Dragoon23 -> RE: Gorgonzilla Costume (Perm) (11/19/2012 14:51:08)
[img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/AQPedia2/Quests/Mogloween.jpg[/img][img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/paebgcgdy/BattleOn/Guardian.png[/img] [img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/paebgcgdy/BattleOn/Rare.png[/img] Gorgonzilla Costume « Mid-offensive Water armour. Comes with a Fire Skill that can poison.» Level: 145 Power Level: 148 MP Level: 147 Price: 39,176,181 Gold Sellback: 19,588,090 Gold Location: Mogloween - Pumpkin Golems! Element: Water COMBAT DEFENCE Melee: +55 Ranged: +50 Magic: +55 ELEMENT MODIFIERS Fire: 81% Water: 41% Wind: 88% Ice: 81% Earth: 81% Energy: 95% Light: 88% Darkness: 88% ATTACK Hits: 1 Element: «As Weapon» Type: «As Weapon» Damage: 612.00% Base, 612.00% Random, and 1,211.63% Stats BTH: 18 plus Stats Rate: 100% SKILL Bleu-tonium Blast! Hits: 2 Type: If STR+DEX >= INT*3/2 or if STR/5+DEX/20 > INT/4, then it's Ranged; else, it's Magic. Element: Fire Damage: 78 - 235 plus 494.54% Stats each BTH: 37 plus Stats each Cost if Ranged: 375 SP Cost if Magic: 469 SP - On each hit, the monster makes a save:
Level: 148 vs MonsterLvl Major: YourEND vs MonsterEND Minor: YourLUK vs MonsterLUK - At the end of the attack, if it failed either save, then it becomes Poisoned* (5 rounds; power = [# of failed saves]*1.22449; Fire element; level = 148).
- If the monster is already Poisoned and the current Poison's level is greater than or equal to the 148, the monster takes a [Previous Penalty]-5 penalty to its save. If it fails** the save, then the new poison's power is equal to:
[Current Poison Power]*(1 + ([Current Poison's Original Duration] - [Current Poison Duration])/100)/[Current Poison Duration]/2 + (50 + [Total Save Bonus from the Save])*10/[Current Poison Duration]/2 - The duration of the poison is unaffected.
- If the monster is already Poisoned with a level higher than 148, then none of these effects apply.
- The armour isn't Mastercraft; the fact that it uses END on the save is enough.
*The opponent can't stand the radioactive cheese! It gets radiation poisoning **The opponent's radiation poisoning gets worse! ***A powerful built-in Fire attack that can give the monster radiation poisoning! ****You need «» SP to call forth that power! DESCRIPTION The giant Gorgonzilla is a popular costume to wear on Mogloween. For some reason, Gorgonzilla's ability to hurl radioactive cheese from his mouth is passed on to you too! [img]http://media.artix.com/encyc/AQ/AQPedia/Armours/Gorgonzilla_Costume.gif[/img] Numbers thanks to In Media Res. Write Up Template thanks in part to Suikoman444.