RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (Full Version)

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jamboza -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/20/2006 5:54:26)

again with the questions from jam man.
So... many....
Does corporal punishment work out for you?.
Not too well.
Do you have any arch nemisises?.
Wind of Waker. Instead of waking the wind, he is the wind that gets waked. Genious, eh?
Is it great that now you dont have to worry about getting yourself into trouble for mini modding?.
It surely is awesome ;)
What are your opinions of the terrorists?.
If swearing were allowed on the forums, you would know...
Would you ever go on a skateboard in a skatepark?.
I suck at skateboarding, so i would never try...
What type of helmet would look better on ned kelly?.
A box.
Would you ever walk into a primary school with a ballaclava on?.
Who wouldn't?
Do you ever worry about making the supermarket alarm go off when you enter the store after buying a subway?.
Not really. It's never happaned to me, and i hope it never will :P
Are you a dork or nerd?.
Neither. I'm just the least popular antagonist!
What do you think of when you hear Oddball and cueball.
Halo 2. Cueball has nothing to do with the game, but it still reminds me of it..
Besides oddball and cueball.

Would you ever fight?.
Depends on the situation
Is there more evil things than terrorism and vending machines that eat all your money and wont give the food/drink?.
Nothing is worse than those evil vending machines.
Which AK in your opinion is the most snuggable?.
DWeird, because he is a lamb.
Eh. Besides you. If you were in it it would be a hard competition for the others.
Would you laugh if bruce lee was demonstrating a crescent kick and his leg flew off?.
What is the most violent thing you have done?.
I threw a trident at a man on a horse. (If you haven't seen Anchorman, then you wouldn't get it [;)])
Would you state that men who wear short shorts are mental?.
I could think of a few better words..
What spices do you like the most?.
Pepper. I put it on everything...
Which admin do you like the most?.
Pae. She's a gecko.
Which mod do you like the most?.
Which AK do you like the most?.
Do you play pool often? (8-ball, 9-ball, Snooker, Billiards,Straight pool).
Say YES if you think these people can ACTUALLY get Brain freeze. and a funny comment if they cant.
Whatever floats your boat...
Enton senna.
Steve irwin.
David hasselhauf.
No, he is used to the cold water. Brain freeze is not possible.Paris hilton.
Arnold Scwarhchaenegger. (I have no idea how you spell it. His family must be chinese).
Nope. He doesn't have any feelings.
Peter brock.
Nope. He is too hot-headed! (That was horrible...)
Jenny craig.
Rowan atkinson.
He has too many emotions to tell.
Tom cruise.
Russel crowe.
Shane warne.
Ian thorpe.
Waker of wind.
Nope, he is too special.
George bush.
Nope. *insert horrible reason here*
Ice master yeti.
Of course not, he is the ICEmaster...
I think you mean MorgenstURN :P Yep, he can.
Do you dislike southpark?.
Yeah, I don't find thsat show funny at all.
Do you dislike family guy?.
Nope, it's a great show.
Do you dislike simpsons?.
I don't like it or dislike it. It kinda faded away from my watching list, but i don't really HATE it.
Your a busy anchorman.
I sure am
By the way. With your previous avatar. The guy who was yelling or something (with your title Ak with the lowest IQ I love the lamp).
Who was that person?.
Brick Tamland, also from the movie Anchorman :)

Which Mod/Ak/Admin do you want to meet the most?.
Icemaster Yeti, to see if he is really a Yeti XD
Ok well bye. Heh, bye ;)

Riyar -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/20/2006 12:46:25)

'k... does you enjoy the Q&A?

do you like cookies?
Of course

How did you choose that identity?
It was on for half price at Ebay

do you ever make typos?
Always. I try to fix them, unless they are obvious.

I'm too lazy to ask any more :p

well, thx for answering!
No problem!

FLCL. -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/20/2006 17:57:48)

i agree with you the best zelda game is OOC.
Yay :)
what forum colour do you have? (dark,blue,red and gold)
Bold Orange, the one that i answer with.

Reemer -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/20/2006 21:19:28)

Can I call you "Waker Texas Ranger"?
Yep, as long as "Chuck" or "Norris" is nowhere in the name ;)
End of questions.

froggy1111 -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/20/2006 21:21:42)

I can't wait for the twighlight princess to come out, can you?
I'm not TOO excited, but it will surely be a great game.
What do you think of mario?
Mario is first class gangsta.
Do you like pie?
Thank you for your time.
No prob. Bye :)

wiffy -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/20/2006 22:33:04)


are you my friend?
No way! :o

why aren't you my friend?[:(][:(]

Because I'm not allowed to have friends [;)]


you and i are Teh Pwnzorz!!!!
No way, only me!

why am i also not Teh Pwnzorz?[:(]

Umm... look! a bird!

[sob]goes to sob in a corner[/sob]
*passes wiffy some cake to cheer up*

renegade22 -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/20/2006 22:35:01) XDXDXD O.O Your birthday is the same as mine!!!
Yay :)
How did you become an AK?
Ice asked me.
Do like me?!
Umm... yep.
SHould I worship you?
Would I own you if there was PvP?
Nope, Waker would own you!
Whos better you/Evo/Icemaster Yeti?
Ice. He has more control that me and Evo... *thumbs down*

I got bored and decided to bother you with these questionsXD
Hoorah... ;)

Eternal Chaos -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/21/2006 20:40:16)

Hey Windy! Are you enjoying the AK-ness?
It's been great so far :)
I would assume that Wind Waker is your favorite Zelda game. Is that true? If not, what is your favorite game - and why? Personally, I really like Ocarina of Time. I'm not sure if Twilight Princess is out yet, but I want it. ;_; Gaah, I love Zelda games. =] I'm really excited about the new one coming out soon!
Orcarina of Time is my fav too. My name just popped up in my mind when I was joining, so i have no excuse ;) I simply find Orcarina of Time more interesting than the others...
Did you know that Evo is secretly your worst enemy? Why, you ask? Because I said so. [;)]
Oh no, really? I better start sending PMs with flaming! :P
Do you like strawberries? 'Cuz I like strawberries! (If you don't like strawberries, then you're in big trouble, mister. *Glare*)
Strawberries! <3
Any sports you enjoy playing?
Mostly Soccer, Football, and Wakeboarding.
Why do you feel that you are 'pwnz0rz'?
'Cause I'm just that special
Does leet speak also make your ears bleed?
Y-E-S. I think it is like that for 99.9% of the forum members ;)
Who's more strict - you or Evo? O_o
Im as strict as they get >.<
Gahahaha. you like cake? :D
I baked a cake yesterday :P lol, cake is awesome.
Well that's all the time I have for now! *runs over to Paxia* Byebyes!
Bye, Have fun in Paxia ;)

sucker123 -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/21/2006 22:24:55)

Got milk?
Want a cookie?
My name is Ron in real ^^!
Cool. is your last name Burgundy? ;)
Are you sure you can really wake the wind? O.o

Anchorman is a phony!(he uses his phone too much)
Silly Anchorman, tricks are for kids.
Yep im done hope you enjoyed my random comments/questions ^^
Well, they haven't been that random compared to some other posts ;)

Gerard uth mondar -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/22/2006 7:09:07)

G'day your windiness. Ima back[:D][:D]
Uh oh O.o

If nothing sticks to teflon, How does teflon stick to the pan?
the pan is considered as "nothing".
Why does superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when a revolver is thrown at him?
He is afraid that it will hit him in the eye.
If at first you don't succeed, Don't take up sky diving.
How do those dead bugs get in those enclosed light fixtures?
Bugs have teleporting technology, much better than anything humans can create.
Why do Kamikaze piolets wear helmets?
Safety always comes first!
Why do they sterelize needles for lethal injection?
Again, safety always comes first :P
Whos idea was it to put an "S" in the word lisp?
Weird Al, of course.
And my favourite.

The statistics on sanity shows that one out of every 4 persons is suffering from some sort of mental illness. Think of your three best friends, if they're ok, then it's you. (no Offense)[:D]
Lol [;)]

Frozen Fire -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/22/2006 9:20:39)

Mehehehe... Feel the icy (and sometimes warm) wrath of Frozen Fire!!!Crazy questions are in red, and serious Qs are in blue.

1. Do you enjoy being a Mod?

You mean Archknight, and it's been great ;)
2.What's your favorite pizza topping?
Pepperoni and double bacon :D
3.What's your favorite pokemon?
I don't really have a favourite, because i'm not a huge fan.
4.Who's that guy in yar avatar?
Ron Burgundy, legendary Anchorman :P
5.How did you become a mod? EXPLANATIONS SHOULD BE IN DETAIL. (see my wrath!!!)
I got asked to become an Archknight.
6.Cookies dipped into mud or an apple with lotsa' worms??
The apple. Worms are tasty, especially warmed up.
7.Do you have a girlfriend? (you can tell but if you dont want, i'm ok with that. My wrath is "loosened")
Yep, for 4 months now. I've also had 3 other girlfriends before this ;)
8.If you have a mega-ultra-super-gaduper-duper bazooka, who will you "shoot" first?

The whole world. Muhahaha!
9.If you have the power to transform to any animal, what animal will you be?
A liger.
10.Do you believe in magic?

11. If you can create your own clan, what will be its name?
The level 15- n00bs.
12.If you can get any old rare, what will you get?
Eye of Carnax
13.What's your favorite AQ battle combo?
I prefer Obsidian Cloak + NmS + whatever weapon would be best against the monster. Undead Mutant is always the best ;)
14.What's your fave element?

15.Who you like better: NightBane,WolfWing,Safiria, or Were King?
My Frozen mind cant think of any questions right now, so ill add more tomorrow.

EDIT: I'm back!!! Whahahahaha!!! *cough cough*

16.What kind of school do you go to? (Public/Private)
17.How cool is meh name? 1-10. (if you say 1, ill summon 300 armies of twinuses (twig+linus))

1.... *gets attacked by army* I mean 10! 10!!!
18. What clan you like most?
Including the new clans that are in the Explore Paxia quest, I like Lucian and Igneus. Can't decide.
19.Am I kind?
Very kind
20.What's your fave RPG? (aside from AQ)
Fable. I can't wait until Fable II comes out :)
21.Are you superstious?

Nope. Superstition is just crazy.
22. When was yar first kiss?
Probably when I was about an hour old, my mom (lol). Other than that, I can't remember...

shaonic200 -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/22/2006 12:19:54)

I've seen the movie Anchorman, its pretty good
Not just "pretty good". AWESOME :P
Can you eat Guardian Dragon?
I tried once, but it didn't work out well. It's too hard to fry him.
Wanna cookie with pizza on top?
(Dumb questions, and not many O_o)
Oh well, that is good on my part ;)

Ash The Phantom -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/22/2006 14:14:41)

Yo Waker of Wind!
Do you enjoy being an AK?
Yep, it's great.
What's your favorite food and color?
Food - bacon. Colour - blue.
How long have you been an AK?
Since Aug 22nd
How long have you played AQ for?
I created my very first account in late 2003. I forgot the password of it though... I also took a huge break from playing AQ between late 2004 and late 2005.
That's it! Nice talking to you!
Bye, nice talking to you too :)

syzergy -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/22/2006 18:50:21)

hi WOW lol waker of wind spelles WOW
Yep, it does :P
hmmm i have seen you around the forums but im not shure were...
how do you be "helpfull" or "creative" do you like make a suggestion cuz i have a good one i think ill go post it.
Much more than that. My thoughts would be to create great guides, make very thoughtful posts (VERY thoughtful, like paragraphs regarding the topic), and simply be helpful around the forums. As far as creative, you could try making a truly awesome gallery in GoCA. There are many awesome gallerys in that forum, but still not many members get the title. Prove that you deserve the title more than others. Also, a Helpful/Creative title has't been given out for a very long time, so there is a very low chance that it will happen ;)
oh i have a question. i posted in the suggestions thread like 5 month ago can i post again?
You can only have one thread in the Suggestions board, regardless of how old other ones are.
and do you like my sig?

Agent47 -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/22/2006 22:25:43)

when do you think ill be a mod?
Seeming how mods almost never get chosen, i'll have to say never ;)

my name unfourtanetly is to close to pzychos please try to change?
I can't. If you want to change your name, Pm Reens with a good reason why.

do you wanna be a mod?
That would be nice, but I doubt it will ever happen.

if not ill trade with you?
am I crazy?
Kinda :P
my brother is crazy and annoying what do I do?
Non-violent way: Flick him on the nose.

today I TURN 18?
Happy Birthday![sm=bdaysmile.gif] (Kinda late though. I edited this over a week after you posted it..)

FlameSamurai -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/23/2006 1:13:24)

If I stole all your wind what would you wake?
I would cry, because there would be nothing to wake.
Can I call you Papa Smurf (rofl)
Sure ;)
Why does everyone keep offering pizza and cookies?
Because everyone in the world is crazy, including us! :P
Have you ever considered tossing your computer across the room?
Once, but it didn't happen.
If you could be Artix for a day..
I would erase the whole AQ database, then run for the hills. (Bwahahaha!)

dragonslayingpaladin -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/23/2006 10:03:07)

im just here to say hello you have better stuff to do in the forums then asnwer trivial questions lol [:D]
Hello. Yeah, that's a good point [;)]

ShadowKnight80 -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/23/2006 10:08:13)

Waker of wind....
Do you like tacos,
do you like salami
I lika tacos & salami
Cool :)
would you dive into a bowl of yogurt if you could?
Depends what kind of yogurt it is.
Do you like fish tacos?
I dont like fish that much >.<

Mithos -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/23/2006 10:41:04)

Hello WoW!
I'm from the UK! What do you think of the english?
Looks great
How often are you on the forums in a day?
I try to get on for at least an hour each day, but it all depends if I am busy in real life.
What is the meaning of life?
An Armegoggon comes your way. What do you do?
Kill him with a Grass Blade
What's your favourite weapon on AQ?
Cryo Crystal Shard, even though I sold it...
Why do you like that weapon?
The odd look, and the fact thatit is a holiday rare :)
That's all for now! See ya! *sets Anchorman DVD on fire XD*

Vivi -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/23/2006 10:54:26)

!Mood fo snoitseuq sdrawkcab

naw, i wouldn't do that to ya. the headaches would never end, would they?
so, what was the question limit again? i could've swore it was 30, but you took it down >.>
Yeah, it was 30, but I decided to just forgot about it ;)
i asked 10 before, so i'll ask some more now. kay?
can fire spontaneously combust?
If there is fuel for the fire, then yes.
you're at a fancy resturant and realize you don't have your wallet. how do you get out of paying the bill?
By jumping through the window.
you and a rabbit are on opposite sides of the room. a hole is in the middle. both of you sprint for it. why exactly are you competing with a rabbit and what's in the hole?
The rabbit is my arch nemesis, and there is a bomb in the hole. I would just decide to let the rabbit win.
you have been challenged to a duel by vengeful computer nerds for turning the lights on. what do you use as a weapon?
I would use a photograph that doesn't have a picture of a computer on it. Nerds must be scared of that O.o
you accidentally start a grease fire while cooking dinner. what do you use to put it out?
None of those. I would use grease, of course.
a. water
b. the fire extinguisher
c. baking soda
d. your aunt geraldine

there is an infinite number of possible numbers between any two integers. so which is there more numbers between, 2 and 3 or 4 and 7?
Neither, it's infinite no matter what.
okay then, i think i'm done (again). so...bai bai!

CrazyDude2394 -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/23/2006 18:53:03)

Hello Waker of Wind,
Are you glad to be Archknightinized?
Very glad
How does it feel to be an AK?
Do you enjoy beign one?
I got this question from an earlier post(first page): Do you like any other 3 Days Grace songs? If you do, which ones?
I like any song from their first album. All the other songs, bah.
Pizza or Pie?
Beef or Steak?
Ham or Bacon?
Fudge or Milk Chocolate?
Milk Chocolate
Hot Dog or Hamburger?
Pink or Purple? lol :)
End of Questions?
Looks like it

X~Zaros~X -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/23/2006 19:07:25)


Pssshhhhhhhtttt can i have a doller
do you like nautica clan?
are you in a clan
On game, yes. On forum, no.
do you think the new clans J made are kewl
Very cool
whats your moms middle name
I'll keep that disclosed ;)
how old is your dad
do you shave?
will you give me a lolli P0P?
*gives Zaros a lollipop*
do you like rap?
I hate it

The King Oz -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/23/2006 19:53:14)

are you a boy?Errr or a girl?
whats the most unlikely thing that has happened to you?
A snake fell out of a tree and landed on my shoulder. Lucky for me, it wasn't poisonous... (What are the chances of that?)
what do you play in the computer besides AQ,AK,DF?
I enjoy playing the Age of Empires series, aswell as Age of Mythology.
if you were to choose an element that is your favourite,what is it?
^^are you tired answering all these questions?(not mines,the other users)^^
[:)]It was nice of you to listen to me.[:)]
No problem. Bye :)

Eddie Mynx -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/23/2006 22:02:18)

Kia Ora!
I'm guessing that means "Hi" [;)]
First of all...NZ bacon is better than Canadian bacon!!!!!!!!!
No way!
What would you give the movie Anchorman on a scale of 1 to 5? Id give it 4 cuz its a cool movie.
Are you part of the secret cult of AKs planning to take over the world?
*resists revealing the secret cult*
Whats sound better to you, a pet moglin or a pet frogzard?
Pet Frogzard. Frogs could take over the world if they wanted to.

gastria -> RE: Meet the Archknight - Waker of Wind! (9/24/2006 0:30:56)

Hmm... I've never done one of these before...

Well, on to the questions!

1. Yay! Blue is also your favorite color! But what is your 47.393 favorite color?
Err... blue also ;)
2. Which elemental combo would you pick out of these choices: fire/ice, water/wind, SHADOW/LIGHTNING!!!!!!!, Darkness/light, earth/poison?
Since shadow/lightning is in caps and has exclamation marks after it, I guess your expecting me to say shadow/lightning
3. Guess which one of the above I like best!
Water/Wind, Of course!
4. Do you know what a Fenik Fox is?
No clue
5. If so, do you like them?
no comment...
6. If you could do anything, would you:
A. Destroy the world while cackling evilly
B. Enslave the world while cackling evilly
C. Enslave the world, then forcefully force the AQ staff to make a new uber set just for you that you got to name, and create all the stats for, while cackling evilly
D. Go eat pie (while cackling evilly?)
Pie while cackling evilly sounds best

7. Did you choose G on the above question?
G just didn't seem like the right choice
8. Who makes better Fettucini Alfredo, my Dad or my Grandpa?
Your grandpa
9. Am I EVIL!!!!!! (Vwa ha ha ha...)
Yep, you certianly are.
10. Are you afraid of me?
11. If so... I have trained you well...
12. If you were trying (foolish mortal!) to stop me from taking over the world with an army of leeches, what would you do?
I would send the liches in all at once, then sit at home and play my Flute.
13. Are you afraid yet?
14. How about now?
Well, I think I will finsh up with two more! On your mark... get set... GOOOO!!!!!!

15. If I told you that I had started a cult that worshipped me, my partner in EVIL!!!, and three Aardvark gods/goddess named Kradvaa (evil), Aardvark (neutral), and Kravdraa (Good), and that they each had their own holidays once every month, and that my friend and I (we are in 8th grade) kidnap 10th graders and sell them into slavery for money, would you be afraid of us?
Nope, everything seems normal here
16. Seeing as how all of that is true (besides the cult thing), are you afraid of us? (woohoo, selling highschoolers into slavery is fun! Too bad the teachers let them go free after paying us... Vwa ha ha ha!!!!!!!)
Hmm... nah.
Well, hope you had "fun" answering my questions! Good job becoming an AK and have fun changing the rules! (did I say that out loud!?!?)
Yes..."fun" [;)] Thanks, and I think i'll go erase the Rules (did i say that out loud?!?)

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