Cat Up A Tree (Full Version)

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AceOfHearts -> Cat Up A Tree (10/24/2006 21:12:54)

[image][/image]Cat Up A Tree

Location: Grams' Pet Shop / Aria's Pet Shop (All Versions) -> Grams / Aria -> Pet Quests -> Click the fourth paw print -> (Redo) Quest
Level/Quest/Items required: Level 3, Dragon Amulet, Completion of Taming Snailmail, Snailmail unlocked
Release Date: August 30th, 2006

Objective: The Pathstalker is a moody natural-born-hunter, but once you have earned its trust, it is a very loyal pet.
Objective completed: The Pathstalker is a moody natural-born-hunter, but once you have earned its trust, it is a very loyal pet.

Scaled Yes/No: Yes

(1) Gorillaphant - Boss




*You are in a forest; nearby, you find a Gorillaphant attempting to reach something in a tree.*

???: *Mrowwwr* *HISSSS*
<Character>: Is that a cat? HEY YOU BIG GORILLA... PHANT, Leave that poor cat-thing alone!
<Character>: Try picking on someone slightly closer to your own size!

*After defeating the Gorillaphant, the Pathstalker jumps down from the tree.*

<Character>: There you go my little friend. That big mean Gorillaphant won't bother you anymore.
Pathstalker: Mrowwwwwwww *purr purr*
<Character>: Awwww. What a sweet kitty!
Pathstalker: *Hack Hack cough* *WHURF!*
<Character>: Ew. Hairball. Wait... is that... is that Moglin fur?
Pathstalker: *BIG GRIN* *pur purrrrrr*

  • Roll! Push me! - rolls a value between 0 and 100, boosted by player's CHA and LUK.

    Tame PathStalker
    Need 50 or better

    If you are successful:
  • Continue
    Pathstalker: *purrrrrrrrrrrrrr!*
    <Character>: Yay! You like me. Now I have a use for my Ball-Of-Yarn collection!

  • Complete Quest

    If you are unsuccessful:
  • Continue
    <Character>: DRAT! I was so looking forward to having your fur all over every single thing that I own.

  • Exit Quest

    Other information
  • Successful completion of this quest unlocks Pathstalker temporary pet in Grams' Pet Shop / Aria's Pet Shop (All Versions).
  • Pop-up headline during the quest:

  • You hear a loud ruckus from the next frame!

  • Next Up: Stump Hunting

    Thanks to
  • PaperClip OF DOOM for initial entry reformat.
  • Stephen Nix for banner.
  • Jay, Peachii, and Slayer Zach for corrections.

  • Page: [1]

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