focus on?
I have a secondary that I play sometimes. He is only level 45 though.
Have you ever seen the movie/ the series, Highlander?
Sorry, no.
If you havent, you should
I guess I should ;)
If you have, congradulations, your life is that much closer to being complete

...there can be only one

Anchorman was a great movie, my favorite part being when he blew the conch to assemble the News team...Will Ferrell made that movie great....come to think of it....he makes every movie he's in great...not really a I must turn it into one...Your thoughts?
I dislike some of Ferrell's movies, especially Talladega Nights. That was a horrible movie... other than that, his humour style is great.
Pokemon, ye or nay?
If you could own any one weapon, what would it be?
Grass Blade!
Last question....are you an immortal? *senses quickening*
Yep, teh WoW is immortal.

KoibatlupeSnowager -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/19/2006 17:06:31)

*appears in a puff of fire-feathers*
Hi Mr Waker!
What can I call you besides 'Waker of Wind'? Mister Waker? Mister Wind? WindWaker? The Waker of the Sleeping Winds?
"Waker" is probably the easiest :P
Do you like:
Harry Potter(the books not the movies)
Great books
The Inheritance Trilogy(by Christopher Paolini)
I started reading it, but then I lost the book...
The Darren Shan books(by Darren Shan)
Sorry, never read them.
The Lord of the Rings(the books), The Silmarillion and The Hobbit?
I read The Hobbit in English Class 2 years ago. it was a great book, but I haven't read the other ones.
Blueberry coffee?
These questions?
What's your favorite kind of coffee or tea?
I dislike coffee, but Herbal and Raspberry Tea is great.
Do you play Neopets?
Which is better:
Coffee or Tea?
Tea! XD
Snow or Ice?
Who do you like better; Icemaster Yeti or Falerin(the Loremaster)?
I don't commonly see Falerin, so I'm forced to say teh Icemaster.
And... last but not least: What do you think about the fact that any Adventurer with a Fire/Dark Blade of AWE can now summon the Guardian Dragon?
It's interesting, but I don't think that I would spend the tokens for it...
Byeee! *transforms into a Royal Female Eyrie and flies off*
Everyone always leaves... doesn't anyone want to stay for tea? XD

stromy -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/19/2006 17:20:31)

Hi :)
So you're a 15/16 year old High School Senior?
Did you skip some grades?
Nope, I have never skipped or failed a grade. I was asked to skip grade 3, but I didn't.
Biking, video games, and anything involving water ;)
Favorite subject in school?
Do you play hockey? (just wondering b/c I play and am from Northern Minnesota)
What college (if any) do you want to go to?
Sadly, I'm still trying to decide.
Political affiliation/ideology?
I've always hated politics, so I have nothing to say.
AQ/DF level?
AQ - main is level 94. DF - Main is level 16.
Pi or Pie?
Pie, of course ;)
Ever been to Lac Seul to fish?
Not yet
How long have you been posting on the forums/playing AQ?
I created my forum account 12/17/2005. I first played AQ in late 2003. The character under my avatar doesn't say that, but i forgot the password of my very first account...
Bye! :)
See ya!

PaladinKody -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/19/2006 21:27:46)

-pokes with Ninja Paladin's sharp stick- Herro Ron.
Do ya ever watch any law/CSI shows?
Nah, i've never been interested
Ever watch court TV? (teh guys there are stupidly funny...)
Nope... ;)
How long would it take to record the exact value of Pi?
14.3 years
If Joe has 2 apples, and Bob has 1, why don't they shut up and eat their apples?
Because they are from Antarctica, and have to ask questions about the "new" species first.
If you could assassinate someone, who would it be? o.o
Bush. Doesn't everyone want to?
What ish your favoritesht shmiley?
[sm=AQ-GeckoSmile1.jpg]...Gecko! :P
Ever huggled Zorbak or Kabroz?
Nope, that's a bad idea.
You have one minute to live. What do you do?
Run around for one minute
A nuclear bomb is attached to your arm and will blow up in the next 43.2312 seconds. And a knife is held on your right. Suicide or let the bomb blow? (either way Canada is screwed...)
I would cut the yellow cord on the bomb!
Have you had fun yet?
What limbs have you broken before?
None yet.
If you pick another place in order to manage in AKinization, where would you do it at?
Russia :)
LoZ: Twilight Princess is on PS3 and Xbox360. Which version do you pick?
360, because I have one :P
Am I done yet?
Doesn't look like it
Are you annoyed now?
Kinda. I'm always annoyed by answering everybody's questions ;)
-whacks with Kal's nerfbat-

-drinks some coffee made from Reen's capphichino maker-

Want some?
How do you feel when a 20-page book report is erased, because your computer is so screwed up like that?
I'd blame the butler *wishes I had a butler to blame it on*
-blows up all Canadian news centers-
*evil grin*

Nixtrix -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/19/2006 21:47:19)

hello again Waker, i come with more questions that don't need an answer just yet so take your time.
Trust me, I have been taking my time ;)
1) on a scale of 1-10 how surprised were you that you were asked to become an AK?
2) What is your favorite school subject and why?
English. It is generally the most fun, and easiest for me.
3) Would you be surprised to see me show up at your house with a bag of gummy bears and a six pack of coke?
Err... is that a trick question?
4) Why do people ask random questions here rather than things like "why is the sky in AQ blue?" or "i'm a n00b, can u tell mi wher the Q&A is?"
Because they want my head to explode.
5) wow that last question went against my rant in the DC about how i hate people who type like thay... no i'm not a hypocrit
Heh. Wait... this isn't a question! :P
6) Think of a question to ask me and i'll answer it!
Umm... why is the world round? Funny thing is, the thread is locked, so you can't edit it back in :P
alright i'll leave this at 6 questions for you so you don't have to do much to answer mine
Hope you have a nice night/day depending on what time you answer this.
'Tis day. I decided to stay home all day, instead of going biking for hours, or something like that :P

Why is this question white?!
Its a mystery!

^ The question isn't white while I am editing! Muhaha!

i still find it weird that you have a Anchorman avatar yet your name is Waker of the Wind. Was Ron the true Waker of Wind or is Brick the true Waker... Also why did Brick have a grenade?
Ron was the true Waker. Brick has the grenade because of an extraordinary unspeakable unexplainable reason. In other words, who cares! :P

MajorSamus -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/19/2006 21:58:21)


I got you to come out of your shell, with a barrge of request/question.. eh?
Gah, not more questions!
And now, I'll start orginal:

So... You wake the wind, correct?
Favourtiy snack?
Party Mix
Hows it like being a person?
It has it's bad days.
You should know.. *Mumbles*
Heh, yep. Waker knows :)
What'ca thinks of Cuck Norris?
I'm not too sure i've heard of Cuck Norris. Is it a food? But then there's Chuck Norris, I don't see what is so special about him...
Sonic thinks he invented water.. XP
Pfft... Silly Sonic.
We ALL know Link did. =P
No way! Brick Tamland did!
A fan of the sires, no?
I know of "Sire" being 3 different things, so, no comment ;P
Favourity LoZ Game?
Orcarina of Time
Hows it like in Candaly Canda?
Ever see Red vs. Blue *Checks to See if Nickwright is here >.>*?
I used to watch them, but they aren't so amusing anymore...
If so, whats your favourtlying season?
Sadly, i have only seen the first season...
Star Wars? *Looks at Evo*
Yep, that's the name!
War Stars? *Looks at Ove =P*
Err... Stars usually aren't in wars!!
How you like living in a glass jar?
It is very comfortable
Roomy, eh?
I'll be ack! *Spelled wrong on purpose.. GoC would get it.. =P*
Uh oh. WoW does not get it though...
PS-- You shall like my Neaty siggy... *dissaperes*
Ah yes, teh neaty siggy...

Bnlk 789 -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/20/2006 4:12:57)

i just wanted to say hi
Hi :)

Finally, a post without so many questions! Thank you so much... :P

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